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The Rosary

Madonna of the Rosary
Caravaggio - Madonna of the Rosary - 1605

Most people understand that this world has changed dramatically in a short amount of time. Most know that it is not for the better, and it seems to be growing worse by the day. What can we do to protect ourselves spiritually and otherwise? Our Lady says, “The Rosary.”  I believe her.

Our Lady has given us guidance over the past years in her personal messages. One is listed below:


Locutions to the World  –  April 9, 2011

I give you the Rosary. The Rosary will link you to one another and will chain you to me. Yes, chain you to me with chains of love which will never be broken.

Entire books have been written on this subject by people disconnected from one another all across the globe. If we do not take their advice then peace in rough times may not be ours.

We can not receive the benefits from that which we do not practice.

Our Lady of the Rosary
Our Lady of the Rosary

15 Promises are given to us by the Trinity through Our Lady.  These are very important and not to be overlooked or forgotten.

The Complete Mysteries with downloadable and printable text for your use.

The Virgin In Prayer - How to Pray the Rosary

A Complete and Comprehensive guide to praying the Rosary. Learn the Structure then spend just a few minutes daily to familiarize yourself the Rosary.   

Which days are the different mysteries to be prayed on?  Find out here.

Our printable and downloadable guides to all four mysteries can be found here.  

The Rosary for Protection

Below are excerpts from the Book of Truth messages containing “Holy Rosary.”  The Virgin Mary and Jesus himself author these messages.  Most of these messages emphasize using the Rosary as protection and you can understand this by just reading the excerpts.  We would be wise to heed their warning.  Click the links in blue to access the entire message.

Global Power, The Anti-Christ And Mark Of The Beast

Excerpt: Pray for protection through the recital of the Most Holy Rosary, given to you with blessings from My beloved Mother. This prayer must be said to help protect you from the evil one, on the one hand. On the other hand, you must ask for protection for those people with whom you come into contact, so that they cannot contaminate you or diffuse the faith you hold in your heart for Me.


Warning Of Nuclear War

Excerpt: Pray for protection through the recital of the Most Holy Rosary, given to you with blessings from My beloved Mother. This prayer must be said to help protect you from the evil one, on the one hand. On the other hand, you must ask for protection for those people with whom you come into contact, so that they cannot contaminate you or diffuse the faith you hold in your heart for Me.


The Great Tribulation

Excerpt:  But please, please pray the Holy Rosary and My Divine Mercy, at all times, to help ease and avert some of these disasters.


All Christians Repent Now, Catholics Pray For Pope Benedict

Excerpt:  Pray the Holy Rosary to seek protection from the evil one.


Wake Up To The Truth Before It Is Too Late

Excerpt:  The Holy Rosary is especially effective against Satan because of the powers given to the Blessed Virgin, My Mother, by God the Eternal Father. She has tremendous power over the deceiver. He is powerless against her and he knows this. If you allow My Holy Mother to guide you towards the graces she can intercede for, on your behalf, then you will be immune to his influence.


New World Order Plan To Control Your Money And Food

Excerpt:  Pray, pray all of you, My Divine Mercy and the Most Holy Rosary, every day, as often as you can to alleviate the impact of this devious and demonic plan. Pray too for those souls who will be lost in the imminent global ecological disasters brought about by the Hand of God the Father. They need your prayers.


Wrath Of God To Descend On New World Order

Excerpt:  Prayer, especially the recital of the Divine Mercy, will spread conversion, and by saying the Holy Rosary this will dilute the work of these evil parasites whose idol is Satan. The interesting thing is this. Many of these fanatics caught up in this deceitful web, believe they are being simply ambitious with a natural desire for wealth, and do not hold any religious beliefs. What they don’t know is that they are being deceived by Satan and are influenced by him daily, in their thoughts, aspirations, words and deeds. How blind they are.


Satan Is Wreaking Havoc In The World But His Days Are Short Now

Excerpt:  Pray, pray, pray that his strength will diminish. Especially pray the Holy Rosary, for that is the prayer that will crush Satan.


