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Messages from the Book of Truth

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Antichrist painting
Luca Signorelli - Sermon and Deeds of the Antichrist

All messages listed on the pages below are from the Irish visionary Maria Divine Mercy and were initially listed on website and are now recorded in the Book of Truth.  We believe these messages to be coming to pass, and we have been following them since 2012.  If you disagree, don’t read them; it’s that simple.  

We do not list these messages to scare people or predict the end of the age; we list them because we believe them worthy to give us a pulse on what is happening in the Church and what is to come to the Church and the world and what we might expect.  Be aware that man’s free will affects the outcome of what is going on in the world today.

Every message found in the Book of Truth referencing the phrase “antichrist” are listed below.  The actual message can be accessed if you click on the diamond icon next to the message title.Some time will have to be invested to read them. 

There is one Message, There Are Only Three Ways To Protect Yourself From The Evil One, that is highly recommended to be read from the Book of Truth. Three ways of spiritual protection are listed in this message.

Any message preceeded by a check mark is a must read.

To access all Book of Truth Messages in pdf format, take this link. 

Messages Mentioning the Antichrist
from the Book of Truth

The Antichrist Will Be From The East, Not The West

Friday, April 26th, 2013 @ 12:30 

My dearly beloved daughter, the world is being prepared for the entrance of the antichrist. He has been groomed by a number of powerful political forces to make his grand entrance.

The antichrist will be from the East, not the West, but will be loved, honoured and revered by both and in every corner of the Earth.  It will start as follows.

The antichrist will quickly bring about, with the help of the enemies of God, a war between two nations headed by two stubborn and powerful leaders. These wars will escalate and then will spill into other countries. When the threat becomes so serious that it begins to affect the most powerful nations, then peace negotiations will begin.

Out of nowhere, will step the beast. And with a skill that will impress the world, he will bring to an end the wars. He will have a powerful voice. he will be highly intelligent and will create an impressive charismatic image. His handsome good looks, charm and sense of humour, will be like a powerful hypnotic magnet. he will draw great praise from well-known world leaders and the media, and he will become a celebrity. His demeanour will appeal to business leaders, who will see him as being instrumental in creating wealth, as the economies will begin to grow.

So special will the antichrist appear, that nations will clamour over themselves to encourage him to visit their countries. he will be loved and will copy the last detail, every moment of My Mission, when I walked the Earth. Preaching of the importance of love, peace and the importance of unity among nations, he will be seen to create great wonders, wherever he goes. This is not a man like any other. This is not a man like any other charismatic figurehead. His star will shine and glitter, like no other before him. he will be seen as a figurehead of the one world humanitarian religion. The so-called success of this abomination will be attributed to him. Everyone will drop at his feet. Images of his face will be everywhere. he will be seen with the heads of many religious denominations. It will soon be said that people will be healed spontaneously in his presence. Through the power of Satan, he will be able to create acts, which will shock many and these will be deemed to be miraculous.

By then, to the ignorant, he will be seen as the Messiah. he will then hint that he has been sent by God to save the world. Many, including those in the world who do not accept My Existence, will be persuaded that this man is the Son of man, Jesus Christ. Those who honour, obey what he asks of them, and who adore him, will be infested with such evil that their souls will be sucked into a vacuum, out of which they will find it impossible to extradite themselves.

Those who know the Truth of My Teachings will recognise the deceit, which is placed before the human race and they will withstand this abomination.Those who say they know God, and are practicing Christians, will fail to understand My Promise to return. When I come back it will be to Judge. I will never walk the Earth a second time. For all their knowledge of My Teachings they do not understand what I said. I now remind them. I will not walk in the flesh. Any man who says he is I, is a liar.

Your Jesus

Monday, November 15th, 2010 @ 03:00

Thank you, My daughter, for persevering in My Truth and understanding that My communication with you is very real. You will feel My Spirit in your body when I come to reveal to you My Divine Message necessary for mankind to understand in these times. I bring a Message of Pure Love and Passion to My Father’s children. These Messages are to explain to all God’s followers, first, the need to fall to their knees now, and understand the Truth of the Book of John.

The time has come for My Second Coming, the Signs of which are already being revealed to those who know the prophecies foretold so long ago. Look, what do you see now? The signs are visible now. Man does not realise the terrible descent to which he is being exposed. The wicked lie, fronted and accepted by unsuspecting governments, hides, unnoticed, in the guise of salvation.

Hear Me now, My children. The antichrist is ready to spring. Stay on guard, open your eyes and heart to the Truth, or you will perish. Fear not, My beloved followers, for you will lead My flock into the Holy Adoration of My Eternal Father. The Food of Life will be plentiful to those believers, during the dark days ahead. Stay together. Love each other. Give each other the strength, so that you can unite all races, creeds and believers, everywhere, towards My Father’s Kingdom.

It will be your job to demonstrate the Love of God the Goodness, the Love, the Hope and the Truth of eternal life, which awaits all of mankind. It will be by praying together, dropping your exterior wall of pride and shyness, that you will become the powerful force. Together you will be strong. Your faith in Me, your Divine Saviour, will help convert the non-believers. These people, many of whom, through no fault of their own, are ignorant of My Love. They may feel love for each other, but do not understand where this comes from. Guide them, My children of God, towards the Light.

I Am the Bread and I Am the Light. My Light will keep you all safe. But I urge you to be generous in heart and soul and think of those poor souls who need guidance. You must do this through example and show these souls how to become closer to Me. They must be coaxed gently, but firmly, along the path. It is important to wake them up from their slumber of ignorance, before it is too late.

My children, do you not understand the Teachings in My Father’s Book? The Book that reveals the sign for My coming back to Earth must be studied and accepted as the Truth. God, My Eternal Father, through the prophets, does not lie. He does not contradict. You are now being shown the heavenly signs, foretold, and you must prepare now.

You and your families will be lifted with Me in the blink of an eye

Please, please pray for guidance. Believers, get ready now, to fight in My Name and stand up against the antichrist. People will smile at you when you remind them of the prophecies contained in the Book of John. You will be accused and scolded, with wry amusement, for your views and concerns. Ignore this, for you have a duty to Me. Now, pray, pray and coax the non-believers to accept the Teachings. Do not be frightened, for many of you, frightened for the future and your families, I have this to say. As the time comes, you and your families will be lifted with Me, in the blink of an eye, to the Heavens. Then you will receive the Gift of eternal life when Heaven and Earth become one. This is what is meant as the New Paradise. It will be a time of great glory, love and perfection for all My followers.

Stay strong. You must endure a short period of torment, but your faith will keep you strong. Remember, I love all of you. Love Me in return and help Me save as many souls, as possible. You are My powerful army and the time is now to prepare for battle. I will lead you all to My Father’s Kingdom.

Your loving Saviour

Jesus Christ

Monday, November 15th, 2010 @ 11:00

You are now realizing the Truth and accepting My Message, for what it is. Write this, My daughter. The speed at which the prophesies are unfolding is becoming evident for all to see. Watch the changes that will become apparent with My Church as one of the first signs. This is when the deceiver will lead My disciples astray.

The second sign will be seen in the way many of you will no longer be in control of your own country. This includes all material control and the military. My children, their leaders and all those with responsibility for caring for their people, will lose all control. They will be like a boat with no rudder. This boat they steer will be aimless and they will be lost.

My children, you must pray hard now to loosen the grip these evil groups of people will exert over you. They are not of God’s Kingdom, and through the cunning deceit of their exterior, you will not realise that this is a powerful force that is careful not to reveal itself.

You, My children, will be none the wiser. You will think that you are living in tough times, but this façade is designed to make you think this. Rise up, My children, now.

Mark of the beast

Do not accept the mark. If more of you do not accept, then you are stronger in numbers. This mark – the mark of the beast will be your downfall. It is not what it seems. By agreeing, you will be removed further and further away.

Beware of the plan, driven by the deceiver, to remove all signs of My Eternal Father and the Teaching of Scriptures from your life. You will see this in schools, colleges, hospitals, and in the constitution of your countries. The biggest abomination, which causes Me deep pain, is the abolition of the Teachings of Scripture from those who practice their Adoration of Me, their Divine Saviour. Very soon you will see that My Word, and the teaching of the Truth, will be abolished and punishable.

You, My dearly beloved children, will suffer greatly in My Name. These evil forces are responsible for this. They are led by Satan. You will find them everywhere and especially in those leaders in authority whom you depend upon to survive. Children, do not be frightened for yourselves, rather be frightened for those poor misguided souls. So infested are they with the deceiver, that they find it difficult to pull away, such is the grip he holds. These people are not to be trusted. Be careful how you communicate with them. They will hold you in such a vice-grip because they will control everything. You will find it difficult to fight them, as they will control even your bank, your property, your taxes and the food you need to survive.

But, this will not last long, for their days are numbered. Should they abide by their slavery to evil, they will plunge into an abyss of such terror, that to describe their fate would be too terrifying and so frightening that man would drop like a stone – dead – were he to glimpse just one minute of the torment they will endure.

The battle is about to begin and unfold, as the Hand of My Eternal Father will fall swiftly in punishment for their sins, which is about to be witnessed on this Earth, the sins which I died for. No man is a child of God who bears witness to, or colludes in this sinister, but orderly, army of destruction. This evil army, filled with the demons from the pits of Hell, performs acts of such evil magnitude that innocent people could not possibly fathom.

I have no wish to frighten My children, but the truth will be exposed for what it is, in time. Rise up now, My children. Fight the forces of evil before they destroy you. Be wary of global rule in any shape, size, form or code. Look at your leaders carefully and those who control your daily access to money, which will feed you and keep you alive. You need to stock pile food now.

You have not received this Message in a way that reflects My Teachings, but hear Me now. These prophecies have been foretold.

My children, must listen carefully. The spirit of darkness is growing and you, My followers, must stay strong. Keep your belief in Me alive through prayer. All of My followers must say the prayer, The Divine Mercy, each day. It will strengthen souls and will help them find favour at the moment of death.

My children, please do not let My Message frighten you. My followers have a duty to Me now. Let Me say this. Remember, you will be filled with the Holy Spirit as soon as you accept My Word. Do not fear, because you have been chosen. You, My army of followers, will lead to the defeat of the evil one. To do this you must pray.

I come with a Message of Pure Love. Do you not realise that you will experience Paradise when Heaven and Earth join as one? There is nothing to fear, for you, My followers, will be lifted body, soul and mind into the realms of the Divine Hierarchy. You will see your loved ones. Those loved ones who have found favour with My Eternal Father.

Do as I say. Pray, talk to Me, love Me, trust in Me. In return I will give you strength. Pray for protection through the recital of the Most Holy Rosary, given to you with blessings from My beloved Mother. This prayer must be said to help protect you from the evil one, on the one hand. On the other hand, you must ask for protection for those people with whom you come into contact, so that they cannot contaminate you or diffuse the faith you hold in your heart for Me.

Pray for My visionaries and prophets, so that they are protected. Pray for My beloved sacred servants, those holy devout servants sent by Me to guide you. They, just like My followers, suffer torment by the evil one. He will never stop trying to blind you from the Truth and will use every devious tactic to convince you that your faith is false. Hear Me. He, the deceiver, will use logic and reasoning, couched in a soft gentle manner, to convince you he brings hope into your lives. He will, through the antichrist, strive to make you believe he is the chosen one.

The antichrist

Many of My followers will fall prey to this despicable deceit. Be on your guard. He will be seen as the messenger of love, peace and harmony in the world. People will fall to their knees and adore him. He will show you his power and you will believe it is of a Divine source. But it’s not. He will instruct you in a manner that will seem odd at times. True believers will know he is not of the Light. His boastful, pompous demeanour will be hidden behind pure evil. He will strut and show what will appear to be true compassion and love for all. Behind this façade he is full of hatred for you, My beloved children. He laughs behind closed doors.

My children, he will confuse you terribly. He will appear powerful, confident, humorous, caring, loving and will be seen as a saviour. His handsome face will appeal to all, but he will soon change. He will wreak havoc in the world and will murder many. His acts of terror will be clear for all to see. He will destroy your independence and he will be instrumental in bringing about the mark – the mark of the beast. You, My children, will have to be strong. Do not accept the mark because if you do you will come under his evil hypnotic influence.

Many will die for their faith in Me. No, do not fear, because if you suffer for Me, in Me, with Me, you are chosen. Pray, pray not to submit to his reign of terror. Stand up, fight for Me.

Do not let the antichrist, for all his convincing charm, win over your souls. Let Me hold you in My Arms; cradle you with My Divine grace, now, to give you the strength to fight for the Truth. My Love for you will never die. You should never choose this route, or you too will be lost to Me. It will be hard, but help will be given to My children in many, many ways, to ease your suffering. Go now and pray My Divine Mercy and prepare for the final battle.

Jesus Christ, King of My People

Saviour and Just Judge

Sunday, January 2nd, 2011 @ 21:45


Why are these Messages frightening?

My beloved daughter, when people hear these Messages, they will question them, challenge them and pull them apart. More than that, they will pour scorn on them and ask the question: Why do these Messages not speak more of joy and happiness? Why are they frightening? Surely this approach to communicating to the world would not come from Jesus Christ? Surely Jesus Christ preaches love not terror? My answer to these charges is simple. It is because I love all of you that I now show you My Mercy through these Messages. I come first as Saviour for all, to free you, so that everyone can benefit from salvation. My death on the Cross was to give you a second chance to enter My Father’s Kingdom. This time I come back as a Just Judge. You are all now, through My Love for you, being shown Mercy by Me, first. This Mercy takes the form of an advance Warning to help you get your lives back in order before I return on Judgement Day.

Out of My Compassion for each and every one of you, I now give you the final chance to open your hearts and live your lives in the way you are meant to.

Joy on Earth cannot be compared to Joy in Heaven

Turn your back on sin, repent and bring prayer back into your lives. It is out of Mercy that I must warn you of the Truth. The joy that you believe is missing from My Messages is due to the fact that mankind has turned its back on true joy. The joy felt in Heaven cannot be compared to the so-called joy you experience on Earth. Joy on Earth, which comes from true love, will be pure. Joy that comes from worldly goods is meaningless.

