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Messages from the Book of Truth

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Antichrist painting
Luca Signorelli - Sermon and Deeds of the Antichrist

All messages listed on the pages below are from the Irish visionary Maria Divine Mercy and were initially listed on website and are now recorded in the Book of Truth.  We believe these messages to be coming to pass, and we have been following them since 2012.  If you disagree, don’t read them; it’s that simple.  

We do not list these messages to scare people or predict the end of the age; we list them because we believe them worthy to give us a pulse on what is happening in the Church and what is to come to the Church and the world and what we might expect.  Be aware that man’s free will affects the outcome of what is going on in the world today.

Every message found in the Book of Truth referencing the phrase “antichrist” are listed below.  The actual message can be accessed if you click on the diamond icon next to the message title.  Some time will have to be invested to read them.  

There is one Message, There Are Only Three Ways To Protect Yourself From The Evil One, that is highly recommended to be read from the Book of Truth. Three ways of spiritual protection are listed in this message.

Any message preceeded by a check mark is a must read.

To access all Book of Truth Messages in pdf format, take this link. 

There Are Only Three Ways To Protect Yourselves From The Evil One

Tuesday, September 25th, 2012 @ 12:50

My dearly beloved daughter you must never become complacent and feel that this work, when it seems to be going well, will for one moment escape the scourge of the evil one. He is furious. He picks at every task you undertake, creates problems and obstacles, which leave you frustrated and helpless.

So many people are blind to the scourge he inflicts on humanity. Because they cannot see him they do not believe that he exists. Those who open the way to him, through sin, and allow him into their souls will find it impossible to rid themselves of the terrible hurt and discontent he will bring into their lives.

There are only three ways to protect yourselves from the evil one.

The first is, the Sacrament of Confession cleanses your soul, if you are genuine in your remorse. For non-Catholics please accept the Gift of the Plenary Indulgence in Crusade Prayer (24), given to the world through this Mission.

The second way is through the daily devotion to My Mother who has been given the power to crush Satan. Her Holy Rosary is an important shield, which will cover you and your family away from his evil eye.

The last is through the State of Grace, which you can achieve through regular communication with Me by receiving Me in the Holy Eucharist.

So many people who want to escape from the clutches of Satan, and who in their hearts know they have been sucked into a vortex of evil, must turn to Me and ask Me to help them through this special Crusade Prayer (78) Save me from Evil.

O Jesus protect me from the power of Satan.

Take me into Your Heart as I release all my allegiance to him and his wicked ways.

I surrender my will and come before You on my knees with a humble and contrite heart.

I leave my life in Your Holy Arms.

Save me from evil. Release me and take me to Your safe haven of protection now and forever.


Your Jesus

Messages Mentioning the Antichrist
from the Book of Truth

The One World Order is the greatest travesty against the True Triune God

Friday, July 5th, 2013 @ 14:10   

My dearly beloved daughter, there is one religion, which causes Me the greatest suffering and that is the false religion, which idolises the beast. The One World Order is the greatest travesty against the True Triune God and those who belong to the house of Satan need so much prayer. They are deceived into believing that there is another God, who loves them. They are told that the Blessed Trinity is a falsity and that My beloved Father is evil. They do not accept that He created them and their heads are filled with so many lies that they will never open their minds to the Truth. Because of their devotion to the occult, they are embroiled in satanic forces, which have devoured their souls, which are filled with hatred, not only for God, but for all of God’s children.

They love only themselves and their lust for pleasure fills them with an insatiable longing for more. No amount of worldly pleasures will satisfy them, which is why they then crave other obscenities. They take pleasure in the taking of life and do not have any remorse in their souls, for the brutal slayings they are guilty of. Their influence spreads across the Earth in every nation and the devil followers mingle amongst the wealthy, business leaders, governments, royalty, organisations, including the media and law enforcement, the judiciary and the Church.

Please do not underestimate their powers. While they are in small numbers, and do not infiltrate every section of your communities, they will still do terrible damage. Not only have they sold their souls to the devil, but they will drag other innocent souls into the abyss with the beast and his demons.

I am giving all those who love Me the Graces to defeat this sinister and powerful group, who curse Me every second of the day, when you say this short Crusade Prayer. Crusade (112) For the Grace of Salvation

Dearest Jesus, I call on You to cover the souls of those who have been infested by Satan with Your special Grace of Salvation.

Free their poor souls from the wicked captivity from which they cannot escape. Amen.

These poor souls will be the first to claim the beast as their own and they will fall flat on their faces to adore the antichrist. You must pray hard, all of you, so that the power, which Satan holds over them, can be broken and that their hearts will be opened to My Great Mercy.

Your Jesus

They are preparing the antichrist now, for his grand entrance

Sunday, July 21st, 2013 @ 18:05   

My dearly beloved daughter, I have an important Message for the world, including those who believe in Me, those who don’t, those who may not believe in My Father, as well as those who do not accept that all things come from Me.

When the beast plotted against Me, he created a diabolical plan for the end times, which is designed to fool the world with the greatest lie, in order that he can take them with him into the fires of Hell.

Know that I have already revealed to the world this plan, but there is one secret that needs to be revealed, so that you understand the Truth. As with any battle, the enemy takes up position and this is usually planned very carefully, so that it is done in secret, lest the target knows where his enemies stand.

In this, the final battle for souls, Satan and his cohorts have taken up position against God’s two witnesses. This has taken many years to orchestrate, but God’s children must know who the two witnesses are first, before they understand how the plan has been devised.

The enemy has now taken up position in My Church. He does this as the enemy hidden inside a Trojan horse. The enemy – and remember there are many and they all pay homage to the beast – has also taken root in the Middle East. The real target is Israel, home to the second witness.