Message From Virgin Mary Regarding Protection Of Saints

Excerpt:  Praying my Most Holy Rosary each day is important, for it will protect you from the evil one. St. Benedict has been assigned to you at all times to protect you from the attacks from the deceiver. This is why the worst ones have been kept away from you. Pray to him daily, my child, for this continued protection.


Why God, The Eternal Father, Is Sending New Prophets Into The World

Excerpt:  While ecological disasters will occur, please remember that prayer including the recital of the Holy Rosary and the Divine  Mercy will help avert much of it. Remember, My cherished children, that you who believe in Me and My Eternal Father and who follow My instructions have nothing to fear. Also let Me remind you that because of the two great Acts of Mercy being given to you – the Gift of the Holy Spirit, which burst upon the entire world a few days ago and the Great Warning, millions will be converted to the Truth. This will be a great miracle, and one which will bring joy to the multitudes.


Hand Me Over Your Troubles And I Will Ease Your Burden

Excerpt:  Let Me remind all My children, everywhere, to recite My Divine Mercy Chaplet, every single day. Pray too, and I include all Christian faiths, the Holy Rosary – to My beloved Mother, for this powerful prayer will weaken Satan’s power over My children.


Mary: Satan Loses His Power When My Rosary Is Recited

Excerpt:  Tell people to pray my Most Holy Rosary, even non-Catholics, for this is the greatest weapon against the influence of the deceiver, who groans in pain when it is said. His power is weakened when my children say this prayer. The more my children pray the Holy Rosary the more souls can be saved.


Do Not Be Frightened, Conversion Will Create A Great Sense Of Love And Peace

Excerpt:  So please never forget to pray the Holy Rosary and the Divine Mercy, for both combined will help wipe out much of this pending evil. Go now do not fear.


Why God, The Eternal Father, Is Sending New Prophets Into The World

Excerpt:  While ecological disasters will occur, please remember that prayer including the recital of the Holy Rosary and the Divine  Mercy will help avert much of it. Remember, My cherished children, that you who believe in Me and My Eternal Father and who follow My instructions have nothing to fear. Also let Me remind you that because of the two great Acts of Mercy being given to you – the Gift of the Holy Spirit, which burst upon the entire world a few days ago and the Great Warning, millions will be converted to the Truth. This will be a great miracle, and one which will bring joy to the multitudes.


Virgin Mary: Pray For My Protection All Over The World

Excerpt:  The deceiver’s work is increasing and spreading like wildfire, the evil control you see all around you is being managed by him and his army of demons. They cause much suffering and pain in the world. Praying my Most Holy Rosary will stop him from causing the damage he intends to inflict on this world.


Virgin Mary: You Will Come Under Huge Scrutiny And Attack

Excerpt:  Continue in your obedience to my Son and try and become joyful as you accept the suffering He allows for the salvation of souls. You must keep saying the Holy Rosary every day and pray with me so souls can be saved.


You, My Children, Are Blessed If You Suffer In My Name

Excerpt:  Try to rise above these difficulties and keep Me in your thoughts all the time. Pray to My beloved Mother for protection and recite the Holy Rosary as often as you can.


Virgin Mary: My Gift To Defeat And Destroy The Serpent

Excerpt:  Pray, pray, pray and recite my Holy Rosary for it is the most powerful weapon to keep Satan away from destroying your life.


Virgin Mary: My Rosary Can Save Nations

Excerpt:  My children must never forget the power of my Holy Rosary.

It is so powerful that it renders the deceiver useless. He can do nothing to you, or your family, when you recite this daily.


Virgin Mary: Nuclear War Involving Iran Being Plotted

Excerpt:  Great evils, including abortion, euthanasia, prostitution and sexual perversities, are beginning to weaken in the world now.

Pray, pray, pray my Most Holy Rosary, children, in groups, if possible everywhere.