My children, the joy I should feel from watching you is short lived, unfortunately, because of what I witness on the Earth today. All that you hold dear springs from worldly possessions, or through the acknowledgement from others who praise you. Little time is devoted to preparing yourselves for the next life.

The Warning is a Gift

My Mercy is being brought to you as a Gift. Accept it. Relish it. Reach out to Me, all of you. I Am your life raft in a fiery sea that is full of unexpected currents and eruptions. Save yourselves now, or face being sucked into a current of such magnitude that should you decide, at the last minute, to accept a lift into the raft, you will not have the strength to climb in.

The Purification in the world continues

I Am weary, children. No matter how much I attempt to communicate, many of you still turn a deaf ear. Even My priests do not heed My call when I wish to reveal My Mercy. As the Purification in the world continues and increases in velocity, now is the time to call Me children.

Earthquakes and other global disasters

Never fear the storms, earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, volcanoes and heat waves, which will descend on the world to help stop the antichrist and his army. My followers will be safe in the knowledge of that which awaits them in the New Paradise, which will result when Heaven and Earth infuse as one. These things must happen. They cannot be stopped as they have been foretold. These events, however, My children, will be short lived.

You, My believers, will be rewarded for your faith and endurance, in the face of huge opposition. The joy, then, My children, will be hard to fathom. Those of the Light will be enveloped with the Glory and Love that awaits you. Those in the dark will not be able to stand the Light. You may wish to do so, but it will hurt you so much that you will have to hide. But there is nowhere to go except the den of darkness, which is headed up by the king of darkness himself – the evil one. Is this what you want?

How Satan works through people

Do you understand the terror that the deceiver represents? Do you not realise that he lurks behind every single act of selfishness, greed and love-of-self? While you live what you believe to be your exciting, fun-filled and busy life, spending, eating, vanity dressing and constant search for the next entertainment, you are blissfully unaware of what is behind your actions.

That secret voice, which you cannot hear, but feel – when you feel an urge to act, which coaxes you to seek, seek and seek more fun, thrills, and excitement, comes from the evil one. No matter that your actions, cause you to smile, laugh and clap your hands with excitement. It is of little weight. These strong desires are designed to help you seek constant self-gratification. What good is that? Does it make you feel good when it is over? Of course it doesn’t. When you stop and ask yourself, what if I could no longer do these things – what then? Would it matter? At first, yes, perhaps it would be frustrating, but it is only when you are left with nothing that you will need to focus only on keeping yourself alive.

Food will become more important than fun-filled material goods. Then when you run out of food and go hungry, you will realise  that none of those former attractions matter. This is the purification that will now take place quickly in the world. Through this purification, a form of cleansing, you will become whole again. Then and only then will you be ready to accept the Truth.

How Satan leaves you feeling empty

My children, you do not see Satan at work. You cannot see him, yet he spends all his time trying to steal you from Me. He causes you terrible pain, children. All the temptations he puts your way use the worldly appeal of money, beauty, possessions and talent, which are devoured by you because of greed and desire. You believe that when you have amassed all these things that you feel complete. Sadly, this is not true. This is the lie that Satan uses to entrap. When those of you who have reached such lofty heights of wealth, find that, for whatever reason, you have lost it all, then be thankful. For it is only when you come naked of worldly possessions that you can truly allow Me into your heart.

Message to the wealthy

For those of you with wealth – I do not condemn you. Because you have material comforts, this does not mean you are not following the right path. But you do have a responsibility to share and look after those less fortunate than yourselves. This is your duty. It is not the wealth or material comforts that are wrong. It’s not the joy and laughter that you experience when enjoying life that is wrong. It’s when it becomes an obsession and when your desire for luxury living takes precedence over your own faith and the welfare of others, that makes this an offence in My Father’s Eyes.

Your wealth, homes, clothes and possessions are like clouds passing through the sky. They are there one minute and gone the next. You cannot take them with you into the next life. It is your soul that will go with you. Look after your soul, show love to one another and those who cause you anguish in this life. Follow My Teachings. Ask for My Mercy. Only then will you join Me in the New Earth that is Paradise. Do not forfeit your inheritance and your place in My Father’s Kingdom.

Your beloved Jesus Christ

Saturday, February 19th, 2011 @ 15:00

My dearly beloved daughter, you are trying hard to obey My instructions to sanctify your soul and this is greatly pleasing to Me. Please give Me one full hour of your day in silence with Me and let Me draw you closer to My Sacred Heart.

You will feel much stronger when you do this. Start from today to spend this time in My Company so that I can enlighten your heart and ease your load.

Today I wish to unveil to you My wish for mankind to start evaluating their lives in preparation for The Warning. My daughter those of you who fail to prepare need prayer and much of it.

The Warning, the Great Gift, will now be presented to the world. All will be given the opportunity to savour the joy when they will finally realise the Truth, the Truth of My Existence. Pray for everyone, My child, that they will have the courage to seek My Forgiveness.

At last, My daughter, My children everywhere are beginning to open their eyes. They are now realising that the world is changing. The world as they once knew it has shifted into a new phase. This new phase will lead to a number of stages before they, My children, will finally be ready for the New Paradise.

The parasites of the deceiver will fight stubbornly to the bitter end, unfortunately. Pray for those poor, delusional souls now, that a spark of light will flood their hearts when they come into contact with My devout followers. You, My followers, are being given the graces to help convert all those souls, lost in the wilderness and a confused state, caused in their souls by Satan.

Prophecies – La Salette, Fatima and Garabandal, now unfold

All of the prophecies given to the blessed visionaries at La Salette, Fatima and Garabandal, will now unfold for all to see. For all the thousands of believers who know and accept these prophecies, know that now, I your Saviour, call on you all to pray for the souls of all mankind. Open your hearts once more to these new Messages – the last prophesies of their kind to be bestowed on all of My children, before I come back to Judge.

Call on all Ministers of the Churches

I call to My sacred servants of all denominations who honour My Eternal Father, to listen now. Do not allow the deceiver, through his false prophet, to deceive you into believing the lie that will be perpetrated in his name, shortly. This will be a very difficult time for those of you who love Me, because you will be very confused.

The false prophet and the antichrist

Just watch with clear eyes, the false prophet, who will attempt to lead My Church, for he does not come from the House of My Eternal Father. He will seem like he does. But this will be false. Watch too, for the friendship he will display with the antichrist, for they will be two of the most deceitful followers of Satan – dressed in sheep’s clothing. They will have powers, which will seem like the miracles of old, but these powers will be satanic. You must keep in grace at all times in order to defend your Faith. Pray for My holy servants, who, lukewarm in their faith, will be drawn into the arms of the deceiver. He will appeal to them because he will offer excitement, passion, so-called love, which will be ego-driven, and his charismatic appearance will be difficult to resist. Go down this path, My sacred servants, and you will be lost to Me forever.

You may ask: Why should these events present such difficulties? You will then wonder why I allow these things to happen. Surely Jesus, in His Mercy, would not present such obstacles? Well, I must permit them, because it will be through these challenges that the final battle between My Eternal Father and the evil one can take place. Without a final confrontation, he, Satan, cannot be thrown, finally, into the abyss of Eternal Hell.

Be alert to this deceit. Do not allow your souls to be lost in this way. Pray, pray, pray for the graces of discernment so that you may see this false prophet for what he truly is. A demon sent to distract you, from the depths of Hell. Be thankful that you are his targets. Because of your allegiance to Me, you will be put to the ultimate test, the test of your faith. Never again will you have to face such a test. So be prepared. Turn to Me all of you, My sacred servants, now, before it is too late.

Your beloved Saviour

Jesus Christ

Thursday, April 14th, 2011 @ 00:05

My dearly beloved daughter, do not worry. You are improving in the way you are setting time aside in prayer to Me. Now it is important that man understands that in order to come closer to My Heart, he must understand the need to receive the Sacrament of the Most Holy Eucharist.

Many people, including other Christian groups, deny My Real Presence in the Eucharist. Why they have decided to deny the promises I made at My Last Supper, where I promised I would give My Flesh and Blood as Food and Nourishment for your souls, is unclear. What is clear is that the Miracle of the Holy Eucharist, Present in all Tabernacles all over the world, Exists today, and is there to fill your poor, undernourished and empty souls with My Presence. This Presence will strengthen you in ways, that, were you to miss receiving Me once you get used to this, you will feel lost.

Many Christians ignore one of the most fundamental promises I made during My Crucifixion, where I would be Present in Bread and Wine and leave a permanent mark to help nourish souls. Too much human reasoning has meant that I have been rejected by even well meaning Christians. These same Christians cannot receive the Holy Eucharist in its True Form. The Most Holy Eucharist was given to you all as a great Gift for your redemption and salvation. By rejecting the fact that I Am Present, means that you are forfeiting special graces, which are part of a pact to bring Me even closer into your hearts. Remember, when I died for you, it was to lead you to towards eternal life and salvation. Receive Me as the Living Presence and your souls will alight in ways you would not have believed possible. Turn back to receiving My Body and Blood. Let Me remove your doubts. This is one of the biggest mistakes Christians have made, by denying Me entry to their souls in this way. It greatly offends My Eternal Father because of the Sacrifice involved to save your souls. Let Me bring Light and nourishment into your lives. You will be more inclined to accept the Truth of My Teaching after The Warning takes place.

Remember what I promised during My Last Supper that when you take the bread and wine it will become for you My Body and My Blood.* Any other interpretation has been distorted by human logic and reasoning. Now understand and accept the Truth.

Your loving Saviour, Jesus Christ

*For clarification on the Doctrine of Transubstantiation please refer to the Message given on Friday, June 1, 2012 08:15 PM

“When the antichrist devours all religions the only weapons which he will be powerless against is the Holy Mass and the Transubstantiation of the bread and wine into My Body and Blood, in the Holy Eucharist.”

Sunday, April 17th, 2011 @ 09:00


My beloved daughter, tell the world that they are about to witness a number of ecological disasters now. They will occur in the most unusual and unexpected places and will be severe in their intensity. Man’s sinful behaviour has brought this about. Repent, all of you, and remember these climatic disasters will wake you up from your blind slumber and lack of faith. They are also taking place to dilute the impact of the evil group of global alliances and their wicked, stupid activities. These groups, under what I will term as a “new world government” in waiting, are planning to spring now under the leadership of the antichrist. These same groups have brought about the collapse of the banking system and will now destroy currencies everywhere. This is so that they can control you.

My daughter, when I first shared this Message some months ago you thought that the Messages seemed bizarre, yet you wrote down what I told you. The wicked evil plan, these serpents, followers of Satan, has been plotted for some time now. Some of their cunning schemes are already being revealed yet many people believe that the world is simply going through yet another financial crisis. Wake up all of you – now. Look around you and see for yourselves. Stop trying to imply that the world is simply in the throes of a depression, caused by a slump in the economy, because this is not true. These people will now control each of you through a global currency and your country’s indebtedness. No country will escape their clutches. Please heed My Word. Your money will be worthless. Your access to food and other necessities will only be possible through “the mark”, the identification I spoke about. Please, please do not accept this mark because you will be lost to Me. This mark will kill you, not just physically, but spiritually. Remain outside of this jurisdiction. Start planning your food stockpiles, blankets, candles and water now if you want to avoid receiving the mark, the mark of the beast.

He, the antichrist, who will head this New World Government, believes he will steal the souls of the human race. But he won’t. Just as many will fall under his influence, so too will My followers remain steadfastly loyal to Me their Divine Saviour.

For all of you who will pour scorn on these prophecies, listen now. Fall under the influence of this global power and you will be lost. You will need strong faith to survive. Prayers you request will be answered. I will protect you during this fearsome period on Earth. Prepare now for group gatherings, where you will be able to pray in peace and secrecy. They, the New World Order, will also be in prayer in their own vile churches. These churches exist everywhere although they have been set up in secret. They hold sacrifices and pay homage to their idol, Satan. These cults are rampant now and all share the one ludicrous goal – to control mankind. They will do this by attempting to control your money, food supplies and energy. Fight them in the best way you can, through prayer and the spread of conversion. Pray too for these deluded people, who have been made promises of great wealth, technology, longer life and miracles. How wrong they are. They have been truly deceived. When they find out the truth they will have been plunged into the depths of Hell and it will be too late.

Pray, pray all of you, My Divine Mercy and the Most Holy Rosary, every day, as often as you can to alleviate the impact of this devious and demonic plan. Pray too for those souls who will be lost in the imminent global ecological disasters brought about by the Hand of God the Father. They need your prayers. Please heed My plea for prayers for they will be answered.

Your beloved Saviour

Jesus Christ

Tuesday, April 19th, 2011 @ 23:50

My daughter, as the world divides into different divisions – those who live simple and orderly lives, some in wealth and peace, those who are afflicted through poverty and illness or who are victims of war, and those in power – all will witness the very same forthcoming events in wonder.

Many will see ecological catastrophes as the Hand of God. Others will say that they are a sign of the end times; while others will say that it all has to do with global warming. But what is most important now at this time is to understand this. Sin, if it escalates to unprecedented levels, will cause destruction in your orderly lives anyway. But when it intensifies to the current levels experienced and witnessed by all of you in the world today then you can be assured that such catastrophes will be the Hand of God at work.

God the Eternal Father has already responded and acted in this way. Now, as the time approaches to destroy Satan and his followers, further ecological unrest will be unleashed by God, in His Mercy. He will do this to prevent Satan and all his corrupt human puppets, who salivate at the prospects of the riches and glory he promises them through his psychological powers.

Satan instils evil thoughts and actions in souls weak enough to expose themselves to his possessive powers. Such people share common traits. They are self-centred, obsessed with worldly ambitions and wealth and are addicted to sexual deviations and power. All will end up in Hell, if they continue to follow the glorification of the antichrist, who is about to make himself known in the world.

Many innocent people do not believe in Satan, the antichrist, or indeed, in God the Father Almighty. So they turn a blind eye. Yet, they wonder why the very society they live in has collapsed. They don’t understand the frightening speed at the collapse of the traditional family unit. They put this down to the ills of modern society. What they don’t know is that Satan targets the family as a priority. This is because he knows if the family collapses then society too collapses. Many do know this because it is becoming increasingly apparent in the world today.