The two witnesses are the Christians and the House of Israel. Christianity is the first target, because it came from Me. Israel is the second target, because I was born a Jew and it is the land of the chosen people of God – home to Jerusalem.

It is no accident that Satan wants to destroy these two, because he hates them and, by wiping out all traces of them, he is making the greatest statement – that he is above God. How these two witnesses will suffer in the Name of God. They will not die, but will appear to be bereft of all life.

The Sacraments will be the first to be destroyed, then the Mass, then the Bible and all traces of God’s Words. During these times, many will fight to proclaim the Word of God. It will be during these times that My Graces will be poured everywhere, through the Power of the Holy Spirit, so that God is never forgotten.

The antichrist

Very soon the antichrist will make himself known as the man of peace, who will create the most ambitious peace plan in the Middle East.

They are preparing the antichrist now, for his grand entrance. Meanwhile, the diabolical plan to deceive the innocents, by teaching them lies in My Name, continues. To those of you who will not accept the Truth, know that these times are upon you. If you cannot accept the Truth now, if you truly love Me, then I will give you the Graces to discern.

So many cannot see this wicked plan, so carefully concealed, but, which is unfolding before your eyes, as foretold. Holy

 Scripture never lies. My Word is the Truth. The Truth is your lifeline towards salvation. If you accept the lies, given to you in My Church, by those who do not come in My Name, then you will fall into great darkness and you will be devoured by such wickedness, that should you partake in such occult practices – presented to you in My Name – you will be lost to Me.

Very soon, when the false peace is created, plans will commence to annihilate the Jews. While the beast savages Israel, the false prophet will discard My Presence and deceive not just Catholics, but all Christians, all religions, in order to idolize the beast under the guise of the One World Religion.

If this Message strikes fear in your souls, then know that it is My intention not to hide anything from you, which could destroy you. All that is important is that you remain true to My Teachings and pray for My Protection. When you surrender to Me, your Jesus and ask Me to guide you, all will be well.

I will keep you within My Protection – all those of you, who do not deviate from the Truth.

Your Jesus

Mother of Salvation: Just as if a miracle has taken place, the false prophet will seem to rise from the dead

Thursday, July 25th, 2013 @ 18:52  

My child, it is important my children do not lose courage when faced with the hurt they will have to face, as my Son’s Church will be cast into the wilderness of the desert.

I am the Woman in the Book of Revelation, clothed with the sun, who gave birth to the Child. The Child is Jesus. The Mystical Body of my Son, Jesus, is His Church on Earth. My Son’s Church is being stolen and soon His Body will no longer be present therein. This desolation will tear the hearts of those, who follow the Teachings of my Son, in two. Those, who will have nowhere to turn, will find themselves cast out of the buildings which have, up to now, housed the Holy Eucharist. But, while they will have been thrown out, with little mercy shown to them, they will be filled with the Holy Spirit. This means that they will be guided and will lead fiercely the Remnant Army, which is made up of those who are loyal to God.

Others, blind to the Truth, will follow the false prophet into disarray. Their hearts will be deceived, and soon, when the false prophet will be seen to be at death’s door, they will sob. But then, just as if a miracle has taken place, the false prophet will seem to rise from the dead. They will say that he is blessed with great, supernatural powers from Heaven and they will fall flat on their faces before him in adoration. He will be loved and adored by those who cannot see.

Soon the antichrist will appear and his rise to fame will start in Jerusalem. Once he appears in public, everything in my Son’s Church will change, quickly. The new rules will be introduced. New relics, changes in the garments worn by priests and many new regulations will be enforced. At first, people will say that all these changes stem from a need to be humble. And, while these abominations enter the Christian churches, the persecution will begin. Dare to object to these Satanic rituals and you will be deemed a heretic – a troublemaker.

Many cardinals, bishops, priests, nuns and ordinary people will be excommunicated, if they do not follow the new rules or adore the false prophet. At this stage you must seek out refuges, which will have been created, so that you can worship my Son, Jesus Christ, in peace. Priests must continue to administer the Sacraments and provide my children with the Most Holy Eucharist.

You must never give in to the deceit, which you will be asked to take part in. Those who do will lose their souls to the evil one.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation

To the other innocents, who blindly follow the beast and the false prophet, they will be locked into a savage bond

Sunday, July 28th, 2013 @ 21:40  

My dearly beloved daughter, you must never doubt My Word. You must, if you truly trust Me, do what it is I desire of you, so that I can enlighten the world, at this time, and prepare them for the New Beginning.

Much of what is happening to My Church has been foretold, but you must accept that My Father allows these abominations for a reason. This is the final end of the reign of Satan. He has raised up a beast, in his name, and this antichrist is the spirit of Satan himself. He and his followers have been given very little time in the great battle for souls.

Satan’s revenge is to steal as many souls as he is capable of, before he is chained and thrown into the abyss. Those of his cohorts, who idolize the serpent, only follow his instructions because of the power he tells them will be theirs, if they help him complete his diabolical plan. How these poor souls will suffer for eternity and how they will scream for My Mercy when the awful realisation of their fate becomes clear.

To the other innocents, who blindly follow the beast and the false prophet, they will be locked into a savage bond, from which they will be powerless to escape. They are in desperate need of your help. You must pray hard for their souls to be released back to Me. To the outside world, they won’t see much to alarm them, at first. The wars in the Middle East and the subsequent peace will be greeted with applause.

The man of peace will receive many awards in acknowledgement of his humanitarian works. The false prophet will be seen to be uniting the churches of the world and displaying, at every opportunity, all those attributes, which you associate with a saint.