Virgin Mary Calls For Day Of Prayer And Fasting To Prepare For The Warning

Excerpt:  You, my child must ask all of the followers of these divine messages to allocate tomorrow Tuesday 31 January 2012 as a special day of prayer.

On this day you must recite the Most Holy Rosary and the Divine Mercy prayer.

Where possible everyone must try and fast during this day. In this way more souls, especially those in mortal sin, at the time of death can be saved by the mercy of my beloved Son Jesus Christ.


Virgin Mary: When You Say Rosary You Can Help Save Your Nation

Excerpt:  Never forget the importance of my most Holy Rosary because when you say it every day you can help save your nation.

Satan’s power is weakened when you say my Rosary. He runs away in great pain and becomes powerless. It is most important, no matter what Christian faith you belong to, to say this at least once a day.

So many people do not accept me, their Blessed Mother.

Like my Son I am rejected, scorned, insulted and demeaned. Yet, by asking for my help I can bring souls right to the Sacred Heart of my Son, Jesus Christ.


Virgin Mary: Pray That Nuclear War Can Be Averted In Iran

Excerpt:  My Holy Rosary can, when recited by saying all the mysteries in one prayer, prevent war children.

Unite now for one day and recite my Holy Rosary to stop this nuclear war which is now being planned.

Pray for those poor souls, not just in Iran but in countries who become embroiled unwittingly.


Virgin Mary: Recite Rosary Across All Nations Between Now And Easter Sunday.

Excerpt:  As the wars are now being plotted it is important that my Holy Rosary be recited every day before Easter.

Children if you could devote each day of the week to my Holy Rosary with every Friday to saying the four mysteries, between now and Easter, much destruction in the world can and will be mitigated.


Tell Humanity That All Is Now In My Most Holy Hands

Excerpt:  Your prayers, children, have been very powerful and especially those of you who recite My Crusade Prayers, My Divine Mercy and the Holy Rosary, daily.

Already they have delayed and prevented a nuclear war, saved millions of souls from the fires of Hell as well as prevented many earthquakes.


Virgin Mary: Ask My Children To Do One Day Of Fasting On Good Friday To Prevent One World Currency

Excerpt:  My child, you must tell all those who have encouraged souls everywhere to recite my Holy Rosary every Friday up to Easter, that I am most pleased.


Virgin Mary: The Time For Me To Crush The Serpent Is Drawing Nearer

Excerpt:  Always remember how important prayer is.

Pray, pray, pray for without prayer, especially the recital of my Holy Rosary, Satan can pull you away from the Holy Word of my Precious Son.


Virgin Mary: I Revealed These Atrocities To The Little Children Melanie And Maximin At La Salette

Excerpt:  The knowledge being revealed to you children through these messages is to help you prepare.

Never feel you, as God’s army, will not be able to withstand the evil regime about to show itself in the world shortly.

Always remember the power of My Holy Rosary.

Always remember the power of My Father is the greatest power of all.

No power is so strong that it can defeat the most Glorious Power of God.


Mother Of Salvation: Pray For Christian Churches So They Will Be Given The Graces To Defend Their Faith.

Excerpt:  Pray, pray, pray for the Christian Churches on earth so that they will be given the graces to defend their Faith.

Never give up hope children for once you pledge allegiance to My Son and pray for strength your prayers will be answered.

Today I ask that you continue with the Conversion Crusade Prayers and the recital of the Most Holy Rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet.


Virgin Mary: I Can, With My Son, Give You The Graces And The Circle Of Protection Which No Fallen Angel Can penetrate.

Excerpt:  Satan cannot harm or attack all those who say my Holy Rosary every day.

By reciting three or more Rosaries you can extend this protection for others. If even a hundred people could do this they could save their nation from the contamination spread by the evil one.


Virgin Mary: As The Mother Of Salvation, My Last Title From Heaven, Let Me Help You.

Excerpt:  You must never forget to say My Beloved Mother’s Holy Rosary for it offers a ring of protection against Satan.