Then look at sexual immorality. You wonder how horribly society has been infested with this depravity. Yet again, what you don’t realise is that Satan is responsible for every single act of obscene immorality in the world. While those of you, caught up in a world of promiscuity, sexual deviation and abuse of others, will argue that these acts are a source of amusement and in some cases a form of income – you must know they will be your passport to the eternal flames of Hell.

For every depraved sexual act you participate in, so too will your body, even though you will be in spirit, burn as if in the flesh, for eternity. Each part of the human body you abuse through mortal sin will suffer the most pain in the fires of Hell. Why would you want this? Many of you poor, deluded souls don’t realise that you have never been told the Truth, the Truth that there does exist Heaven, Purgatory and Hell. Many of My well-meaning sacred servants of the Churches have not emphasised these Teachings for a very long time. Shame on them. I cry for their anguish because many of them do not really believe in Hell themselves. So how can they preach about the horror that is Hell? They can’t, because many have opted for the easy answer. “God is ever

 Merciful. He would never send you to Hell. Would He?”

The answer is no – He doesn’t. That is true because He could never turn His back on His children. But the reality is that many, many souls blocked by the mortal sin they have been enticed to commit, become addicted to their sins time and time again, over and over. They are in so much darkness – comfortable within their own immorality – that they continue to choose this darkness even after death. They cannot be saved then. They have chosen this path by their own free will – a Gift from God, which He cannot interfere with. But Satan can. And he does.

Choose which life you want, the path of life towards God the Eternal Father to Heaven, or Satan, the deceiver, in the fires of eternal Hell. There is no clearer way of explaining the outcome to you, My children. It is because of My Love and Compassion, that I must teach you the Truth.

This Message is meant to frighten you somewhat, because unless I show you what is in store for them, I would not be revealing My True Love for all of you.

It is time to face up to the future, not only for yourself, but for those friends, family and loved ones whom you influence through your own behaviour. Behaviour breeds behaviour. In the case of an innocent, you could unwittingly be guiding and leading them, also, on the pathway to eternal darkness through ignorance.

Look after your soul. It is a Gift from God. It is all you will take with you into the next world.

Your Saviour

Jesus Christ

Sunday, May 1st, 2011 @ 21:00   

My dearly beloved daughter, tell the world that preparations are now underway to prepare souls for the New Paradise on Earth, which I have promised.

The date for My Second Coming on Earth is not for your knowing. Be assured though that My promises will always be fulfilled. No one can stop My great Act of Mercy to redeem mankind. Satan does not have this power. He, the deceiver, is to be destroyed, My daughter, and cannot survive. His time is very short now. I warn those who follow him through sin, that they have few chances remaining to redeem themselves. They must turn away now from sin if they want to be saved. Those of you followers who may have a family member or special friend who are following a path of sin, then it is your duty to try and open their eyes to the Truth.

Prepare now to avoid taking the mark of the beast

Many events both on Earth and in the Heavens are now about to take place, which will turn the course of history. Prepare, all of you, during this time. I have told you before that money will be scarce so please try to prepare your families for survival, so you won’t have to accept the mark. Please do not ignore My pleas.

Prayer Groups are vital now to protect yourselves and save the world from the persecution of global – political, banking and socalled human rights’ organisations. Their goal is one of power and control over you, My children, although many of you cannot see this. You will though in time. And that time is close. Start preparing for your future survival now and keep in prayer, for I will offer

 My special graces for protection to all of you. Please do not be frightened for all that will really matter will be your allegiance to Me.

As the One World Order takes control of the Middle East, you will be astonished at how many countries will be under their control, how many innocent souls will believe that these new regimes will offer them freedom. But this will not be the case.

Russia & China to cause disruption

Watch now as Russia and China become the third entity to cause disruption. Very soon now, those of you who have given control of your countries to faceless groups who treat you like puppets, will soon see the sinister groups these political forces, not of God, try to dictate how you live. Defend yourselves through prayer. Every day and every hour I will ease your suffering. Receive Me in the Holy Eucharist and you will gain a strength that will sustain you to extraordinary levels during this persecution.

I, Jesus Christ, do not wish to cause panic in your lives. But I cannot stand to the side and not warn you of these events. Out of My Mercy, I Am giving you a chance to prepare; not just for your spiritual welfare, but for the livelihoods of your families. To avoid the mark, please prepare carefully.

The Warning, will without question, ease any such persecutions, because so many will be converted. Pray, pray now for all global conversion, and to dilute any torment that will evolve during the reign of the antichrist and the false prophet.

Your beloved Saviour

Jesus Christ

Wednesday, June 8th, 2011 @ 16:45   

My dearly beloved daughter, I must share with you the feelings I Am enduring now. The first is one of happiness, because I Am to bring so much Mercy to My children during the Illumination of Conscience, which is close. And then there are My Tears of great sadness, for those oblivious to this event and who are unprepared. My children will need to tell as many of their friends and family of this Great Event in order to save their souls. No matter if they smile and ridicule your claims, for afterwards, they will thank you. Tell them the Truth. Ask them to open their minds. They should be made aware of what they will witness, because when they see My Cross in the sky they will be prepared. That is all they need to understand. Then they will accept the discomfort they will endure when their past lives are played out before their eyes. Tell them to review their life and remind them of the harm that they may have inflicted on their fellow brothers and sisters.

Spread My Word after the Warning

My children, as soon as The Warning happens and when conversion takes place move quickly to spread My Most Holy Word. There is an urgency to this because this will be a crucial period. That is when, through the work of My beloved followers everywhere, that My children will stay on the right path. It will be the time when prayer and conversion can dilute the impact of the havoc, which will come about through the reign of both the antichrist and the false prophet.

Accept the Truth now for what it is. Do not fear the Truth. Embrace it; for when you do, you will be set free and your confidence in Me will enable you to defend My Word properly. Fear will hold you back, My precious children. Courage will win souls. Your battle, on My behalf, will ease My suffering and bring eternal life to so many more souls who desperately need your help.

My Love for you, children, is all-encompassing and never waivers in its intensity. My Cross is heavy, but when you take it up with love in your hearts, your load will be light. You My beloved followers, sacred servants and lay people, are My future army to help defeat Satan. Pray now for the strength to deal with the challenges to your faith. Lead by example and the Gift I Am bestowing on each of you who pledges his or her allegiance to Me will create instant conversion when you speak My Most Holy Word.

 Remember, I Am with you all the time now. Many of you who have been close to Me for some time will now experience a stronger sense of the Holy Spirit and the power of discernment, which will astonish you. Accept this as one of the greatest Gifts being given to man today. I have not bestowed a multitude of such graces since My apostles were given the precious Gifts through The Holy Spirit.

You, My followers, including My sacred servants, are My True Church. I will, with the help of God the Eternal Father, lead you so you can march with all My children towards the New Paradise, which awaits you all.

Your loving Saviour

Jesus Christ

Wednesday, June 8th, 2011 @ 21:00

My dearly beloved daughter, today I rejoice at the faith shown by My beloved followers all over the world, who are hearing My call through these Messages. I rejoice because of the deep faith shown by My beloved children, in a world that rejects Me. My precious children, those who believe in Me, bring tears of joy to Me in times of sadness. Were it not for those with a deep devotion to Me, I would not be consoled.

My children who love Me must listen to Me now. Let Me embrace you in My Arms and explain to you the importance of your faith. Your faith is like a flame in My Heart, which never dies. It may flicker from time to time, but I will instil in you the energy to keep this flame aglow. You, My children of the Light, will devour the darkness, but you must stay together as one to fight the antichrist.

Satan cannot win, for this is impossible

Always understand this important fact. He, the deceiver, cannot and will not win, for this is impossible. Therefore, you must always accept that My Light and that of My Eternal Father will never diminish, for it is not the Light that will extinguish. But it is the dark that will attract those poor souls who will be drawn towards it. Those poor, misguided children are in My Heart and mean just as much to Me as you do. You, My children, as in any family must look after your wayward brothers and sisters. No matter how grave their sins, never judge them. Bring them back to Me. Talk to them. Pray My Divine Mercy for them, so they can be saved from the clutches of the evil one at the time of death.

Shout now from the hilltops. Remind everyone of the Truth. Ignore those taunts. But when explaining to My children how much I love them, do not force your views on them, instead, simply explain that they were created by God the Father. Tell them He sent Me, His only Son to save them, to give them a chance to live eternal life. And then tell them I love them and that I walk with each one of them every minute of the day. Even when I witness their rejection and the evil they do onto others, I Am still there beside them. Hoping they will turn to Me and ask for My help, for when they do I will embrace them with tears of joy and relief. Help Me save those precious souls. Do not let the deceiver take them from Me. They are your family. My family. We are one. Just one lost soul is one too many.

Thank you, My beloved children, everywhere. Know that I Am with you now in a much stronger Presence, through the Holy Spirit, than at any other time in history. Hold My Hand and walk with Me towards the New Paradise on Earth, which will be your glorious home in the future.

Your beloved Saviour

Jesus Christ King of Mercy

Saturday, June 11th, 2011 @ 15:30

My beloved daughter, it has been another testing week, where My Word, on the one hand, has been embraced by so many, while at the same time denied as outright deception by others. Have they who deny My Word not read the Truth? The Truth contained in My Holy Book? The Book of Revelation was given to all My children to help them understand the turmoil which will be caused towards the end times, by the spread of lies, created by Satan and his demons. Unless you understand the Truth contained in the Book of Revelation, then how can you possibly understand the Messages I Am bringing to you today?

Do you think that I would turn My Back on you and leave you at the mercy of Satan and his evil army? Did you not realise that I would try to warn you and then help you?

My great Mercy will destroy the effect that Satan has over My children. I come yet again to save you from his clutches. My Gift of The Warning will dilute the terror that would have continued to gain momentum were this not to take place.

I communicate to you now, not just to prepare you for all this great Act of My Mercy, but to guide you through the maze of destruction planned by the evil

group whose king is the evil one. My spiritual influence will block Satan’s acts of destruction significantly. Hear My Word. Follow My instructions. Lead and support each other in your faith and you will be given the help required to follow the path swiftly towards the promises I made to you.

Many of you, My precious children, will be frightened, but please do not let fear block the Truth. Satan will use fear to stop you from accepting My Message of Love. Much of what I tell you now is very difficult for you to understand. But understand this. Were I not to come now and show you the Truth, then you would be lost. You would find it a very difficult period to live through. As I

 prepared you through My prophets before, I will now prepare you today, through this messenger, for the time when I will come again.

This is a Gift borne of My deep Love for all of My children, to deal with the forthcoming reign of the antichrist and his ally the deceitful false prophet, who will mislead My Church on Earth.

Let down your defences. Open your eyes to the Truth. My Word today is given simply to remind you of the Truth of My

 Teachings. My Holy Scripture is the Truth. The Truth is reflected in My Holy Scripture. If I remind you today of the promises made to you before and of the pathway to salvation, then this is only a repetition of My Holy Word. The Truth will always remain the same. It can never be changed or adapted to suit mankind. It will always remain the same.

Let Me help you understand what is happening now. Don’t cower in fear. I love you all and simply want to hold your hands, children, and protect you. My goal is to ensure that every one of you will live life with Me in the New Paradise on Earth.

Your ever-loving Saviour

Jesus Christ

Sunday, July 3rd, 2011 @ 18:30   

My dearly beloved daughter, you must move forward, look straight ahead and follow My instructions. Do not turn to the side when you are being assailed by the evil one every minute of the day. Focus on Me only. You must learn to understand that time spent in My company, especially at Adoration, is essential if you are to keep on top of this Mission. The length of time spent in prayer is also important because the longer you spend in close communication with Me, the more graces you will receive. Failure to do so will mean that you are leaving yourself wide open to attacks from the deceiver.

My Word, My daughter, is being ignored by many who do not want to listen. There are many reasons for this. Many of My children today have closed their eyes to the Truth of their spiritual existence. They embrace the world and all it offers as a substitute for the Bread of Life. Many are also wary of false prophets, for this is the age in which false prophets will emerge everywhere. This is the confusion that Satan wants to cause so that those genuine messengers of mine go unnoticed. Because of the humility required by My chosen visionaries, they cannot exalt themselves in the eyes of the world, for it is not in their nature. The false visionaries will push themselves into the limelight. Their focus will be centred on themselves. Their messages may seem authentic and full of flowery language, featuring extracts from the Holy Bible, where it suits, but there will be two key aspects to their messages that will expose them for the untruths they impart. The first, is that they will be central to the messages and will enjoy all of the attention they receive. Then finally you have the messages themselves. They will be confusing, hard to read and will not leave a lasting impression on the soul. Sadly, My daughter, the Church tends to ignore the authentic seers because they must show responsibility in these matters.

It is, therefore, far easier for My Church to support those messages, which include extracts from the Holy Bible, to declare these to be authentic. Not so easy is it for them to accept the simplicity of My Teachings, especially when today much of the Truth hides behind the mask of tolerance. Not easily accepted either, is the reminder of the end times, when through fear and ignorance, those sacred servants of Mine refuse to take up My Cup and act responsibly.

This is the most important time in the history of the world. All the signs have been given to My visionaries throughout the last century, yet they are ignored and shoved aside as they bury their heads in the sand. It is precisely at this time that My sacred servants must preach about the importance of My return to Earth. They must prepare souls by reminding them of the consequences of failing to redeem themselves while they are still on this Earth, for they cannot ask for forgiveness after death. I call on My sacred servants now. Why won’t you emphasize this to your flock? Why do you not actively discuss the repercussions for My children during the Great Chastisement? Don’t you know that many of My children will lose their souls to the antichrist, who is already here on this Earth, ready to spring as he waits in the wings? My children must understand that The Warning, while a great Act of Mercy, is only the first phase in what will be a very difficult and challenging time for all My children. For after that those hardened sinners and followers of Satan will deny My Existence.

Atheists will say it was a global illusion. Scientists will look for a logical explanation, but there won’t be one. Meanwhile, My followers will be torn in two. Many millions will have converted, but they will be confused by the lies spread by the evil group, the one world deadly organization whose goal is to destroy the little people for their own financial gain.