All will be well, until these two turn and with a vengeance strike down all those who oppose their plan to control the world. They will weave My Church on Earth into the nest of the beast, until darkness covers the Earth.

All will feel a disquiet. All of you will feel the evil, as Satan, through the antichrist, controls all. But then, just as things will seem hopeless, I will descend, through My Great Mercy, to envelop all, to prove to the world the Truth.

So great is My Mercy, that I will enlighten the darkest of souls and they will come to Me with relief in their hearts. At that stage, all their doubts will be driven out of their souls, by the Power of the Holy Spirit. Soon afterwards, as God’s children know the Truth, the Final Trumpet will peal out and the Earth will be renewed. All evil will disappear. The sun will fill all of you with a Great Light and the New Paradise will be handed, with great love, as the greatest Gift you could ever imagine, to each and every one of you.

All you need to do is trust in the Truth I reveal, so that you can avoid the traps which are to be laid down to steal your souls. Those of you who can see, who trust Me, who call on Me, will help Me save the souls of those who can see, but who refuse to see the Truth.

Your Jesus

They will convince My followers to adapt the Laws of My Church by holding a referendum

Wednesday, July 31st, 2013 @ 18:56 

My dearly beloved daughter, always remember how the devil works. He is very careful not to reveal himself. He, therefore, mixes truths and lies together, in order to confuse. This is his favourite way to deceive souls. He would never tell the truth, by allowing others to see how he really is, but because he is proud, his arrogance and his hatred for Me will always seep out. Those whose eyes are open will immediately recognize the insults, which are thrown in My Face and before My altars.

Satan, remember, is proud, arrogant, boastful and very, very cunning. When he is present in souls, he has a confidence, which is borne out of pride and arrogance and a belief that he is above God. He will always give signs, which insult God, but only those who know what to look for will see them.Those who honour Satan, and who spend much of their time in groups which organize rituals to pay homage to him, will be delighted to see these signs. All who have sold their souls to Satan will communicate, through such signs, as an arrogant and defiant gesture against Me, Jesus Christ.

Those who deceive you, in My Name, will convince My followers to adapt the Laws of My Church, by holding a referendum. All will be asked to condone new practices, which amount to two things. The first is to wipe out My Presence in the Holy Eucharist. The second is to condone sin, by encouraging people to show sympathy for the human rights of those who do not believe in Jesus Christ.

This referendum will be falsified and lies will be presented as the Truth. When the new one world religion is introduced, My Church on Earth – the True Church – will go into hiding, in order to pay homage to Me.

I Am the target of the beast. I Am Who he wants to hurt. He knows he cannot destroy Me, so he will instead try to destroy the human race, who he curses every second. His servants will not stop by just insulting My Presence in the Tabernacles of the world. They will not be happy to destroy only the Sacraments, so that they can blaspheme against Me. They will only be happy when they steal souls by creating the greatest blasphemy of all. This is when they will recreate My First Coming by giving the impression that John the Baptist has been sent. The man who will say he is the Lord’s prophet will lie and cause such wonder when he declares that the antichrist is Me, Jesus Christ.

The antichrist will, through the power of Satan, claim to be Me, Jesus Christ. Woe to those souls who welcome him into their arms, for they will be powerless against him. Allow these two to suck you into their vacuum of lies and you will be so far removed from Me that only by the Intervention of My Father can you be brought into My Great Mercy.

When anyone who comes in the future, and claims to be Me, Jesus Christ, know that he is a liar. I will not come in the flesh a second time. Satan cannot utter these words:

“Jesus Christ, Who came in the flesh.”

What he will say, through the mouth of the beast, the antichrist, will be the following:

“I am Jesus Christ, I have now come in the flesh, to bring you salvation.”

When this happens My Divine Intervention will be swift, but by then the false prophet and the antichrist will have stolen many souls.

Pray, pray, pray that all those who say they are Mine remain Mine.

Pray that you will all have the strength and courage to carry My Cross during the greatest persecution of My Body – My Mystical Body – My Church on Earth at this time.

Your Jesus

My Prophecies, which reveal the arrival of the antichrist, are soon to be realised

Sunday, August 4th, 2013 @ 23:16  

My dearly beloved daughter, My Prophecies, which reveal the arrival of the antichrist, are soon to be realised.

The day for all of you to prepare your houses and your routine of prayers is upon you and all who follow Me must be willing to make sacrifices, in order to help Me to open the eyes of God’s children everywhere to this wickedness, which will turn the world upside down.

Just as any true prophet is despised and treated as a nuisance, you, My dear followers, will be seen as an annoyance when you reveal the Truth. Expect ridicule, mockery and contempt, at every corner you turn. People who surround you will bully you, criticize you and find fault, even when you do not even speak with them about My Word.

Every fallen angel and demon, who infiltrate the Earth at this time, will, through weak souls, be immediately drawn to you, in order to discourage you from this Work.

Accept this grief in My Name, for when you do, you give great glory to God and it is one of the greatest gifts you can give Me. I then use these trials of yours to defeat Satan by claiming souls, which are destined to become his.

Very few understand the Divine Laws of Heaven and the role of the Cross in your lives. Someday, all of God’s children will understand why these cruel actions must be endured. Continue with the task of spreading the Truth, ignore the hatred you will witness and do not accept direction from those who deny Me – ever.

Your march towards the New Paradise will be difficult. But with only a small army, you can defeat the severity of the punishments, which will be handed out by the antichrist upon the world. Your task is to warn others of the dangers of accepting the laws of Satan as a substitute for the Laws of God.

Only by the Command of My Father can I take with Me all of those whose names are in the Book of the Living, but who will give their allegiance to the false prophet and, with a docile acceptance, fall for the appealing demeanour of the antichrist.