Don’t You Know That You Are Nothing Without Me? An Empty Vessel, Which Nothing Can Satisfy

Excerpt:  Always remember how important prayer is.

Pray, pray, pray for without prayer, especially the recital of my Holy Rosary, Satan can pull you away from the Holy Word of my Precious Son.


The Antichrist Will Claim He Is Me, Jesus Christ.

Excerpt:  The evil one, through his false prophets, will never tell you to pray to the Holy Spirit or receive the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist.

He will never admit that I, Jesus, the Son of Man came as the Messiah in the flesh to redeem man from sin.

He will never ask or encourage you to say the Holy Rosary or show allegiance to My beloved Mother.

Be on your guard. Stay awake and only follow My instructions.


Virgin Mary: When I Waited With The Apostles In The Cenacle For The Descent Of The Holy Spirit It Took Ten Days Of Preparation


My child, it took me a full year to prepare you and this was no easy feat. Do you remember how hard you found it to say my Holy Rosary? How hard you found it to surrender your will and to prove your humility?


Virgin Mary: There Is A Wonderful Future Ahead For All Of God’s Children


Be on your guard every day and never forget the protection that my Holy Rosary offers against Satan.

I encourage all souls, all religions, to recite my Holy Rosary every day. When you do this the evil one will avoid you and leave you for he cannot withstand the pain he endures when My Rosary is recited especially when said aloud.


There Are Only Three Ways To Protect Yourselves From The Evil One

Excerpt:  The second way is through the daily devotion to My Mother who has been given the power to crush Satan. Her Holy Rosary is an important shield, which will cover you and your family away from his evil eye.


The False Prophet Has Already Planned How He Will Take Over The Ministries Within The Catholic Church

Excerpt:  My followers, you must not listen to those who try to stop your prayers. You must ask, what man of God would prevent the recital of prayers, the recital of My Divine Mercy Chaplet or the recital of the Holy Rosary? The answer is that any man who tries to stop you from praying, even though he dresses in the robes of a sacred servant, must not be trusted.

These are dangerous times for My true prophets who will always be rejected. This is how you will know who they are.


Virgin Mary: All Those Who Promote Abortion And Who Are Responsible For It Being Introduced Are Guilty Of Mortal sin


Countries who condone abortion will suffer greatly by the Hand of God. Their countries will weep when their punishment is witnessed. All those responsible for the introduction of such a vile act will need much prayer.

My child, it is important that everyone recites My Holy Rosary every Friday until the last week in January 2013 to stop the spread of abortion.

Every child murdered in the womb becomes an angel in My Father’s Kingdom. They pray, every day, for each mother who intervened knowingly and without hesitation to end the life of the child within her. Their prayers are being used to salvage the souls of their Mothers.


Virgin Mary: The Day I Brought The World A Saviour, It Changed The Destiny Of Humanity


This is the time of the deluge; this time for swift and sudden change. As wars will break out, and a great war emerges from the ashes, God’s Plan will increase in its pace to awaken His Presence amongst all nations and all races.

My child, I plead with you to pray the most Holy Rosary as I weep today. My tears, which you have just witnessed are for those souls who will not acknowledge my Son. It is those Christians who say that they accept Jesus Christ, as Saviour, and who insult Him, by not praying to Him, who sadden Him the most.

The spread of atheism is like a dreadful epidemic sweeping the earth. God has not been forgotten, instead, His Existence is being deliberately ignored. His laws banned from your countries. His Churches not honoured. His sacred servants too timid and not courageous enough to proclaim His Holy Word.


Prayer Will, And Can, Save Humanity


The power of prayer and, especially, the recital of the Holy Rosary, which renders the beast impotent, cannot be underestimated. To save more souls you must also recite the Divine Mercy Chaplet.


Mother Of Salvation: Say My Rosary For All Those Who Rule In Rome


I must urge you, dear children, to remain strong and faithful to the Holy Word of God, for the sake of my Son. He, my beloved Son, hangs His Head in agony as He watches the horror as His Church crumbles before Him.