Children, if enough people cannot stay on the true path then it will not be possible to avert the impact of the chastisement. For this is when God the Father will move to stop sinners from destroying His Creation and His children. He will unleash earthquakes on a magnitude never experienced before; volcanoes in the most unlikely places and the Earth will be tossed like a ship in rough waters with no anchor to hold it in one place.

Please, children, allow The Warning to save you all. Accept that this miracle will help save millions, who otherwise, would have been lost. But for those who do not want to change their lives, they will choose the house of Satan. Without prayer there is no hope for them, for they will forfeit the keys of the New Paradise on Earth. Instead, they will burn in the fires of Hell. If they knew where this the evil path is leading them do you think they would change their ways? Children, please help them by telling them the Truth. Pray to save their souls if they won’t listen, for that is all you can do.

Your beloved Saviour

Just Judge and King of Mercy, Jesus Christ

Friday, July 8th, 2011 @ 15:30 

My dearly beloved daughter, I realize that this Work is taking its toll on you and that you need to rest for another week, but listen to what I have to say.

Tell My children to wake up now and see the turmoil in the world, where financial crises abound. Tell them that while people’s greed was partly responsible for plunging them into debt, that the banking crisis was deliberately planned by the One World Order.

Many reading this Message will smile and question this fact, but they should also know that unless they stand up and defend their rights, they will be forced to accept the mark of the beast to access their money.

New World Currency will be presented to an incredulous world

The New One World Currency, which will be presented to an incredulous community, is designed to control you. Then once that happens they will try to deprive you of food. Unless My children accept this reality now they will be defenceless when they are under the control of a New World Order, led by masonic forces. Prepare now, My children, because although The Warning will convert millions, including those loyal to the One World Order, it will not be enough to stop these evil slaves of Satan and the antichrist. Without control of your money, you will find it hard to defend your right to property, food and health, the three things which they will be in charge of, if you do not start shouting your opposition now. Stop your leaders in their tracks. Don’t let them bully you. If enough of you are alert to this evil, monstrous plan, then you can warn others.

Plan your food supplies now

Plan your food supplies now. Grow and buy seeds that will keep you alive. Buy silver coins or gold, so that you can buy what is necessary. Most importantly find locations where, as a group, you can meet to offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. For in time, your churches will be burned to the ground.

Satan’s minions are like ants, they multiply in their thousands

Never accept the mark, the chip of the beast. Pray, pray that your home will be given the special blessings to safeguard you from the army, which will try to put you out of your home. Satan’s minions are like ants. They multiply in their thousands by the hour. You, My children, must pray now and fight this series of atrocities being planned by the New World Order, who salivate at the prospect of controlling the world. Plan to have blessed candles in your home. Stock up now for they will keep you in the light of protection. Unless you wish to become a slave to this hideous doctrine then you must plan now.

Buy gas stoves, blankets, dried and tinned food, water purification tablets and candles, along with religious images to sustain you and your families during the Great Chastisement, which will follow the Warning.

Prayers are already diluting the impact of the Great Chastisement, but you, My children, must be alert at all times. By being careful in your preparations you will be able to survive the great bombardment being orchestrated, which will be worse than what happened to the Jews, under the reign of Satan’s disciple – Hitler.

Heed this warning calmly. For by preparing in advance you will spare yourselves from the indignation being planned by the New World Order. For those of you who are involved with the New World Order, hear Me now. Repent. Heed The Warning for what it offers you – a chance to turn your back on Satan and the flames of Hell.

Advice for servants of the Church

For My sacred servants this is what I must inform you. Fix your eyes on Me now and pray to The Holy Spirit to keep you on your toes, so that you will recognize the false prophet as soon as he shows himself within your midst. Then you need to gather in groups to ensure that My children will be able to receive the Most Holy Eucharist during the persecution.

My Father’s Hand is ready to fall now, with great force, on those wicked, arrogant leaders of banks, Western and Eastern powers who plan in secret how they aim to control all of you. My Eternal Father will destroy everything in their wake to prevent them from the final persecution they are planning against His children.He won’t stand for it. Remember, children, God the Eternal Father wants to protect you all. His patience has finally run out. He will, up to the very last minute, accept those who turn to Him for forgiveness. However, He now has to stop those evil regimes from the horror they inflict on the rest of His Creation.

It is because of the love of His children He does this. For those who say God the Father, cannot be angry for He loves all know this. Yes, He is angry and His Anger is justified because of the evil injustice, which is being perpetrated on His precious family. Once again He will unite all His children to live in peace, finally, for all of eternity.

Remember, children, to see the signs all around you, the multitude of wars, lack of money, lack of food, lack of healthcare and accept that this is the work of the evil one. It is not the work of God the Eternal Father. He will no longer accept this behaviour. Be thankful He is taking action, for if He did not His Creation would be destroyed. And He will not allow that to happen.

Your beloved Jesus

Saviour of Mankind, Redeemer of the World

Thursday, September 22nd, 2011 @ 21:30

My dearly beloved daughter, prepare your family for The Warning. Ask My children everywhere to seek forgiveness for their sins. Their request must be from the heart. If not they will suffer the burning pain of Purgatory during My Divine Mercy Illumination, when I will face each and every one of you.

The Purification ahead will leave such a lasting and unforgettable impression on your souls that you will remain in the Bosom of My Heart for eternity.

For those of you who know and love Me, please prepare now for My greatest Gift. Obtain blessed candles and Holy Water and be ready so you can join in the prayers with the saints in Heaven to help redeem the souls of all of My children around the world.

For the first time in your lives, you will be truly alone in My Company. Without a sound you will witness My Crucifixion and for unbelievers, they will then finally understand the Truth of My suffering for mankind.

You, My children, will understand and welcome My great Gift of Mercy and you will be given a strength known only to the saints in Heaven. This strength will forge the backbone of My new army on Earth afterwards. This great army will save millions of other souls from the clutches of the army led by the antichrist. Prayer now will save and help convert millions during this crucial time since the Creation of mankind.

Let me embrace you, children, in advance. Allow Me to give you the courage and the strength to bring Me more souls. I need your love. My wounds are raw. My sorrow is at its peak for the loss of so many of My children, who want nothing to do with Me.

I feel desolate and alone. Help Me, children, save them on time. While My great Act of Mercy will bring Divine Light into the world on a magnitude that will take your breath away, it will also be a time of sorrow for those who won’t be able to withstand the shock.

Please do not be alarmed. I come with great Love and Compassion for you all. It’s because I love you that I now step in to save you from the vile acts being carried out by global powers, who want to deplete the population of the world. They want to do this through control. I won’t allow them to do this. My Father is waiting. If man accepts the sins of which he is guilty, then the world will become a place of peace and love. If he fails to heed the lesson from The Warning, he will not be spared. That is when the Hand of My Father will fall.

I Am Jesus Christ

King and Saviour of all Mankind

Friday, September 23rd, 2011 @ 21:30

My daughter, while the world may fear The Warning, they must accept that the prophecies contained in the Book of Revelation are upon us. The holy state of the Church is now at risk, as is the State of Israel. Prophecies will unfold, as the world will be controlled by the antichrist, who will attempt to control you through a New World Currency. When and if you are controlled in this way, you will be controlled in every other way.

The Warning will put a halt to this and other evil atrocities being planned by global forces, which are beyond the understanding of My children the world over. Innocent pawns in a game not of your making, you will be protected by My Hand of Justice.

Rise, My children, and fight this sequence of evil through prayer. The global control and persecution being plotted, right at this moment, can be averted through prayer. Not all of you can or will be saved, such is the grip the antichrist will hold over you.

My children, Satan will never win. He has not been accorded the power and as his grip begins to loosen, now he will drag as many souls as he can into the pits of Hell with him. I weep with deep sorrow for My beautiful Creation and those precious souls of Mine. Oh if they would only listen to the Truth.

Scientific evaluation is nonsense, for no science will substitute the reality of My Divine Kingdom. No one person on Earth can ever fathom the beauty and the miracle that awaits you all, for it is indescribable in human terms.

Soon you will understand the plans I have to salvage the world from the hands of the deceiver.

I love all of you and will protect My followers at every stage during any planned persecution.

Look towards Me. Open your arms and allow Me to hold and protect all of you.

My children who believe in Me have nothing to fear.

Your beloved Creator

God the Most High

God the Father

Wednesday, October 5th, 2011 @ 21:00


My dearly beloved daughter, I Am pleased with the way in which you have increased the number of hours to Me in Adoration. This is good because My graces given to you during this special time will strengthen your will to spread My Messages even further.

Now that more of My children are realizing the atmosphere in the world, both politically and economically, has changed beyond their comprehension, they will soon see the Truth. The global leaders I speak of, who through cowardice hide where you cannot see them, are increasing their plans for global domination.

They are building armies, weapons and poisonous substances all with one goal in mind, to destroy My children. Conspiracy theories are denounced constantly, when those sharp observers publish the truth. For you must understand, so powerful are these groups, all combined under one united front of respectability, that they can sway the truth and hide it from the public eye.

Accept, children, that the evil group rises in battle against My own followers and leaders in the Church. They have even managed to infiltrate My Church from within. Their venom spews forth like a stream flowing and gushing in all directions. There is a plan to not only deceive you, but to recruit you to their way of thinking. On the outside they will be seen to offer the world salvation in the guise of humanitarian efforts. Their creative solutions to make life easier for you will be in the form of unifying your money, your food, your health, your welfare and your religion as one, all under one domain, the domain of the antichrist.

Please reject these evil people’s attempts to suck you, My innocent children, into their wicked plan. They want you, through your own consensus, to reject God, My Almighty Father. Once they control you, you are lost. They will control what you eat, what religious practices you participate in and the medicine they provide you.

Pray, pray to God the Father to stop their wicked atrocities now and ask Him to redeem their souls during The Warning.

 Irrespective of what their devious plans are, they are in need of your prayers most of all. They are the puppets of Satan, the poor misguided souls, and do not in many cases know what they are doing, or whose orders they are responding to.

Pray My Divine Mercy Chaplet for these souls, every day if you can, for as long as you can. Help Me save them.

Your Jesus

Thursday, October 6th, 2011 @ 22:45


My dearly beloved daughter, pray hard because the antichrist is ready to spring from his hiding hole and will leap upon the world in order to devour My children.

His cunning plan will be hidden behind a handsome, charming and articulate exterior, but when My children look into his eyes they will see darkness, for he has no soul. He was not created by the Hand of God the Father.

Pray, My children, now, every one of you, to stop him from destroying all those he controls from within the One World Order.

Prayer can mitigate many of his proposed, sickening plans against humanity. Sadly, many will be fooled by him. Never before have I urged My children for so much prayer, because without your prayers the schemes he is orchestrating will be fulfilled as foretold in the Book of Revelation.

His presence on Earth is felt throughout the world, but his actions are hidden from view. He is like a rock, which when thrown into the water, creates ripples that can travel for miles. He wants to destroy you because you are My children.

My children who follow his every move in a slavish manner are blindfolded. The secret atrocities committed by these people create tremendous sorrow in Heaven.

Children, I must ask you to pray to St. Michael the Archangel to rebuke Satan during these turbulent times. The antichrist is moving quickly and his influence is speeding up the global plot to unify your currencies everywhere.

Your banking collapse was deliberately mastermind by the antichrist so that when your countries needed help, he and his wicked minions would rise to rescue your countries.

Wake up all of you and see what is really happening before your eyes. He is waiting to pounce, but your prayers can mitigate his actions and halt him in his tracks. His soiled hands are waiting to grab you into an embrace, from which you will find it hard to disentangle.

Remember, children, Satan’s remaining time on Earth is short. The antichrist has been sent to steal souls from My Father. These souls come from My Father, God the Creator of all things. The antichrist’s promise of an everlasting universe is nonsense. Many souls are now being seduced by this new and sinister doctrine. I watch as they fall into this deceitful den of darkness and weep bitter tears. For once these souls follow this path of deceit they are contaminated. Their attitude to others, including their family, changes as their hearts turn cold.

Satan’s power is strong, but God the Father will step in and punish his followers on this Earth most severely. The Warning is their last chance to turn their backs on the antichrist.

Pray that My Light will penetrate each and every soul during The Warning, so that lost souls, especially, can be rescued from this terrible darkness.

Your beloved Jesus Christ

Thursday, October 13th, 2011 @ 00:10

My dearly beloved daughter, I must inform you of the need to refrain from defending My Most Holy Word.

Those who question My Word must pray to Me for guidance. I Am instructing you now to never attempt to interpret the Messages from My Divine Lips.

I have told you this many times and you have not been given the authority to do so. Instead, accept My Messages as they are. Do not doubt them. Do not try to analyse them, for man knows very little about Divine plans or timing. Nor does man know anything about the antichrist, although he thinks he does. Only these matters of such importance remain known to My beloved Father.

I ask that you never defend Me, as it is unnecessary. The Will of My Father to communicate to mankind through you and other prophets is all that should matter. As I have said before, you are the writer. I Am the Author. You are the instrument. I Am the Master.

Obedience to Me at all times is expected of you. Doing as I say is simple. Your Work will be easier if you refrain from engaging in an intellectual religious debate regarding Scriptural matters about which you know nothing.

Remember the importance of humility, My daughter. Remain as a child, little at all times in My Eyes and you will find peace. Trials will be sent to you during this Work. Expect them. Don’t reject them. Your gift to Me of your free will is accepted, but you must learn the importance of not trying to reject suffering, because this is important for the salvation of souls.

I love you, My daughter, but feel the need to remind you of My clear instructions. I do not need to be defended. The Words given to you are uncontaminated and do not contradict the Truth as provided to mankind since time began. Many versions of the Truth contained in the Bible have been twisted to suit man’s own agenda. I Am the Truth. I Am the Bread of Life. Without Me there is no life.

Move forward with a clearer insight as to what is expected of you. You are protected at all times. Thank you, My daughter, for the strength you are now showing, but always allow Me to guide you at all times. That way this journey will be easier.