Your Jesus

Mother of Salvation: This war, to uphold the Word of God, will mean that those priests, who do remain true to  Him, will have to seek refuge

Monday, August 5th, 2013 @ 13:05  

My dear children, this is going to be a time of great trials in your faith. The Catholic Church will be the Church in which the great division will commence. It will be in this Church that My Son’s priests will suffer the most, during the great apostasy, which it will, very soon, have to endure from within.

To those of my Son’s faithful priests, who will be torn in two by indecision, you must be aware of the need to remain in union with the Merciful Christ.You must never feel tempted to desert His Church, by accepting falsities from those amongst you who have fallen into grave error. You must revere my Son at all costs and lead His people on the path to holiness, no matter how difficult this will be for you.

Those of you who will continue to perform the traditional Mass will be tormented until you agree to abandon it entirely. Many amongst your religious orders will betray you to the enemy behind your back. You will, just like my Son before you, be taken before those who claim to be your peers and be accused of heresy, for insisting on continuing to show respect for the most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

The new words, which will amount to the most vile desecration of my Son’s Body, will be forced down upon those sacred servants who dare to object.

It will be within the Catholic Church that brother will fight brother, sister against sister, father against son, children against parent, until there are two sides.

This war, to uphold the Word of God, will mean that those priests, who do remain true to Him, will have to seek refuge. To do this you must start preparing and find such places where you will be able to offer the Holy Mass and provide the Sacraments to God’s children.

I, the Mother of Salvation, will protect such refuges and by the placement of the Seal of the Living God, given to the world by My Father, on the inside walls, they will remain invisible to the enemies of God.

Do not be afraid of these things, because if you prepare well, you will lead God’s children to salvation. Should you not heed this warning, you will be taken captive in mind, body and soul, by the enemies of my Son and salvation will not be yours.

Those who do the bidding of the false prophet will need much prayer, for some of them are blind to the Truth. Others, who will know the Truth, but who will side with those who will deny my Son’s death on the Cross, are to be feared. They will inflict terrible harm on the innocent followers of Christ.

By remaining loyal to the Truth, you will lead my Son’s Remnant Army, so that it becomes a formidable force, against the evil one and those he directs in his fight against my Son’s true servants on Earth.

You must, when the time comes, refuse to accept direction from those who will desecrate the Word of God and through their lies and new obscene doctrines, will mislead many. Those who accept any distortion of the Mass or the Holy Sacraments, will be answerable to my Son. For you will have become, unwitting, servants to the evil one and many, many, souls will be lost, for they will be drawn into rituals, which will pay homage to Satan. These rituals will honour the false prophet and the antichrist, who are enemies of God.

Pray, pray, pray that the Truth will be seen and that lies will be exposed for what they are – an affront to my Son’s agonizing Crucifixion.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation

God the Father: The antichrist is now ready to reveal himself

Wednesday, August 7th, 2013 @ 18:50  

My dearest daughter, the world must prepare for the arrival of the greatest enemy of humanity since My children were placed on this Earth.

The antichrist is now ready to reveal himself and his plan is this. He will wait until wars rage everywhere. Then he will step in and create a false peace in the state of Israel by joining them with Palestine in an unlikely alliance. Everyone will lavish praise on him. He will not stop there, for he will move at a pace which will astonish many and he will negotiate peace agreements in many war-torn nations. Again, he will be praised and then be admired, with an extraordinary devotion by billions all over the world.

Then all will seem well. Very soon he will become involved with philanthropy and he will link up with the main world banks to create a new, powerful, financial institution. Many businesses and political leaders will become embroiled with his many plans. Soon a new monstrosity will be created, in the name of kick-starting the world’s economy. This will be the new Babylon, the centre of all power, from which the world’s elite and rich will trade. It will be seen to be the source of great news, so that people will benefit in every way from jobs, to the homes they live in and to the food they feed their families with.

All glory will surround the antichrist. Then he will, along with the false prophet, create a global partnership, which will be presented as the greatest humanitarian initiative. The world will applaud this new Babylon and everyone will clamour to try and gain even just a tiny foothold within its centre.

The new Babylon, all will be told, is to glorify the great one, to promote the environment, to embrace mother earth and to rid the world of poverty from the riches, which will pour from its vile mouth.

When this takes place, the Hand of My intervention will turn the world on its axis. I Am not going to stand by without warning My children of the consequences of embracing this abomination, created in the depths of Hell and inflicted upon humanity. My great signs will be given to show all those who embrace and accept this insult in My Holy Name.

I will shake the world and it will tilt. No man will be able to ignore My intervention. Then I will throw fire upon one third of the Earth. Soon, famine will be seen, but not by My Hand – it will be by the deliberate contamination of the Earth by the antichrist. As he and his cohorts inflict wickedness upon unsuspecting people in many nations, I will strike back.

While this suffering will be hard to endure, have no fear, children, for it will be short. My Love is great for all of you, but My Justice is swift and My punishment great.

You must not accept what is brought before you. When you see the man of peace, the antichrist, receive accolades and awards for his great works in war-torn countries, know that My Intervention is close.

You must remain in union with My Son, Jesus Christ, at all times and pray that the Sacraments will be made available to you by loyal priests and clergy during the times of trials which lie before you.

My Will, will be done.

Nothing can, nor will, stop the Final Covenant where My Son will Reign in Peace from being fulfilled.

Your beloved Father

My Second Coming cannot take place until the contamination of sin has been eradicated

Wednesday, August 21st, 2013 @ 18:05  

My dearly beloved daughter, the renewal and purification of the Earth has now commenced as My Time draws near. My Second Coming cannot take place until the contamination of sin has been eradicated, through the cleansing needed on this Earth.