Please pray for hope and say my Holy Rosary every day for all those who rule in Rome. You must pray for all those who run the Catholic Church. Please include the man who sits in the Chair of Peter, for he is in great need of your prayers.

Pray that he will accept the Truth of the death of my Son on the Cross and that he will open his heart to my Son’s pleas for mercy for all God’s children.


The Time For The Division Is Soon And You Must Prepare


Every slander, every lie, every wicked objection to these, My Holy Messages for the world, will be your cross to bear for the next ten days. Not for one moment will you be allowed, My followers, to rest, to pray, or to contemplate upon My Most Holy Word.

Be aware that without the protection of the Holy Rosary, which must be said daily, that you will leave yourselves open to doubts, which do not come from Me.

The time for the division is soon and you must prepare. I wish to give you a special grace to help you to withstand the persecution and the pressures, which will be placed upon you, to encourage you to withdraw from My Messages. It will take great faith, trust and nerves of steel, to focus on My Holy Word, and so, you must say this Crusade Prayer, once a day, from now on. Crusade Prayer (102) To sustain faith and belief in God’s Message for the world



Mother Of God: When God’s Children Are Misled By Lies, They Will Become Separated From Him

Excerpt:  Remember that I, the Mother of God, protect all of those who call on me. My protection is for all people, all religions. When you say my Holy Rosary daily, you are given every kind of protection and you will be able to uphold the Truth, the Holy Word of God.

Anyone in my Son’s Church on earth, who leads the people, who cannot recite the Holy Rosary before his congregation, does not come from God.


The Plague Will Be More Widespread Than AIDS


 Don’t you know what created this diversion? By missing just a day of Eucharist Adoration, you were taken and abused in My Name, without protecting yourself as I have instructed. My instruction is that you continue to come before Me daily, and to recite the most Holy Rosary, so that My Mother can cover you with the protection you need in this Work.


I, The Mother Of God, Will Destroy The Power Of The Evil One, In The Hearts Of Those Who Call On Me


Those who claim to honour me through my Most Holy Rosary and then say wicked things about my Son, by declaring His Messages to be lies, insult my Son and dishonor me. My Most Holy Rosary, when said slowly and from the heart, will open your hearts to the Truth of this Mission. You must never give up hope, even if you are not given the Gift of discernment. It will be given to you, if you ask me to consecrate your soul into the care of my Son. If this is done with a simple and humble spirit, my Son will reward you with the Gift of the Holy Spirit.


Mother Of Salvation: What I Witnessed Could Never Be Put Down On Paper, So Vile Were The Cruelties Inflicted Upon His Divine Body


So please understand that when my Son increases your suffering and when He truly suffers within you, that this is a Grace, which you must not reject. Embrace it. You will understand soon how powerful this is. When my Son manifests His Wounds within the body of a chosen soul, it brings with it a terrible persecution. This is when the evil one attacks in a serious and violent rage. You will be frightened at first, but now that you understand, you will accept this and simply protect yourself through the recital of, at least three times a day, my Most Holy Rosary.


There Will Be Powerful Earthquakes In Russia And China Soon And They Will Take Place One After The Other


My dearly beloved daughter, how I have missed your time and how I rejoice that the spiritual darkness, which has covered you for days, has now lifted. You must keep reciting the Most Holy Rosary in order to protect yourself and all will be well.


Mother Of Salvation: The Last Secret Of Fatima Was Not Revealed, So Terrifying Was It


Soon the Fatima prophecies will make sense. All is now taking place before a disbelieving world, but sadly, very few will understand until it is too late. Pray, pray, pray my Most Holy Rosary, as often as possible, every single day, in order to dilute the effect of the evil, which surrounds you.