Your beloved Jesus

Friday, October 28th, 2011 @ 22:40

My dearly beloved daughter, the loyalty of My Church to Me, their beloved Saviour, is going to be tested shortly, beyond its endurance. My Church has been asleep and in its slumber has not prepared itself for the arrival of the antichrist. Already he and his minions have crawled into every crevice of My Father’s Churches the world over.

The Catholic Church is the antichrist’s number one target and he will not stop until he turns the heads of at least half of My Church on this Earth. So unprepared are My cardinals, bishops and priests that they fail to notice the subtle changes taking place within their own ranks. It won’t be long before the divide within My Church becomes truly evident.

This is the greatest attack on My Church since My death on the Cross. My poor, beloved servants, many of them are innocent pawns at the mercy of a dark power, which is careful not to reveal itself.

I ask all My servants to pray hard in order to withstand the abomination, which is on the way. They must pray to Me as follows:

“O My beloved Jesus, I invoke Your protection and ask for Your Mercy to save my brothers and sisters, within Your Church, from falling victim to the antichrist. Give me the graces and protect me with Your armour of strength to stand up to the evil acts, which may be perpetrated in Your Holy Name. I beg for Your Mercy and pledge my allegiance to Your Holy Name at all times.” Stand up, My sacred servants, to this evil and the beast from whose mouth these obscenities and lies will spring.

Watch out for changes in the way My Body and Blood will be consecrated. If the words change, which deny the Existence of My Body in the Holy Eucharist, then you must defend My divine promise. He who eats My Body and drinks My Blood will have eternal life.

Be brave, My sacred servants. Pray for the strength you will need as your faith and obedience will be tested beyond endurance.

I love you and protect you at all times. Only those of you meek of heart and humble of soul will benefit from My holy protection.

Pray for all My sacred servants everywhere, so that they will not reject the Light of Truth in favour of the spirit of darkness, which is about to emerge within My Church.

Your Saviour and Protector

Jesus Christ

Friday, January 13th, 2012 @ 20:15

My child, peace will reign on Earth soon.

There will be turbulence and strife, but it is necessary in order to weed out the final wickedness on Earth.

My Father’s Hand will fall swiftly on those who ignore my Son’s Mercy. He will not tolerate their disobedience once the Truth has been revealed to them.

Those who turn their backs on my Son, after The Warning, will be accorded a certain period of time in which to show remorse for their sins, but, this will not last long. Pray for those souls whose obstinateness will be their downfall.

My child, the changes are already underway and much will happen quickly. Watch the skies, children, for the first signs of my Son’s Mercy. For those with humble and contrite hearts have no fear because this is the time you have been waiting for.

Those souls, who do not recognise my Son’s Existence, will be surprised and sorrowful when the Truth is finally presented to them.

Those tormented souls who have pledged allegiance to the evil one will be overwhelmed with grief, while others will hide from the Truth, because they will not be able to withstand the Light.

Pray that all such souls, through the prayers of others, can and will be redeemed, in the Eyes of my Precious Son.

Conversion will avert chastisement and ease the wicked plans underway by the antichrist to destroy humanity.

Pray that the battle between Heaven and the evil one will result in that all of God’s children can be saved and spared from the fires of Hell.

Your beloved Mother

Queen of the Roses

Mother of Salvation

Wednesday, January 18th, 2012 @ 09:50

My child, perseverance is needed by all God’s children, during this time of apostasy in the world.

So few believe in their Divine Creator, my Father, God the Most High.

They will see the Truth shortly, but many will still argue that there is no God. Much prayer is needed now, children.

Pope Benedict XVI is being plotted against, within his own corridors, by an evil sect.

This sect is known to exist among those sacred servants within the Vatican, yet they are powerless against this evil group, which has infiltrated the Catholic Church for centuries.

They are responsible for twisting the Truth of my Son’s Teachings. So little is known about them or their vile works.

They have driven the True Doctrine from the Catholic Church and, in its place a lukewarm, watered down version has been forcefed to Catholics over the last forty years.

So much confusion has been spread by this wicked, but, hidden sect, that my children have wandered away from the TrueChurch.

Pray that they do not drive the pope away.

Pray that the false prophet will not take the Seat of the Holy Father so that he can spread lies.

Pray that those sacred servants in the Vatican are strong enough to withstand this evil plot, designed to destroy the Catholic Church.

They plan to replace the Holy Vicar, Pope Benedict XVI,with a dictator of lies. He will create a new church in league with the antichrist and his group, in order to deceive the world.

Sadly, many of my children will, in their allegiance to the Catholic faith, follow blindly this new false doctrine, like lambs to the slaughter.

Wake up, children, to the Truth. This wicked plan has changed the fundamental authenticity of the Catholic Doctrine over the years.

You insult my Son when you receive the Holy Eucharist in the hand.

This was their doing.

You insult my Son when you do not seek the regular Sacraments. Yet, those whom you rely on for these do not ensure your spiritual well-being, because they do not make the Sacraments available to all.

My child, a great evil, hidden for centuries in the corridors of the Holy See, will shortly emerge for the world to see. Those of my children, who are covered with the Holy Spirit, will see the Truth, when the wicked lie is presented to the world.

Others will follow blindly down a dark alley. Great division will emerge within the ranks of priests, bishops, archbishops and cardinals, one side against the other.

Those true disciples will have to hide and preach privately or else be killed. So hidden will the TrueChurch be, that the true faithful will have to bind together, in order to practice their allegiance to my Eternal Father.

The Earth will shake in every corner, caused by the Wrath of my heavenly Father, against this travesty.

My child, they cannot win. It will be by the faith and courage of the remnants of the Christian Faith, that will result in these wicked imposters being destroyed forever.

Await now and prepare for the Catholic Church to announce these changes.

Then you will know the Truth of what I tell you.

Pray, pray, pray for Pope Benedict and his true disciples.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation

Thursday, January 19th, 2012 @ 20:30

My dearly beloved daughter, rise now with strength in order to continue to proclaim My most Holy Word.

To those, who listen and believe in My Most Holy Word, great Graces can be obtained through the recital of My Crusade Prayers.

The Purgatory on Earth, soon to be experienced by souls who show true remorse for their sins, after The Warning, will be difficult.

This penance is important children. Do not fight it. Accept it.

To those who believe in Me, you must listen now. You will grow in numbers, after My Great Mercy is shown to the world, and your voices will echo from the wilderness.

It will be through your strength and fighting spirit, that My Church will be able to survive the persecution.

You, children, have nothing to fear when you walk humbly by My Side.

Your humble obedience is essential if you are to be given the Graces, in order to stay strong, to keep your nerve and fight in My Army, against the antichrist.

He, My children, is hidden in the wings, but will soon appear before the world.

He has no shame and will boast of his humanitarian efforts. Many will fall for his charm, while he will appeal to their goodness of heart. Here is the Crusade of Prayer to help stop the antichrist from destroying My children:

Crusade of Prayer (20) Stop the antichrist from destroying the world

“O God the Father, in the Name of Your precious Son, I call on You to prevent the antichrist from ensnaring the souls of Your children.

I beg You, Almighty Father, to stop him from inflicting terror on Your children.

I beg You to stop him from contaminating Your Creation and ask You to have Mercy on those poor souls who will be powerless against him.

Hear my prayer, dear Father, and save all Your children from this terrible evil. Amen.”

Your beloved Jesus Christ

Friday, January 20th, 2012 @ 20:15

My dearly beloved daughter, it is not necessary to worry about human opinion.

The views of mankind are nothing, when compared to My Holy Words, given to you.

My Word comes first. No other views against My Word should concern you.

Time, My daughter, is very short now for Me to save humanity.

My daughter, so much will now be expected of you, so quickly, that you will not be able to draw your breath.

There are many revelations now being imparted to you, so that My children know how to prepare themselves properly.

Should you allow distractions, such as people’s opinions or views, to take up your time, unnecessarily, then this will take you away from the Work, which is truly important.

Allow Me to fill you with love and comfort at this time, My daughter.

The Warning is very close. As soon as My Rays of Mercy envelop the whole world, anyone who believes in Me, will repent.

Those who denounce My Messages, given to you, and who love Me, will turn back to My Sacred Heart, with love and joy in their souls.

No sooner will The Warning have taken place, than a number of events will occur.

The antichrist and his group, although weakened as a result of the Global Confession, will begin to plan his seizure of My Holy Church from within.

My Army will take position, and begin to fight, to save the Holy Catholic Church, from ruination. They, the false prophet and his followers, will not win, My daughter, but how I cry for those sacred servants of Mine who will fall by the wayside.

So deluded will they be, that they will think they are following the orthodox Catholic Church.

In fact, they will be siding with the false prophet, who will rule over My Holy See, with pride and contempt in his heart.

You, My daughter, must ask My children to pray hard, in order to mitigate this abomination.

I need prayer to save the souls of My poor, misguided priests, bishops and cardinals, blind to the Truth.

The Holy Seat of Peter will be desecrated by Satan’s fallen angels, in league with the antichrist and his various organisations.

All are one, My daughter, spawned from Satan.

I know that this is frightening, but it will not last long. Prayer, and much of it, will ease and help avert these events.

Prepare your souls now, children, by going to Confession, if you are Catholic, as soon as you can. Otherwise I urge all of you to seek redemption for your sins with a purity of heart.

This will ease your suffering of penance at The Warning. Afterwards, you must pray for peace on Earth.

Preparations for My Second Coming will commence immediately after The Warning takes place.

The sealed Book of Truth will be opened and the secrets revealed through you, My daughter, for the whole world to see.

My Book of Truth will be given to the world, so that your souls are purified, in union with Me.

Only then, will you be ready to come with Me, into the Era of My Father’s Divine Will, the Era of Peace, My New Paradise on Earth.

Your beloved Jesus

Saviour of Mankind

Saturday, January 21st, 2012 @ 13:15

My dearly beloved daughter of My messengers in the world, appointed to spread my Holy word have each been given a different role. No two the same.

This is why My messengers must never confuse each message by comparing them with one another.

You, My daughter as the 7th messenger, have been chosen to inform My children of the truth. Much of My truth has been given to you already but much more is to come now.

Because of the secrets contained within these you will, when they are revealed, be ridiculed, sneered at and made to look like a fool.

These messages are to help purify My people including those who accept the calling to follow Me as well as those souls empty of love and cold of heart.

Without this cleansing the earth cannot be purified. It needs to be purified in order for it to be made worthy for Me to walk it again.

My children must rejoice. Fear is not something which comes from Me.

Fear comes from evil. Yet you would be forgiven and justified when you fear for those souls who walk in blindness. Not because they cannot see but because they choose not to see.

Your duty to Me, My beloved army of followers, is to help Me prepare the way for My forthcoming Divine Reign on earth.

I need your help. I need your prayers. Your prayers will weaken the work of the antichrist as well as the false prophet who will take up position in the Holy See of Rome.

To all My children you must know that I am all forgiving. Even those who are involved with satanic groups, about whom I speak, can be saved from descending any further downwards to the gates of Hell.

Sin can be diluted because of prayer. You do not have to go into battle and fight with your fists raised all you have to do is to pray.

My New Paradise is magnificent children. So much preparation has been completed with the same wonders as presented to Adam and Eve which they rejected through sin. All is ready.

You My followers will benefit from the beautiful New Paradise on earth over which I will reign.

Because you, of this generation, have been selected to enjoy this Paradise you must not stop in your work to help Me take all of My children with Me into My Glorious Kingdom.

My children be aware, however, that the false prophet will have you believe he is also preparing you for a similar place of Paradise.

His lies will enthrall a naïve group of Catholic followers. He will present a wonderful and loving external charisma and all of My children in the Catholic Church will be confused.

One sign to look out for will be his pride and arrogance hidden behind an exterior false humility. So fooled will My children be that they will think he is an exceptional and pure soul.

He will be treated like a living saint. Not one word out of his mouth will be questioned.

He will also appear to have supernatural gifts and people will instantly believe he can perform miracles.

Anyone who opposes him will be criticised and considered heretics.

All such souls accused of being heretics will be cast aside and fed to the dogs

All truth regarding My teachings will be twisted. Everything will be a lie. Persecution will evolve slowly and be subtle at first.

My true Sacred Servants will have to say Mass privately and in many cases not in a Catholic Church.

They will have to offer Masses in refuges. Children when this happens you must not lose hope. This will be over within a short period of time.

Just pray for those souls who will, in their pledge to the False Prophet, forget about the Blessed Trinity which is the very foundation upon which The Catholic Church is built upon.

Many religions follow just one entity of the Blessed Trinity. Some honour the Father. Others the Son but all are one My daughter.

There is only one true God. That is the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, three distinct persons all in one divine essence. All religions will be given the truth soon and many will accept this holy mystery.

Follow Me towards the path of salvation for you, My followers, have a glorious future ahead but you must remain strong.

This is the chosen generation for My New Paradise on Earth.

Don’t reject this glorious gift of life which glitters in all its magnificence. Not one soul will want for anything. My New Paradise on earth will be an era of peace and happiness without sin.

This is the divine will of My Father and has been His promise to mankind right from the start.

Be joyful and happy for you have much to look forward to children.

The trials ahead will pale into insignificance when you will witness the glorious Kingdom which is waiting for you.

I love you children. I know that you love Me. Because of this I ask you to show love to those who are blind to My Holy Spirit.

Pray for them at every opportunity so that they can see again the truth of My promise made to mankind when I died to secure your eternal salvation.

Your beloved Jesus

Saviour of all Mankind

Saturday, February 4th, 2012 @ 10:55

My dearest beloved daughter, your loyalty to Me is tested every day. So many try to stop you in your Work for Me, yet they cannot do this because of the Holy protection afforded you from the Heavens. Those who try to inflict pain, suffering and abuse on you will be punished. I will not tolerate such action.

Remember, it has been foretold that no man can stop the Fire of the Holy Spirit, which will pour forth from My Most Holy Messages for the whole of mankind.

I ask, therefore, that you continue to ignore the obstacles placed before you and ignore the hatred for it comes from satan.

Engage with hatred and it spreads.

Ignore it and it will die because it cannot find the nourishment it needs to grow and fester.

Now, I want you to tell My children that the events foretold in the Book of Revelation are now unfolding in the world.