As the Earth will be purified, souls of every creed will be plunged into a renewal of the spirit and many will endure a terrible spiritual battle. They will not understand what they are enduring, but I will allow this because of My Mercy. In order to be fit to stand before Me and to be given Eternal Life in the New Paradise, souls must first be purified. This purification will take place on Earth, for those who will live through the persecution of the antichrist, as well as for those who will live through the transition into the New Paradise. The Earth will, at the same time, commence its own renewal and all evil will be weeded out, stage by stage.

Be thankful that My Father has not lost His Patience and that He does not punish His children, according to the severity of their sins. Be thankful also that He does not just turn His Back now and simply take those souls who truly love Him away from this Earth, which by its iniquity, disgusts Him.

My Father perseveres because His children are His Creation and He will not allow them to be taken by Satan. So jealous was Lucifer, that when My Father created man in His Own Likeness, he vowed to fight to the last day in order to turn man against his Creator.

My Father will intervene, out of Love, in order to render powerless the strength of Satan. Every attempt, of Satan’s version of the Triune God, comprising of the false prophet, the antichrist and the spirit of evil, will be thwarted. This battle will be ugly, unfair to many souls, who will be too weak to wrestle free from the grip of evil, but it will be won by Almighty God.

You must, all of you, turn to My Father and beg Him to salvage your souls and to protect you from following the beast on the road to perdition.

Your Jesus

Mother of Salvation: The antichrist, upon his announcement, will declare that he is a devout Christian

Friday, August 23rd, 2013 @ 14:09  

My child, how Christians will suffer as the disease of sin engulfs the world everywhere in many guises.

There is an organized attempt being made to wipe out Christianity and this takes many forms. You will know that when Christians are denied the right to publicly declare their allegiance to God, that every other creed, not of God, will be permitted to do so. These other creeds will be given great support when they plead for justice, in the name of their rights as citizens. What this will do is to spread further the sins which are abhorrent to my Father.

People will be forced to accept sin in their countries and it will become an offense for Christians to object to these laws. Christians will be viewed as being uncharitable, right wing and out of touch with the human rights of others. Every trait, desirable in souls, as laid down by my Father, will be used as a front in their efforts to justify such wickedness in your nations.

When disease of the flesh grips a community, it kills many. But, after a time of great sorrow and many deaths, the remaining community becomes immune to the disease. Sin will cause disease of the flesh in many nations, as the judgements of the Seals are declared by the Saviour of humanity and poured down by the angels of the Lord. Many will be killed in atonement for the wickedness of man. This purification will continue until there will remain only those who are immune to death because of their love for God.

Christians will suffer greatly in a number of ways. Their faith will be taken away from them and in its place an abomination will be witnessed. Their pain, which has already begun, is the same as that experienced by my Son, at this time. Then, they will have to witness an astonishing sight, as the antichrist, upon his announcement, will declare that he is a devout Christian. He will use many extracts from the Bible in his speeches to the world. Weary Christians, who suffered up to this, will suddenly be relieved. At last, they will think, here is a man sent from Heaven in answer to their prayers. Out of his mouth will spill many sweet and comforting words and he will appear to be a godsend, in that he will be seen to amend the wrongs against Christians. He will carefully construct how he is perceived by Christians and especially Roman Catholics, for these will be his main target.

All will admire the antichrist and his so-called christian acts, gestures and his perceived love of Holy Scripture will make him instantly acceptable by many. He will draw all nations together and set about holding ceremonies for other religions and, in particular, pagan organizations, so that they can work together to bring about world peace. He will succeed in uniting countries, which had been enemies up till then. Silence will be heard in war torn countries and his image will appear everywhere. His final, great achievement will be when he brings all those nations he unites, into the domain of the Catholic Church and all other Christian denominations. This unification will form the new, one world religion. From that day forth, Hell will break loose on Earth and the influence of demons will be at its greatest level since before the great flood. People will be seen to adore God in the new, one world order church and appear to be devout in every way. Then outside of the churches they will indulge in sin openly, for no sin will shame them. Under the hypnotic direction of the false trinity – the trinity created by Satan – they will crave every kind of sin as a means to sustain their newfound appetite.

This wickedness will include sins of the flesh, where nakedness will be acceptable, as man will become involved in obscene sins of the flesh in public places. Murders will be common and committed by many, including children.

Satanic worship and black masses will take place in many Catholic Churches. Abortion will be seen as a solution for every kind of problem and will be permitted right up to the day of birth.

It will soon become a criminal offence to show any kind of allegiance to Jesus Christ. If you are seen with a true Cross you will find that you have committed an offense, because you will be breaking the law. The law in your lands will become a dual law – where politics and religion will be entwined in the new world order.

This persecution will mean that many, unknowingly, will adore the beast and become infested. So infested will they become that they will betray brother, sister, mother and father, to the authorities, if they should remain loyal to Christianity. Your only hope, children, is prayer to sustain you through this period.

I urge you to keep all holy objects, rosary beads, blessed candles, holy water, a copy of the Bible and the holy daily Missal along with the Crusade of Prayer book. You must keep the Seal of the Living God in your home and on you if possible. My Medal of Salvation will convert those who wear it and they will be shown Mercy by my Son. I now request you, child, to have the Medal of Salvation produced now and a Scapular of the Seal of the Living God made.

This Message is a warning from Heaven of things to come. You must listen to me, the Mother of Salvation, as I must guide you to the Truth, so that you will remain truly faithful to my Son at all times.

Go in peace, children, and be calm as this trial will, because of the Mercy of God, be short. Trust in me, your Mother, as I will be with you always during your trials. You will never be alone.