This Fire Will Also Be Cast Down Upon The Enemies Of The Earth And Those Who Persecute These Two Witnesses

Excerpt:  My dearly beloved daughter, you and all those who have been blessed with the Truth, must know that the wrath of Satan is increasing against this Mission. His daring interference has meant that he has now manifested physically before you, for the third time. He groans in pain, but cannot withstand My Light, which is present within you. You must gain the strength you need, through the recital of the Holy Rosary, in order to prevent him from attacking you. Oh, if souls could witness what I permit you to endure for the sake of this Mission, they would faint with shock.


Mother Of Salvation: A New, Bitter World War Will Be Declared

Excerpt:  Pray, pray, pray for all the innocent souls and continue to recite my Most Holy Rosary, three times a day, in order to ease the suffering, which will result because of World War III.


Mother Of Salvation: To The Priests In The Catholic Church, I Urge You To Carry My Most Holy Rosary Beads


To the priests in the Catholic Church, I urge you to carry my Most Holy Rosary beads and a Benedictine Cross with you at all times. You must recite my Holy Rosary every single day and watch out for those in the higher ranks within the Church to see who recites my Holy Rosary in public. When I am being venerated, my Holy Rosary must be recited by all present before me. If they, who say, lead the faithful to seek my assistance before the Throne of God, cannot recite my Rosary, then they need your prayers. To come before me, seeking my help, without reciting my Rosary, is without substance, as it is akin to a soldier going into battle without any armour.


Mother Of Salvation: Salvation Is Yours Only Through Reconciliation With God


My role as Co-Redemptrix means that my power against the devil has been strengthened, in a way that has not been granted to me by God before. So now is the time when all devotion to me will be carefully dismissed, by the enemies of my Son. When veneration to me is rushed through and when the request to safeguard countries against Communism is twisted, then my wishes will not have been carried out. I will, from now on, be a rarity in the official patronage normally afforded me, the Mother of God, in my Son’s Churches on Earth. My power against the beast will be avoided by the removal of my image, my Holy Rosary and other devotions to me from many Catholic Churches.


Mother Of Salvation: This Final Medal, Brought To You By Me, Through The Mercy Of God, Will Draw Billions Of Souls towards Eternal Life


Do not reject the Gift of the Medal of Salvation, because this final Medal, brought to you by me, through the Mercy of God, will draw billions of souls towards Eternal Life. When My Father gave me the instruction to present the world with the Most Holy Rosary to St. Dominic, many rejected it. They still do today, for they think it was created by me. It was given to me, so that anyone who recited it could protect themselves from the evil one. It is through my intercession that special Graces and protection are bequeathed to souls, against the influence of the evil one.


Mother Of Salvation: All Those Of Different Faiths Must Begin Also To Recite My Holy Rosary, For It Will Bring Each Of you great protection


My dearest children, I ask that you recite my Most Holy Rosary every day from now on to protect this Mission from satanic attacks. By reciting my Most Holy Rosary, each day, you will dilute the wickedness of Satan and those he influences, when he tries to take souls away from following this special Call from Heaven.

All those of different faiths must begin also to recite my Holy Rosary, for it will bring each of you great protection. The Most Holy Rosary is for everyone and those who want to benefit from my protection – the Gift I received from God to defend souls from the evil one.

Remember, you are His and when you are truly part of Him and surrender to Him, you become part of His Light. The Light of God, present in souls, draws out the darkness, which is present in other souls. When Satan uses souls in this way, he will make his rage known and felt. When objections are raised against this Mission, which is blessed by God, they will never be rational or calm. The frenzy shown will be a clear sign as to how much this Mission is hated by Satan. That is why my Holy Rosary must be said, every day, by all of you, in order to protect this Mission.


Mother Of Salvation: Soon, The “Hail Mary” Prayer Will Not Be Heard Inside Or Outside Of My Son’s Church


When you see all devotions to me, the Holy Mother of God, dealt with in this way please be aware that these new rules will be at the behest of the evil one. The evil one despises me, just as much as he is frightened by me. He knows that devotion to me, by souls, keeps his evil ways at bay and that the recital of my Most Holy Rosary scourges him and renders him powerless. Those days ahead will have to be faced by those who love me and there will come a time when the Church’s association with my Shrines will be cut off. When that happens, you will know that this will be to separate God’s children from my influence, which in those times will be necessary, if I am to help you draw towards my Son.