My children, must not be frightened because their faith and their prayers will help dilute the effects of war, genocide, famine and apostasy.

Wars will emerge, which involve Iran, Israel, Egypt and Syria. All will become interlinked.

So too, will Italy suffer the fallout, which is connected to the rise of the false prophet and his partner the antichrist.

Pray hard that all countries are not drawn into a global power, which will control your money. For should they succeed, it will be very difficult.

Pray to God the Father, so that he can stave off such atrocities.

Prayer for the souls of others will save your own souls. That is all I ask. Prayer.

Pray, too, for conversion.

It is not long now for all things to make sense, My daughter. All be well once conversion takes place after The Warning.

Go now and tell my children never to fear when they proclaim My Word. I will be standing beside them.

If they are mocked, they can be sure of the Truth of this, My Most Moly Word.

Your beloved Jesus

Saturday, February 4th, 2012 @ 15:00

My daughter the world is about to undergo a chastisement as a result of the terrible sin being waged by mankind.

While much of this chastistement has been averted, My hand will fall now on the wickedness which is being perpetrated in every corner.

So much hatred for Me, God the Father, must be stopped or My children will suffer an even greater horror.

I now prepare the world for the changes required to purify the earth so that it is according to My plan to save humanity.

So many souls are tormented by sin.

I am the God of all Creation and I will not sit back and watch My children destroy each other.

My daughter there is a wicked plan to destroy much of humanity through war.

These wars are not accidental.

Have you seen how many are taking place, in so many nations, everywhere?

This is by the hand of the AntiChrist who awaits his moment of glory on earth patiently.

He, when nations are on their knees, will march in and create a false peace of his own devious making. This will be a mask of deceit.

My punishment will be unleashed on those nations who partake in this great deception to control the world through the seizure of nations.

Be strong, My daughter for this period, when the earth will shake, will not last long. It is necessary in order to wake up My children.

They, My children, have been warned but My voice is detested.

My poor children who live good lives and who watch in dismay at the evil in their world must understand that My intervention is necessary.

If I do not stop what is happening then much of mankind will be destroyed.

Pray that My children will pray for peace in your countries.

Never be afraid to proclaim My word even if you are persecuted. For just one soul who professes their faith aloud is enough for hundreds of conversions.

Go in peace. The time has come for Me, God the Father, to sanction the breaking open of the seals. Only then will humanity accept that they are powerless.

They do not control the world for it cannot be so.

Only the Creator of all Mankind has the power over satan and now I will unlease a punishment on those cold hearts and dark souls who have pledged their allegiance to him. The final stages of purification will now commence.

God the Father

Wednesday, February 8th, 2012 @ 20:30   

I am the Immaculate Conception. I am the Virgin Mary, Mother of God

My child this poor world is in turmoil and as this continues so, too, will the time for The Warning draw closer by the day.

It is foretold that the hatred for My Son will extend to His Holy Church on earth. This has already happened.

The evil one will not rest until the Catholic Church has been knocked to the ground.

When the Church breaks down two sides will emerge. No matter how much the Church will suffer it cannot, nor will it, die. This cannot be children.

For while God the Father may allow the Church on earth to be dealt the same scourging as that suffered by His beloved Son, Jesus Christ, it will as My precious Son, rise in glory once more.

Never forsake the Catholic Church.

Never deny My Son’s other Christian Churches. For you are all followers of Christ.

All of you with a devotion to my Son must put your differences aside and join together to fight the antichrist.

Pray for the unification of all God’s children through this special Crusade Prayer (28)

O God of the Most High

We kneel before you to beg for the unification of all your children

In the fight to retain your Christian Churches on earth

Let not our differences divide us at this time of great apostasy in the world

In our love for you dear Father

We beseech you to give us the graces to love one another in the name

Of your Beloved Son Our Saviour Jesus Christ

We adore You

We love You

We unite to fight for the strength to retain your Christian Churches on earth In the trials we may face in the years ahead. Amen.

Trust in me children to guide you towards the New Paradise and my Son’s reign on earth as it is meant to be.

Your loving Mother

Mother of Salvation

Wednesday, February 8th, 2012 @ 20:45

My dearly beloved daughter it will not be long now before all prophesies foretold will be unveiled before a disbelieving world.

Even those unclean souls who shun Me, their Divine Saviour and My Eternal Father, will not fail to notice. They will wonder why this is happening and for the first time will finally realise that they do not control their own destiny. For all their misguided beliefs and their perceived right to personal gain they will soon realise the truth.

My daughter the way forward is to pray that these souls, however lost to Me, do not follow the allure of the antichrist and the false prophet.

Very soon a man will come who will profess to be me. But, of course, this cannot be for I will not come until the very end.

Yet he will display all that qualities that will deceive poor souls into believing that it is I.

He will perform wonders, great acts of peace, humanitarian deeds and acts of public affection.

He will be idolised and his powers will come from satan, the king of darkness.

So convincing will he be that when he displays signs associated with the great saints many of My sacred servants will drop in humility at his feet.

My word, given to you the true end time prophet, will be rejected and dismissed as heresy.

I give you, My daughter, plenty of warning now so that as many of My children can be given the truth before this happens.

Do not be fooled by those who exalt themselves in your eyes as being holy. Never confuse humanitarian deeds as always coming from Me.

The evil one is a liar. He is cunning and will present, at times, a loving charitable exterior.

Watch for those organisations which are fronted by very wealthy individuals who boast about their efforts to save humanity. Many of them work in secret to denounse My word.

This type of deception will be used by the antichrist to recruit well meaning but gullible followers.

Once seduced you will become trapped. Then you will be fooled into accepting the mark of the beast which you must avoid at all costs or you will become lost to Me forever.

Be on your guard at all times.

Your task is simple. Remember there is only one God, three persons in the Blessed Trinity, God the Father, the Son and the Holy spirit.

Anything else that is presented to you otherwise does not exist.

Your beloved Saviour

Jesus Christ

Saturday, February 11th, 2012 @ 11:30


My dearly beloved daughter, the wars are escalating everywhere and very soon the Hand of My Father will intervene to bring this evil to a halt.

Fear not, for the plans to save humanity are completed and it will not be long now for My Great Mercy, which will be given to each of you.

Never fear the works of the antichrist, when you, dear children, have the power within you to weaken his grasp on the world, through your prayers.

Other world leaders will be killed soon, and My poor Holy Vicar, Pope Benedict XVI, will be ousted from the Holy See in Rome.

Last year, my daughter, I told you of the plot, within the corridors of the Vatican.

A plan to destroy My Holy Vicar was devised in secret on the l7th March, 2011, and this will come to fruition, for it has been foretold.

Spread My Holy Word to every corner of the world, now, and arrange for the printed versions of My Messages to be spread to as many countries, as possible.

You are being guided, so you must do what is best. Ask Me in prayer to send you help, and it will be done.

Your Jesus

Monday, February 13th, 2012 @ 15:30

My daughter please remember that man only has to look around him to know big changes have come into the world.

Normal every day events no longer seem the same. The joys you receive children from material gain have lost their lustre. They no longer appeal. They are tinged with a mask of nothingness.

Why is this? Don’t you know that it is the scourge of the antichrist and his presence on earth which casts these shadows?

He, the spawn of Satan infects every level of your society including politics, the military forces, financial institutions, humanitarian organisations and even your churches.

Not one sector has been spared in order that he can inflict pain on humanity in these his last days on earth.

Remember that I, your Jesus, have given you, My followers, the power of the Holy Spirit to render these evil perpetrators impotent.

The more you rise in battle through the strength of your faith then the weaker will be the grip of the antichrist.

Prayer, and especially the Crusade Prayers given to you, My messenger, will help drive out this evil.

All evil can be destroyed through prayer. It is that simple.

The days are numbered for the survival of satan and his army. However, like a wasp when dying, the sting will be the most painful.

Show patience and perseverance during these trials and you, My army, in hope and confidence will march in unity towards the gates of My New Paradise on earth.

Your Saviour Jesus Christ

Thursday, February 16th, 2012 @ 20:00

My dearly beloved daughter you must tell My children, all those followers of Mine, to link and form a chain of protection in prayer.

By joining as brothers and sisters in prayer for those lost children, who wander seeking love for me but who cannot find peace in their souls, you can save them.

They need you to pray for them because The Warning won’t convert these poor souls.

You, My loyal followers bring Me the consolation I need when I see the terrible pain and hardships which are now being endured by My children in almost every corner of the world.

This wicked group, made up of some of the world’s most powerful and elite are perpetrating the biggest lie through their deliberate plotting to seize control of countries in the Middle East, Europe and the US.

Their plan is unveiling before your eyes. Can’t you see? This plan has taken decades to develop.

Every one of My children needs to stay awake at all times.

Do not allow them to take your countries. Stand up to them.

Money is their weapon of deceit. The collapse of your banking systems was deliberate. Now they move to complete the next phase of their plan.

You, children, can stop this evolving through your prayers.

Already My Father is placing obstacles in their way.

My followers span many countries. Now you must join together in prayer to stop European leaders, some of whom are intrinsic in bringing about terrible hardship on innocent people, in their wicked ways.

I urge you to say this Crusade Prayer (31) to stop them.

O My Jesus

Let my prayer invoke your Holy Spirit

To descend on those leaders driven by lust, greed, avarice and pride

To stop the persecution of your innocent children

I ask you to stop poverty, famine and wars from devouring your children And I pray that European leaders will open their hearts to the truth of your love.


My daughter the chain of prayer will spread out far and wide and the power of the Holy Spirit will help stop those people, who have the power to stop suffering, halt in their actions.

Spread My word in order to spread conversion.

My time to come to reign is close. So there will not be time enough to save all souls.

Do all you can for Me, your Jesus who loves and cherishes you all.

We must work together children for the sake of all of mankind in our battle to prevent the antichrist and his atrocious plan of deception.

Hope, love and prayers children. This is what I expect of you.

I thank you for all your loyalty and obedience.

You have not seen yet you have believed. Once you heard my voice, through these messages, you recognised Me.

You were able to do this because of the Holy Spirit which reigns in your souls.

You must share this great gift so that you can bring all of your loved ones with you into My New Paradise on Earth.

I love each and every one of you. You bring Me such consolation and joy.

Your beloved Jesus

Saturday, February 18th, 2012 @ 16:00

My dearly beloved daughter it is My intention to protect as many of My followers as the hand of My Father will descend shortly to punish mankind for their wickedness, and to prevent terrible atrocities from being committed by sinners who want to destroy many nations.

All of you will be protected but your responsibility is to the others.

Watch now as European countries succumb to dictatorship no better than the days of Hitler.

The plans are in place by the world group to take over each country in Europe.

Babylon will topple as foretold.

The bear and the red dragon will go to war just as prophesised.

Rome will become the seat of wicked rule and domination.

Italy will crumble.

Greece will be the catalyst which will provide the excuse to bring down Babylon.

All will now be revealed to the world.

Prayer can ease the torment of My poor children who will be forced to beg for the food they put in their mouths.

They will be treated as children but will be trodden upon as they become enslaved by the global group which works in tandem with European leaders.

They are traitors, all of them, not just to those they serve but to God, My Almighty Father.

His name is hated by this group who have banned homage to Him in their countries.

For this they will suffer. They will be punished and prevented from fulfilling their wicked mission.

The anger of My Beloved Father has now reached unprecedented heights as the rise of the big red dragon is imminent.

So much destruction children.

So much lust for power and control.

So much hatred for Me, their Divine Saviour.

Satan’s four messengers have descended and work now within these groups.

Those wicked and powerful leaders are being controlled by the antichrist who is now very active. The antichrist runs a very large organisation.

So cunning are they that few realise what they really do.

My children they will try to take over and all their plans will seem to be unfolding.

But that is when, My Father, will intervene.

Woe to those who will face the anger of My Father.

They will not even be given the chance to tremble before Him if they do not repent immediately.

Very few of you, children, are being given the truth because many of these people control the news you believe to be the truth.

You have no other means of knowing what is going on in the world.

For those you consider to be responsible organisations who care about nations are, in fact, the very groups run by the antichrist.

The nations you consider to be wicked are being victimised and used as pawns so that they, instead, seem wicked to the outside world.

You must not always believe what is presented to you in the name of justice.

Pray hard for all your brothers and sisters who will be trampled upon by these people.

Pray that The Warning will delay their action and pray to dilute the impact of the plan being orchestrated to abolish your rights to your money, your food and your right to practice Christianity and other religions which honour My Father.

Your beloved Jesus Christ

Saviour of mankind

Tuesday, February 21st, 2012 @ 00:30

I am God the Father, Creator of all things. I am speaking with you tonight in the name of the Holy Trinity My daughter the time has come for the first of the seals to be broken and how this saddens Me.

I have promised that before this happens I will offer My Seal of Protection on the foreheads of all those who believe in Me.

Now I give you, children, a last chance to stand up and decide.

You are either for Me or against Me. The choice is yours.

To those who reject My Holy Word given to this, the end time prophet, you must hear Me now as I speak.

I give you the prophets to guide you.

Why do you reject My love?

Why do you allow doubts to blind you to the truth?

Much as I love you there is little time and you will be given seconds to decide on your own fate. For in time, My patience will run out.

Ignore My calling and you will find it difficult to find Me in the wilderness ahead.

If you accept My Seal of Love you will be within My protection at all times.

This protection will cover your families.

This is My final call to offer you My Seal of Love.

After that you will have to face the bleakness of the Great Tribulation exposed, alone and without a crutch to lean on.

I will never force you, children, to love Me. That is your own choice and, of course, love can only come from the heart.

I extend My hand of love now. If you know Me you will recognise Me.

If you say you know Me but reject My gesture of love and protection, then you do not really know Me at all.

My children keep close to Me now for the first seal has been finally opened.

The earth will shake all over in various parts of the world and then you will be without doubt.

Because I love you I will await your response after that.

Never reject My prophets for you reject Me.

Harm or slander My prophets and you do the same to Me.

For it is My voice from Heaven that you insult.

Far better if you do not speak at all and remain silent if in doubt.

It is now the time for the prophecies to be proven.