Your Mother

Mother of Salvation

This fire will also be cast down upon the enemies of the Earth and those who persecute these Two Witnesses

Saturday, August 24th, 2013 @ 23:15    

My dearly beloved daughter, you and all those who have been blessed with the Truth, must know that the wrath of Satan is increasing against this Mission. His daring interference has meant that he has now manifested physically before you, for the third time. He groans in pain, but cannot withstand My Light, which is present within you. You must gain the strength you need, through the recital of the Holy Rosary, in order to prevent him from attacking you. Oh, if souls could witness what I permit you to endure for the sake of this Mission, they would faint with shock.

Those who insult Me during My preparation to save souls, will be cast aside as this battle intensifies, before the antichrist is presented to the world. When you become obedient and question nothing, which I demand of you, I can save more of you and pluck you from the grip of deceit, which will be planted within your minds by the evil one.

Don’t you trust Me to protect you? Don’t you know that when you accept the Graces I give, to help you withstand the pain of rejection, that they are meaningless if the receiving soul has reservations or doubts? I cannot fill you with the strength, the courage and the Gift of the Holy Spirit, if you cower and hide. You must be open to My Call, My Love, My Gifts.

The Seals contained within the Book of Revelation have already opened. Now that they have opened, fire will fight fire. As the fire of hatred erupts, when the beast prepares himself, fire will be poured over the Earth by My Father. This war will not just be a spiritual one. The Earth will be rocked, split and the fire will burn it, as My Father inflicts punishments, so that He can delay the actions of the evil group.

My Father’s Power is to be feared by those who follow, blindly, the lies, which are inflicted upon the world by the evil one. He will retaliate for every wicked act carried out by any of you – knowingly or unknowingly – when you pay homage to the enemy of God. The Power given to My Two Witnesses – the Christian Church and the House of Israel – will mean that fire will pour from their mouths, as they spread the Flames of the Holy Spirit. This fire will also be cast down upon the enemies of the Earth and those who persecute these Two Witnesses. Do not underestimate the battle for souls, for it will be a terrifying one for those who deny the Word of God. Those who uphold it, will be protected, so that their proclamation of the Truth can be given to those who have no idea what has befallen humanity.

This is why you must accept My Graces, to give you the strength you need to fight in My Army, so that I can bring an end to the wickedness. Your Jesus

Great rejoicing will take place everywhere. This will last 100 days

Friday, August 30th, 2013 @ 20:24  

My dearly beloved daughter, please ensure that every nation hears My Prophecies, so that they can prepare themselves for the wonderful, renewed Earth – the New Paradise. Every child of God is entitled to his or her inheritance and so, just as if they were preparing for a great wedding, they must begin to plan for this Great Day.

I Call out to Jews, Muslims and Christians, as well as every other creed, to listen to Me now. Not one of you will be untouched by the wickedness of the antichrist. But if you prepare now, you will become immune to the suffering which he will inflict on the world, by taking the Seal of the Living God and keeping it in your homes.

When the Word of God, the True Word, is made known to you, you must stop and listen, for it will lead you to the Gates of the New Heaven and the New Earth. This New Paradise is awaiting and will become home to billions of souls, including those who await in the state of Purgatory and in Heaven. I will unite all those whose hearts are open to the Command of God, who will feel the Love of My Mercy.

Please do not fear this Day, as it will bring you great happiness, peace and joy. My Kingdom will astonish you, because of its astounding beauty. Many of you fear My Messages because you believe that the Second Coming means death – the end. But that would be an incorrect assumption.

Those of you who come to Me willingly, without any conditions, with humility and love, will not experience the pain of physical death. Instead, you will, in the blink of an eye, find yourself in your new surroundings. This will shock you at first and you will look around you quickly to find your loved ones. I will save so many souls that you will be with your families, including those who you love, who are already with Me in Heaven and those I will release from the fires of Purgatory.

Great rejoicing will take place everywhere. This will last 100 days. My New Paradise will have only one religion, the New Jerusalem, where I will be adored, daily. All will be in union with the Holy Will of My Father. There will be twelve nations, but only one language, for I will not permit division.

I will appoint leaders and in each nation there will be no shortage of food, water, homes or life. There will be no death, because I will give all those who enter, Eternal Life. All nations will work together to spread the Word of God, and happiness, which is impossible to attain on Earth today, will be one of the greatest Gifts I will present to you. You will be very much loved and you will love Me, just as I love you.

Many of you will meet generations of your families, going back centuries. Generations will continue and so you will see your sons and daughters marry and produce perfect children of God – each blessed with great Graces. There will be appointed, a Head of My Church and his name is Peter, for I promised that he would form My Church on Earth. And so, in the New Paradise he will head up My Church.

Oh if only I could show you what lies before you, you would cry tears of joy and fight your way to the Gates. So please, all of you, ignore attempts to stop you in your quest for Eternal Life. Ignore those who tell you that I do not Exist. Do not give credence to those who use My Holy Word to convince you that I do not speak to you now through these Messages.

You must fight for all of you to be given this glorious inheritance, for no man has the right to deny another this great inheritance, which belongs to every single one, no matter how blackened their souls may be. I Am giving you the tools to bring Me souls, everywhere, so that together we can destroy the work of Satan and move swiftly into the New World.

My peace be with you.

Your Jesus

No man, no priest, no bishop, no cardinal, no pope, has the authority to rewrite the Word of God

Thursday, September 19th, 2013 @ 19:26

My dearly beloved daughter, My poor sacred servants will, after the Liturgy has been tampered with and desecrated before Me, come running to Me in great sorrow. Only when that happens, will they realise that the Word of God is being made known through God’s prophet, and that it is the Truth. The Word of God is the Truth. It can only be the full Truth or not at all, if the prophecies given to God’s children are from Him.