Mother Of Salvation: Love And Only Love Comes From God. Hatred Only Comes From Satan. There Is No Inbetween

Excerpt:  Ignore any form of hatred, for it could never come from God. There is only one source from which hatred evolves and that is Satan. Engage with Satan and those whose hearts he fills with hatred, then, this venom will spill into your soul. Ignore this situation. Remain silent. Pray for those souls who hate others. You must recite my Holy Rosary to protect from this temptation.


Mother Of Salvation: My Role As The Mother Of God’s Children Is Being Undermined


My child, it is important to remember to recite my most Holy Rosary each day in order to protect this mission, and other missions, sanctioned by my Eternal Father for the world.


The Only Objective Of Private Revelation Is To Save Souls

Excerpt:  My dearly beloved daughter, God, through private revelations, gave His children a better understanding of what is contained in Sacred Scripture. If God decides to give His children extra Gifts, then that is His prerogative. Were it not for such Gifts as the Holy Rosary, then souls would have been lost to Him.


Mother Of Salvation: I Have A Message For The Roman Catholic Clergy


You must continue to feed the souls of those, who rely on you to feed them with the Most Holy Eucharist. If you remain loyal to my  Son and continue to serve God’s children, as it is your duty, you will serve Him with great dignity. I ask that you pray My Most Holy Rosary daily to give you the strength you will need and for protection from Satan, because those times ahead, which are almost upon you, will become unbearable. By keeping the Seal of the Living God prayer close to you at all times, you will receive extra Protection from the evil one.

There will be many priests among you who will not find the courage to uphold the Word of God, but you must never be afraid to show allegiance to my Son. If you betray my Son you will bring with you innocent souls, who will find themselves, unwittingly, being brought into error and into a terrible darkness.


Mother Of Salvation: My Son Has Accorded Me The Power To Crush The Head Of The Serpent


There are very few strong enough to stand up and proclaim the Truth of the Holy Word of God. Man is weak and it is because of sin that he cannot become whole. Until sin is eradicated, much pain will be endured until my Son comes again. Until then, prayer is your only weapon against the power of Satan. Pray, especially, my most Holy Rosary every day, because it has the power to weaken the strength of Satan and all those he leads in the final battle against Jesus Christ and His Church on earth.


Mother Of Salvation: Pray For The Protection Of My Son’s Church On Earth


My dear children it is important that all of you recite the Crusade Prayers and My Most Holy Rosary as part of your daily prayers. You may choose whichever prayers that you select, not necessarily every prayer, but those which are according to your desire. My Most Holy Rosary must be recited daily against the influence of the evil one.


Notable quotes concerning the Rosary and it's practice.

"The demons were attacking me," said the Exorcist, "So I grabbed my Rosary and held it up. Instantly, the demons were undone and fled."

"The Rosary is the weapon for these times."

"The Rosary is a powerful weapon to put the demons to flight."

The Evil One, being forced to tell the truth, said, "Every Hail Mary of the Rosary is a blow to the head for me; if Christians knew the power of the Rosary, it would be the end of me!"

My Experience

My experience, which can be read at A Catholuc Conversion, is that this a most powerful prayer.  I have greatly benefited from it’s recitation.  Having suffered a widow maker heart attack on a golf course and recovered one hundred percent, I am nothing short of a walking miracle as many in the medical community have told me.  All of this is due to The Rosary as my life has been changed completely.  

It is my belief that all who recite this prayer can benefit from it’s awesome power and from the gifts from Our Lady as the 15 Promises claim.  It is up to us to pursue those promises now.  Having experienced the widow maker, I can say of absolute certainty that a life can change in a split second and it will not wait for anyone to get everything in order.

Immaculate Heart of Mary Icon
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Last Publish:  February 5, 2024

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