Many will fall on their knees in shame and regret when they will see how their rejection of My messages, through my end time prophets, have torn Me in two.

How their condemnation and ridicule have made a mockery of My holy word.

How the truth was too bitter for them to swallow and how the lies from the false prophets and fortune tellers gave them the shallow comfort they sought.

How far My children have fallen away from Me.

How ungrateful they are.

To those who know Me, and accept My Seal, know that you will have eternal life.

You never doubted My word because your humility and childlike love for Me meant that you did not allow intellectual reasoning to block your ears to the truth.

So many of My true prophets sent to you over the last twenty years were mocked, abused, tormented and cast into the wilderness.

To those of you who slandered My messages you should be ashamed.

Yet you idolised the false prophets and bowed before them.

To you I ask, which God do you bow before?

You know who you are. The time has come for you to face the truth.

For you are either for Me or against Me. If you cannot recognise Me then you are lost.

To those who do hear My voice follow Me and help Me build My remnant church on earth.

I will lead you through the havoc which will be wielded by the antichrist.

You will not suffer the torment which will befall those who refuse to reject false idols, greed, materialism and lust for power.

I call on all of My children to listen.

I ask you to open your eyes before it is too late.

Your beloved Father

God of the Most High

Saturday, March 10th, 2012 @ 15:30

 My dearly beloved daughter it is time for the second seal to open as wars will increase and spread.

The avenging dark angel comes from one source My daughter and these wars are all connected.

They did not happen because of regional unrest they were planned by the west.

These wars have been ignited, deliberately, in order to control and many of these nations are painted as demonic with lies spread about their political leaders.

Children these wars have been cunningly set up, all at once, the objective being to remove leader after leader.

Peaceful solutions will be presented and applauded but they are false.

You, My children, are being deceived.

Rumour of war is just that – rumour. How do rumours start? Who starts them and why?

Why do you think so many countries became embroiled in these wars at the same time?

This was not a coincidence.

There is a plan being organised by the AntiChrist to control and conquer these nations who have rich resources.

Once they control these countries they will become very powerful.

As these wars increase and become wearisome then the antichrist will make himself known as the peaceful negotiator.

Few of you are being told the truth because of the control that the antichrist and his organisations hold in the world of communications.

Pray now as the wars will increase so as to render their plans impotent.

Know that Israel, so influenced by the west will be rejected and betrayed by the US when they least expect it.

It will be then that the holocaust I speak of will take place.

Pray, pray, pray for the people of Israel who will continue to suffer for their sins until My Second Coming.

Your Beloved Jesus

Monday, March 12th, 2012 @ 19:00

My child it is at this time that all of God’s visionaries, seers and chosen souls will suffer the greatest persecution.

Satan’s days are almost at an end and he will use every weapon, especially some sacred priests, to try and discredit the word of me, your beloved Mother and My precious Son, Jesus Christ.

Never before has there been so much opposition to divine revelations as there are today.

The darkness continues to invade the Church and many within the Church are doing all they can to quieten the word of visionaries.

They do not want the truth to emerge and will block the prayers, given to visionaries to save souls, from being proclaimed.

Pray children that their efforts will not block the work of my Son or blind believers to the gift of the Holy Spirit as it continues to be poured over souls who see these messages.

Your prayers and loyalty to my precious Son, have never been so important as this cloud of darkness continues to fall upon my Son’s Church.

Pray, pray, pray for the light of my Son to shine through so that lost souls can be enlightened through his most Holy Word.

Thank you for responding to my call, my child, especially at this time of great sadness in your soul caused by the torment you have had to endure at the hands of those who profess to speak in the name of the Lord. Your heavenly Mother

Mother of Salvation

Tuesday, March 20th, 2012 @ 20:30


My child there is a stillness, like the calm before the storm, as the Catholic Church will soon be plunged into crisis.

I call on all of my children everywhere to pray for Pope Benedict XVI who is in danger of being exiled from Rome.

He, the most Holy Vicar of the Catholic Church, is hated in many quarters within the Vatican.

An evil plot, planned for over one year, will be seen all over the world shortly.

Pray, pray, pray for all of God’s holy servants in the Catholic Church who will be persecuted because of the great divide within the Church which will come about soon.

The great schism will be witnessed by the whole world but it will not be seen to be the case immediately.

The false pope is waiting to reveal himself to the world.

Children do not be deceived because he will not be from God.

The keys of Rome have been returned to my Father, God the Most High who will rule from the Heavens.

Great responsibility will be placed on all those holy priests, bishops and cardinals who love my Son dearly.

They will need much courage and divine fortitude to lead souls towards the New Paradise.

Every effort by these holy disciples to prepare souls for the Second Coming of my dearly beloved Son will be opposed by the other dark side.

I urge all of my children to pray for the strength needed as the antichrist and his partner the false prophet will rise to prominence.

You must ask me, the Mother of Salvation for prayers to ensure that the Catholic Church will be saved and that the true word of my Son is salvaged.

The truth of my Son’s promise to return in great glory will be tampered with.

You, my dear children, will be given a series of untruths which you will be expected to honour and accept in the holy name of my Son.

My crusade prayer (38) must be said for the next month every single day to ensure that God’s holy priests do not fall for the wicked deceit which is being planned by the False Prophet and his followers.

O Blessed Mother of Salvation

Please pray for the Catholic Church

In these difficult times and for our beloved Pope Benedict XVI to ease his suffering

We ask you Mother of Salvation

To cover God’s sacred servants with

Your holy mantle

So that they are given the graces to be strong, loyal and brave During the trials they face

Pray too that they will look after their flock

In accordance with the true teachings of the Catholic Church

O Holy Mother of God give us, your remnant Church on earth,

The gift of leadership so that we can help lead souls

Towards the Kingdom of your Son

We ask you Mother of Salvation to keep the deceiver away

From the followers of your Son in their quest to safeguard

Their souls so that they are fit to enter the gates of the New Paradise on Earth.


Go children and pray for the renewal of the Church and for the safety of those sacred servants who will suffer for their faith under the rule of the False Prophet.

Mary, Mother of Salvation

Tuesday, March 27th, 2012 @ 18:00


My child, your suffering, along with other chosen souls, will intensify during Holy Week.

This is the week where the deceiver will hurt as many of God’s children as he can through wars, persecution and violence.

It is at this time that he inflicts great suffering just as My precious Son endured during His Passion on the Cross.

My child, you must tell all those who have encouraged souls everywhere to recite my Holy Rosary every Friday up to Easter, that I am most pleased.

The souls they are saving along with the suffering of their own nations are all being helped through these devotions.

The love of my Son is being felt now by more people all over the world at a time of great suffering.

He eases their pain with His special graces and soothes their souls by the Power of the Holy Spirit

Children, your prayers, which are so lovingly presented by you in the Heavens, are being heard.

You must seek the help of my Son and My Eternal Father at all times. Every single prayer, no matter how small, is heard and answered according to the will of God Most High.

My child, ask my children to do one day of Fasting on Good Friday to prevent the one world currency from being introduced.

Your prayers and fasting can do this.

As soon as this prayer is said during your Fast, My Eternal Father will stop these people from inflicting the austerity they are planning so that they can control you.

These same people want to abolish Christianity so it is important that you stop this from happening through special sacrifices.

Crusade Prayer (42) Prayer of fasting to stop One World Currency

O God Most High

I offer you my gift of fasting

So that you will stop the grip of evil in the world

Being planned to starve my country of food including the Bread of Life

Accept my offering and listen to my pleas for other nations to prevent them from

The suffering being planned by the antichrist

Save us dear Lord from this wickedness and protect our faith

So that we can honour You with the freedom we need to love and adore Y0u Forever and ever. Amen.

My child, one day of fasting on Good Friday will bring much freedom to nations from the evil one and those who follow his wicked desires to control the finances of all nations.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation

Mother of God

Sunday, April 15th, 2012 @ 19:16   


My dearly beloved daughter I realise that some of these messages do not make sense to you but you must trust in Me and know that I must reveal the contents of the Book of Revelation so that souls know what to expect in these times.

To those of little faith but who accept My Word, given to you through this prophet, know that your humility and desire, born of a pure love for Me, has brought you closer to My Sacred Heart.

You are My Remnant Church. You are the Church, referred to in the Book of Revelation.

You are the product of the woman who gave birth to a male and who was cast out into the desert where you will be isolated, yet united as one, to proclaim My Holy Word and preach the true Gospels.

The woman gives birth to My true Church, My loyal flock, who will not be misled by the False Prophet.

You, My Church, will be cast aside into the desert for 1,260 days, where you will take refuge. But with the gift of the Holy Spirit you will be fed with the fruits of My love.

It will be the loyal members of My Christian churches, including My sacred servants and those of My followers who reject the False Prophet, who will have to keep My Church together.

You will have to honour Me in secret because the Mass will change beyond recognition under the rule of the False Prophet.

You, are My true followers and all the graces of Heaven are being poured over your precious souls.

How I love you children and how you ease My suffering. But how much pain is in My heart because of those of My followers who will refuse to listen to Me.

They will be drawn in a web by the False Prophet into the darkness and I cannot save them.

By their own will they will slap Me on the face.

My Remnant Church will need to spread the word to My other children including those who do not know Me at all.

You, My Remnant Church, will need to proclaim My prophecies and My Holy Word to those, who are not Christian or who do not know the Ten Commandments.

Your job will be to ensure that the Holy Bible is read and understood.

It will be up to you to inform the world of the full meaning of the seals contained in the Book of Revelation which I will reveal to Maria Divine Mercy.

The Two Witnesses in the Book of Revelation:

You, My followers, are one of the Two Witnesses referred to in the Book of Revelation and who will be protected from the Heavens.

My Word, given to you My Remnant Church, may be cast aside as a corpse but My Word will never die.

The Jews will be the second of the Two Witnesses.

The two lamps are My Christian Churches, the traditional true Church and those followers of Mine who will be cast aside by the False Prophet.

The two Olive Trees are the Old Jerusalem Israel and the New Israel.

They, the Jews, will know that I am the Messiah at last and their preaching of the truth will also be cast aside and thrown out by the False Prophet and the AntiChrist to rot like a corpse. Again, this chosen race will not die.

Both will feel defeated but this will not be the case for you will form, along with all other religions, the one true Church – the New Jerusalem which will rise from the Ashes.

You will survive the terrible evil monarchy which will arise under the dual leadership of the False Prophet and the AntiChrist, both of whom will be cast into the lake of fire that is Hell.

This persecution will not last long and you will be given great strength and protection.

Help will be given to you and many leaders will arise amongst you to guide you through this period.

Many of you will become saints in My New Paradise and, having helped build My Remnant Church on earth, will reign with me in the New Heaven and Earth which will emerge at My Second Coming.

Those of you who are not with Me will be given a very short time to choose.

You will either be for the False Prophet and against me or you will be for Me.

Choose the first and your soul will be stolen by the deceiver. Harsh as this sounds, it is the truth.

Proof of My Presence will be given to all of God’s children during The Warning.

Pray that you will accept the truth then that it is I, your beloved Jesus, who calls to you from Heaven to open your eyes so that you can see and so that you will listen so that you can hear before it is too late.

Your beloved Jesus


Wednesday, May 16th, 2012 @ 03:10

My dearest beloved daughter I must inform you that a Third World War is about to unfold in the world

My tears flow this morning as you can see.*

The Second Seal is about to unfold as foretold to John the Evangelist in the Book of Revelation.

It will start in Europe.

Your banking system will be the cause and Germany, once again, will be involved in this tragedy as it was on the last two occasions.

When it commences much will be over saving the economy and catastrophe will affect Greece with much fallout in France.

The Middle East will also be involved with Israel and Iran at war and Syria will play a serious part in the downfall of Egypt.

My daughter I wake you to tell you this, not to frighten you, but to urge much prayer for Europe at this time.

Because of war and lack of money, much of the harvest will be lost and this will lead to the opening of the Third Seal, which means famine.

This is why I now urge all of God’s children to try to stockpile dried and non-perishable food to feed your families. It is important to grow your own harvest if possible.

Remember, however, that prayer can mitigate much of this suffering.

The effect of this war will be that My Catholic Church on earth will be sucked into a one world church, in the name of unification.

This unification, or false peace, will become a reality after the antichrist appears to create a false peace and a so called end to the war.

This peaceful pact will involve the western world until China and Russia become involved with world matters.

They will pose a threat to the ‘Beast with the Ten Horns’, Europe, and will overcome them to introduce communism.

The ‘Red Dragon’, China, already gains a strong foothold in the world because of their control of the world’s finances.

The Red Dragon and “The Bear” which is Russia do not love God.

They are being led by the antichrist who is from the East and who hides behind closed doors.

When these prophesies unfold the whole world will believe in these messages. There will be no doubts then.

Please recite this Crusade Prayer as it will help dilute the impact of these events.

Crusade Prayer (54) Prayer to the Father to dilute impact of World War 3

 O Heavenly Father in the Name of your Beloved Son, Jesus Christ

Who suffered greatly for the sins of mankind please help us in these difficult times we face

Help us to survive the persecution being planned by greedy rulers and those who want to destroy your Churches and your children

We implore you Dear Father to help feed our families and save the lives of those who will be forced into a war against their will

We love you Dear Father

We beg you to help us in our time of need

Save us from the grip of the antichrist

Help us to survive his mark, the mark of the beast, by refusing to accept it Help those who love You to remain true to Your Holy Word at all times so that You can bestow on us the graces to survive in body and soul.


My daughter, I realise that this news may come as a shock but remember that prayer and the Seal of the Living God Crusade Prayer number (33) will protect My followers.

My Remnant Church, you My children, will survive although it will not be easy.

You will be bullied because of your Christianity but you will never denounce Me or reject Me.

For this you will be given Gifts. My Gift of the Seal of the Living God will render you invisible to your enemies.

Recite it every day from now on. Keep it before you in your homes and have it Blessed by a priest.

Begin your preparation soon for the day of the fallout in Europe is not far away. Your Jesus

*Note : When Maria was taking down this message a wet tear rolled down the photo of Jesus in front of her.

Friday, May 18th, 2012 @ 10:48

My dearly beloved daughter know now that the spread of My Holy Spirit is about to become rampant in the world.