Many will gather and unite to prepare to pay homage to Me, in the way which honours Me, for nothing will stand in their way to uphold My Holy Word; My Holy Sacraments; My Holy Mass and the Most Holy Eucharist. But even then, many will not see the errors, which are going to be presented to unsuspecting souls.

Only when the Church of God is declared to be in union with pagans, and their ludicrous practices, will more of My sacred servants truly understand what is happening. Only when the pagan symbols and satanic signs begin to be shown inside of, upon and at the exterior entrances to Christian Churches, will they run for their lives. There will be great fear in their hearts, because many of them, at that stage, will have nowhere to go, as they failed to prepare for this day. These will be the ones who will be hunted down because they did not respond to My Call. Their pride and their egos prevented them from recognizing My Voice. So many of My sacred servants will be caught unawares, and many will be powerless against the reign of the false prophet and his cohort, the antichrist. These two will be ruthless in their quest to control all nations and anyone who dares to stand in their way will be destroyed.

While those sacred servants within My Church on Earth will be trapped, unless they are prepared, it is the souls of the faithful, the loyal followers of Me, Jesus Christ, who will be misled into grave error, which causes Me such bitter sorrow. Many will be afraid to show disloyalty to the Church, even when My Teachings, My Holy Doctrine, and all the Sacraments have been altered. Let them know now that no man, no priest, no bishop, no cardinal, no pope, has the authority to rewrite the Word of God. When they do this, they have broken God’s Law. Only the Church of God, which remains faithful to My Teachings, is infallible. Once that bond – the bond where only the Truth is declared in My Name – is broken, they become separated from Me. I Am the Church. You, My followers, My sacred servants, are part of Me when you adhere to My Holy Doctrine.

The Church – My Church – will remain intact, for the Truth can never change. Those who separate from Me can not be part of My Church on Earth.

Your Jesus

My True Church will be thrown out of Rome and will have to endure a number of years of desolation

Saturday, September 28th, 2013 @ 15:23

My dearly beloved daughter, always remind those who believe in Me, but who have no idea that My Second Coming draws close, that they must always be alert to the signs which were prophesied in My Father’s Book, for the time which precedes the Great Day.

The great apostasy is the first sign. This is when belief in the Truth – the Word of God – disappears and when sin is glorified in every part of the world.The sign for when My Second Coming draws very close is when the great apostasy grips My Church on Earth from within. When you see those who say that they have been appointed by Me to lead My Church on Earth engage in the secular world in order to gain favour, you will know that the changes have begun. When you see the Great

 Sacrifice – My Crucifixion – being debated and new meanings attached to My Eucharist, you will know that My Church will be cast into the desert.

By My Church, I refer to those who do not deviate from the Truth and who continue, as before, to accept the Word of God. My True Church will be thrown out of Rome and will have to endure a number of years of desolation. It will be trampled upon by the heathen and will suffer, but by My Grace, it will remain intact and those brave souls who refuse to desert Me will be given extraordinary Gifts by Me. As the abominable, so called ‘miracles’, healings and gestures of false humility and love for humanity are witnessed in the shell of My Church, the true miraculous interventions by Me will be seen. I will, through My Crusade Prayer Groups, make known to those who scoff and mock them, the Presence of the Holy Spirit. Many miracles will be bestowed upon My Prayer Groups and those who recite the Prayers as a gift to help My beloved disciples cope with religious persecution.

The persecution I speak of is mainly a spiritual one. My true disciples, and I mean all Christians, of every denomination, everywhere, will watch in great sorrow when they have to bear witness to the great deceit, which will descend over the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church will embrace the secular world and will declare mortal sin to be no more. Sin will not be acknowledged and in order to deceive the innocents, they will be told that it is not difficult to enter My Kingdom.Confessions will stop in the present format. People will be told to ask for redemption in their own way, and as such, many will not then bother to ask for My Forgiveness. They won’t do this because they will no longer accept that sin is caused deliberately and, because of this, that God will forgive all. This is the error which was foretold and which will lead millions into the fires of Hell and they will be led there by the false prophet and the antichrist.

Soon, all pagan feasts and festivals will be integrated within the Catholic Churches everywhere. Pagans and those who hate God will be invited onto the altars in front of the tabernacles. This feast will be declared to be the new form of

 Communion – all God’s children joining together in order to respect each other’s beliefs and human rights. You, My followers, will be asked to show respect for those who want to destroy My Presence in the Holy Eucharist. You will be accused of being antiChristian if you do not embrace paganism. This is how you will all be fooled. This is how I, Jesus Christ, will be desecrated. They will do the same in schools, in order to banish Christianity. They will do the same in political circles, when everything to do with Me will be wiped out. No other religion will be targeted with such hatred. Christianity, because it is the Truth, will be destroyed.

What you do not realise is, that by becoming willing participants in this wicked desecration, that your souls will be darkened and in time you will forsake your own salvation.

Betray Me and I will forgive you. Deny Me and I will forgive you. But, when you desecrate Me and swear allegiance to the beast, you become completely separated from Me and you will find it impossible to accept My Mercy.

Your Jesus

You will soon be told to use your faith to create a political campaign around the world to save the poor

Sunday, October 6th, 2013 @ 23:30  

My dearly beloved daughter, the voice of the false prophet roars about all that is sacred in My Church. Little, however, will be said about the importance of upholding God’s Teachings, Sacraments and the Proclamation of the Truth. Instead, you will see diversions, such as looking after the world’s poor and hungry, and this will be deemed to be your first task as servants of God.