The Flame of Truth will enrapture the world and fill the souls of many with the simple wonder of My Great Mercy.

Much conversion will take place and it will be then that My Remnant Army will rise to become a powerful force in the battle against the antichrist.

My Remnant Christian Church will spread the Holy Gospel into every corner of the earth.

Fires will pour forth upon those who try to harm My Remnant Church. For few will be able to withstand the Truth of My Holy Word when it is shown to them.

So many will there be that it will amount to over 20 million.

Leaders will spring up among you and you will have to practice your faith hidden in certain quarters.

You will lead a Crusade of My Teachings and My Crusade Prayers will be your weapon to defeat the enemy.

Strangers will become close, people from different countries will join together and religions torn apart in the past through their differences will all join as one.

The One Remnant Church which will stand, undefeated until the rise of the New Jerusalem.

This is when My Second Coming will take place.

When My New Jerusalem rises from the ashes from where all those who opposed Me thought that My Church on earth had been burnt to the ground.

And then that will be it.

The New Beginning.

The New Era.

The New Heaven and the New Earth.

The time for the Divine Will of My Father to be realised finally.

Rise now My Army. Diversify and spread your wings. Never deviate from the Truth contained in the Holy Bible.

Never doubt the words contained in Holy Scripture.

For those among you, including members of My Church on earth, who do then you must open your heart to the Truth.

The Bible contains the Holy Word of God. The Bible contains the whole Truth.

It does not lie.

If you deny the Truth contained therein you deny the Word of God.

Your Saviour

Jesus Christ

Friday, June 1st, 2012 @ 20:15

My dearly beloved daughter the antichrist is preparing, already, his peace plan which he will introduce soon after the wars become widespread in the Middle East and when the pain and terrible anguish means there is no sign of hope.

Then he will appear suddenly and announce himself to the world as a man of peace, a bright jewel which will sparkle in the midst of darkness.

As he emerges he will be seen as one of the most charismatic political leaders of all time.

His handsome, appealing and caring personality will fool the majority of people.

He will exude love and compassion and will be seen to be Christian. In time he will draw many followers who will grow in their numbers so that he becomes like Me, the Messiah.

He will be seen to promote unity among all nations and he will be loved in almost every country in the world.

Then he will be seen to have supernatural skills. Many will believe that he has been sent by My Father and that he is Me, Jesus Christ, Saviour of the World.

They will pray to him, love him, give up their lives for him and he will laugh and mock them when they cannot see him.

This will be the biggest deception of all time and the plan is to steal your souls, to take you away from Me.

He and the False Prophet, who will sit like a King in the Seat of Peter, will secretly plot a one world religion.

This will appear to be a Christian type religion which promotes love. It will, however, not promote love of one another which comes from God. Instead it will promote love and allegiance to the antichrist and love of oneself.

The abomination does not stop there for when they have seduced God’s children the attack will begin.

Suddenly all will be asked to accept the one world Mark of Allegiance. A united world which all men will have to partake in.

It will control your money, your access to food and how you live.

Rules, many of them, will mean that you will become prisoners. The key to your cell, which keeps you under their control, will be the Mark of the Beast.

666 will be embedded, its number hidden, into a chip which you will be forced to accept just as you would any vaccination.

Once embedded it will poison, not only your mind and soul, but your body. For it will cause a plague designed to wipe out much of the world’s population.

You must not accept the Mark. Instead I will instruct you what to do.

Many will accept the Mark because they will feel helpless.

The Seal of the Living God, My Crusade Prayer (33) is your lifeline.

When you receive My Seal of Protection, given to you by My Eternal Father, you will not have to accept the Mark.

You will not be touched. Your home will not be seen, searched or a target for it will be rendered invisible in the eyes of Satan’s army.

You will need to keep food hidden which will last a few years. You will need to grow your own crops, store your own water and keep all Holy objects around you.

My Remnant Church will grow and spread out and you will be given shelter if it is needed.

Much planning is needed now.

Those who laugh at what you do, or say, surely Jesus would not ask you to do this? Does He not supply all His followers at their time of need?

Even one loaf and one fish can be multiplied. So it does not matter if you only have some food for I will protect you and you will be safe.

Pray hard for those souls who will be unable to avoid the Mark.

Those innocent souls will be saved who are in a state of grace at the time of being forced to accept the chip.

The rest of you must plan to protect your family and your allegiance to the Holy Eucharist and the Mass.

When the antichrist devours all religions the only weapons which he will be powerless against is the Holy Mass and the Transubstantiation of the bread and wine into My Body and Blood, in the Holy Eucharist.

My Masses must continue. Those of you who know this must gather in numbers now and start the preparations.

The sooner you prepare the more graces you will be given to grow your ranks around the world.

The Rock will become laden with a new building which they say will be My New Temple. But this is untrue.

But when the persecution ends My Remnant Church and My Chosen People will have the Temple rebuilt and My New Jerusalem will come down from Heaven.

She will descend in glory. The trumpets will be heard in Heaven and on earth at the same time.

And then I will come. You, my daughter will herald my arrival and many will fall on the ground and weep with relief, love and joy in ecstasy.

For, at last the moment they have been waiting for. The skies will light up, the thunder will peal and the choirs of angels will sing in sweet unison as all God’s children will welcome the True Messiah.

I, Jesus Christ, will come to judge. And the Heavens and the Earth will become one.

The New Glorious splendour, the renewed earth, will emerge and the New Paradise will embrace all those whose names are in the Book of the Living who will unite as one.

And while the end of the old earth, soiled with the stain of sin, will have come to an end the New Era is only beginning.

This is what you must strive for. This is what you are entitled to as part of your natural inheritance.

Only focus on the saving of all souls.

This is why you must ignore the obstacles presented to you. The persecution. The pain. The horror of evil by the hands of others. All that matters is the saving of souls.

Your Saviour Jesus Christ

Saturday, June 2nd, 2012 @ 11:00

My child it is important that all those who love my Son pray for the graces of strength and perseverance at this time.

The knowledge being revealed to you children through these messages is to help you prepare.

Never feel you, as God’s army, will not be able to withstand the evil regime about to show itself in the world shortly.

Always remember the power of My Holy Rosary.

Always remember the power of My Father is the greatest power of all.

No power is so strong that it can defeat the most Glorious Power of God.

When you are a true child of God, when you come to the Father through my Son, you will be protected.

Fear is caused by the unknown but it can also be caused when the Truth is revealed.

Allow the graces which are being given to you through the Crusade Prayers to give you the peace of mind and strength of soul to march for the salvation of souls.

The more souls who are converted to the love of my Son, the stronger will your Crusade be.

Love one another and join in prayer to help save God’s children from the antichrist.

Pray, pray, pray that every soul will be brave enough to reject his poisonous mark.

I have revealed these atrocities to the little children Melanie and Maximin at La Salette so long ago. The time for these prophecies to unfold is soon.

These children were told of the evil plans and accepted what I told them. Now you, children, must accept that these events must take place.

You must pray hard to dilute and mitigate much of the pain which will have to be endured by humanity.

Be brave children.

Trust in my Son and allow Him the freedom to guide you as He must so that souls can be saved from the clutches of the beast.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation

Sunday, June 10th, 2012 @ 15:30   

My dearly beloved daughter I call on all My followers to show courage at this time.

This is not the time to fall down and weep. It is the time to fight for your salvation.

I call on all Christian Churches, My clergy and all those who have devoted their lives to Me, their Jesus, to hear My pleas.

Never forsake the truth of My teachings.

Never forsake Me.

Never forsake My Church. For I am the Church.

Never forsake My Body, for I am the Bread of life.

Never accept the lies, soon to be implanted among you, to displace My Church on earth.

It is time to prepare.

Soon you will be made to swallow a new religion which will be manmade.

Soon you will be force fed what will seem like the Holy Eucharist but it will not be My Body.

It will become empty, barren and will yield no real life.

The only Holy Eucharist that exists is the way in which My Presence is made known in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass as it is now.

Never deviate from this even if you are forced to do so by the heathen who will take over My Christian Churches.

They will desecrate My Churches and turn them into nothing more than places of entertainment and social outlets.

You must always follow the steps I taught My Apostles at the Last Supper.

Now you must ensure that all is in place before the attack begins.

For soon you will find it impossible to follow a false doctrine imposed on you by the abomination that lies ahead.

The False Prophet will not only take over the Catholic Church he will dictate over all Christian Churches which he will merge as one.

But it will not be I, Jesus Christ that the New Temple will be built upon. It will be a temple, to replace the Holy See, to honour the beast.

Heed now My words for you will soon see the Truth.

To those brave enough to stand up to this persecution of your faith you must plan now.

To those who do not have the strength to fight the reign of the antichrist and the false prophet drop down on your knees now and beg Me to help you.

I will guide you through My new leaders who will spring up among you led by My Two Witnesses.

Enoch and Elijah, present in My Christian Churches on earth and the House of Israel, will influence the preaching’s of the Gospels all over the world soon.

Nothing will stop the teaching of the Truth.

This time will be difficult but rise and follow My Army on earth and more souls will be saved. Do not forsake the flock that I have given over to you to lead.

Fear not because only by following My Path to Eternal Life can you be saved.

Follow the path of the False Prophet and not only will you become lost to Me but you will lead innocent souls towards the pathway to Hell.

Be brave My sacred servants.

Accept that the time for My return is imminent. You do not have time to waste.

Your Jesus

Monday, June 11th, 2012 @ 16:30


My dearly beloved daughter very soon now those souls inflamed by the Power of the Holy Spirit, because of these Messages, will gather as one in all nations.

They will join together in unison to proclaim My Word so that every lost soul can be grasped from the clutches of the beast.

My Remnant Church will gather quickly and grow through the world and prayer will knit them together as one Holy Church.

I will send help to each of My two Churches, My Two Witnesses on earth. Then they will rise and with courage proclaim the Truth in every corner of the world.

My Voice, will peal like thunder and those who truly love Me will not fail to recognise Me.

The graces of the Holy Spirit will fire the souls of My soldiers and they will march forth and help Me save humanity.

Rejoice My Army for you are blessed to have been chosen for this glorious task.

Through your love for Me, your Divine Saviour, you will help save your poor brothers and sisters from being lost to the evil one.

Come now My followers and allow me to lead you through the dense and thorny jungle into the Light of My New Kingdom on earth.

Never fear My Hand as I now lead you fearlessly into the battle against the antichrist.

Remember this is a war which will be won by My Remnant Church on earth.

Also remember that the number of souls which can be salvaged will depend on the strength of your Faith, your generosity of spirit and your willingness to suffer in My Holy Name.

I love you.

I bless you.

I give you the graces you need now to pick up your armour and march to Eternal Life.

Your Beloved Jesus

Sunday, June 17th, 2012 @ 20:15

My dearly beloved daughter the plans of the Masonic groups to take over the world currencies are getting close to completion.

Their wicked plans also include a new global vaccination which will create disease all over the world to cause suffering on a scale never seen before.

Avoid any such sudden global vaccination announced for it will kill you.

Their evil schemes would shock all those innocent souls who have no idea how powerful they are.

Driven by a lust for power, wealth and a desire to be godlike in all they do, they believe they are invincible.

They control banks, governments and are responsible for causing terror in the Middle East.

They control much of the world’s media and the truth of their wickedness is hidden behind so called humanitarian organisations.

Sadly very few of God’s children know of their plans.

Know that the hand of My Father will fall so suddenly and swiftly on those nations who protect such evil leaders.

They will be struck with Tsunamis and earthquakes of such a magnitude that they will be wiped out.

Those who believe that they are so powerful will see fire falling from the skies just before My Second Coming.

The seas will become lakes of fire and they will find it hard to hide from the hand of punishment poured out upon those wicked souls who will refuse My Cup.

Defiant up to the end they will fight My Eternal Father and the power of the Heavens.

Siding with the antichrist, from the groups from which he evolves, they will realise the error of their ways when it is too late for them.

Many of these groups, including leaders of banks, governments, heads of large businesses all of them interlinked, and working together to make paupers out of ordinary people, will convert after The Warning. So this is good.

The time for me to separate those souls who love me from those who side with the evil one is not far away.

Be warned. There will only be so much time in which to convert. The souls most in need of My Mercy belong to these wicked groups who have no respect for the laws of God.

You must pray that they will see the Truth.

You must pray that they stop inflicting hardships through the terrible laws they mean to bring about.

You must pray to stop the genocide they plan, worse than what Hitler did in World War 2.

This group, the largest in number since their formation in the middle ages, are Satan’s army. They will be led by the antichrist. They have been planning to bring about their control of banks for decades.

They have been planning the introduction of the Mark of the Beast, a chip which every man and woman will be forced to have implanted in their bodies to access food, for fifteen years.* (this refers to the PAST 15 years in which this has been planned)

Now that the time has come for them to unveil their New World Currency know that prayer, and much of it, can help mitigate much of their plan.

Here is a prayer to avert One World Control.

Crusade Prayer (61) Avert One World Control


O Dear Heavenly Father

in memory of the Crucifixion of your Beloved Son Jesus Christ I beg you to protect us, your children, from the Crucifixion being planned to destroy your children by the Antichrist and his followers.


Give us the graces we need to refuse the mark of the beast and Bestow upon us the help we need to fight the evil in the world spread by those who follow the way of Satan.


We beseech you, Dear Father, to protect all of your children In these terrible times and make us strong enough to stand up And proclaim your Holy Word at all times.



My daughter I am saddened to have to reveal these things. My followers need to understand what is happening.

Those who do not believe in these messages will be in no doubt when the antichrist presents him as I have foretold.

You must unite in groups around the world in prayer,

The more of My followers who do this the stronger will the presence be of the Holy Spirit and the weaker then will be the army of Satan.

Try not to be fearful for such a persecution can be faced fearlessly.

Once you prepare well by following My instructions and keeping in daily prayer the time will be swift.

Trust in Me always.

Remember I died for your sins. It is only fitting that you allow Me lead you in this time towards the New Kingdom on Earth.

Only I, Jesus Christ, can lead you. Remember that without Me you are nothing.

Your Jesus


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