As servants and followers of God in the Church, your first allegiance is to the Truth of what I told you. Loving the poor and the hungry and helping them is a good thing, but My Church on Earth has a much bigger role, which was sworn to Me. This includes the teaching of the Truth in everything I taught you and you will do this, if you truly love Me.

The Church has a Mission to teach the Truth of My Teachings. Taking one aspect of My Word, to help the poor is admirable, but misleading, as My Teachings clearly state that you must help the poor in soul. Help them to cure their soul, before you help them to be free of life’s afflictions. If I give you a poor man and ask you to help him, how would you do this? Give him clothes? Money to feed his family? Or, would you have Me save his soul first?

You will soon be told to focus all your attention on the world’s poor. You will be asked for money – and this will be taken from different sources to help the world’s poor, jobless and homeless. You will be told that I, Jesus Christ, always loved the poor. The problem is this. I seek out the poor of spirit first – to free them away from their lost lives. The poor of soul – those who have little spiritual feeling for God – are the ones I crave. Blessed are those who are poor in this life, with little to show for it, but who love Me, for these people are not poor at all. The rich man, who has no love for Me, is in more need of My Love, My Mercy, My Compassion, than those who are forced to find food, clothes and shelter. How you love Me and how you ask Me to save you is what you need to pay attention to. The Sacraments will be the saving force of those who are rich and poor, but who have no love for Me.

You will soon be told to use your faith to create a political campaign around the world to save the poor by leaders in My Churches everywhere. Nothing will be said to encourage you to prepare for My Second Coming, for they will not dare to prepare you for this Great Day. They would rather take your mind off Me by asking you to spend more time honouring the works of the false prophet.

Very shortly, statues, relics, posters, cups and large commissioned paintings will be made of the false prophet to be placed in Churches everywhere. His image, along with the antichrist, in time, will adorn many public places, churches, political centres, as well as, in countries where their parliaments will be seen to embrace the Catholic Church in a ‘new light.’ This will create a new form of false evangelism, and because it will appeal to a modern secular society, it will attract admirers from all over the world.

Not one word will condone the importance of the Holy Sacraments, as they were given to the world or the important Graces, which they yield. Instead, each will be played down – extra meanings added, in order to appeal to those who deny them as they are. This will be in the hope that the abomination of the desecration of My Sacraments will be offered to as many people as possible, to take them away from God, so that the enemies of God can complete their pact with the devil.

The devil will deceive many who belong to My Church in this time in history. He will do this in the most charming and convincing way and he will justify lies when his servants will say that I would approve of these new changes. I, Jesus Christ, will be misquoted in order to win over souls. My Teachings will be twisted in order to destroy My Church and steal those souls closest to Me. Millions will accept the lies, without a care in the world. You must pray for them in the hope that they will realise, in time, that something is wrong.

When I appoint leaders and when a chosen soul has been appointed to spread My Holy Word, within My Church on Earth, the Truth is always straightforward, clear, concise, and straight to the point. When you are being lied to, through the influence of the spirit of evil, you will become confused. Phrases won’t make sense. So-called improvements, presented by enemies within My Church, mean that the Truth is not ‘good enough.’

My Word, My Sacraments, My Teachings do not need to be improved upon, for they came from Me. I Am God. I Am Perfect. My Word remains forever. Any man who tampers with My Most Holy Word is an enemy of God. My Anger is great at this time and any man who treats My Body, the Most Holy Eucharist, with disrespect and says he leads My people, know that this is untrue. I would never request a leader in My Church to change the Word of God, by introducing new meanings or new interpretations. This could never be.

Your Jesus

God the Father: Satan and his demons have recruited a very large army

Tuesday, October 8th, 2013 @ 15:40  

My dearest daughter, My Divine Powers are given to all of My children who turn to Me, asking Me – through My Son – to sustain them during these times of great trials on Earth.

Sin is so rampant that My Son now suffers the same Agony, which He endured for each of you on the Cross. Sin is so widespread that you have all become immune to it and the evil which it breathes. My children, you must come to Me and never give up your quest for peace and love. Never think that I will not hear your voices, as they call out to Me, no matter how little you are.

My Son’s Second Coming will create great havoc, division, mistrust, hatred and sadness, as the Truth of My Holy Word will be thrown to one side. Satan and his demons have recruited a very large army – an army so big and powerful that it would be beyond belief if you could see how it has been formed. This army controls what you, My children, are being told in public. Very rarely, from now on, will you be told the Truth. By this I mean the Truth, according to My Most Holy Covenant.

All matters relating to the world in which you live will not be truly revealed to you, as wars, deliberately created to destroy My people, will soon be witnessed. None of these wars will be for the good of man nor will they be just. My Word, given to the world, since the first prophet revealed My Desires, will no longer be taken seriously.The Word, according to My Son, Jesus Christ, will be abused and defiled in order to justify lies.

It is time for all those who are called to the service of My Son to remain alert. You cannot ignore this, My Call to humanity. I, through My Son, ask you to stay together, in union with Him at all times. You, My children, are Satan’s first target, as he will not rest until he seizes My Son’s Church on Earth, first. Without My Son’s Church, he will fail to draw the souls he craves the most. You, My children, will be hurt and tormented by the beast – the antichrist – if you cave into pressures which force you to embrace the new false doctrine, which is now being carefully and ruthlessly prepared.

I, the Father of all of you, God the Most High, wish it to be made known that the antichrist is about to be embraced by My enemies in secret rituals. He is being sworn in behind hidden walls, in places, which are meant for the Adoration of My Son. The ecclesiastical masonry, which will now be witnessed, plays an important role in this abomination. Sadly, all of this must take place before My Covenant to gather all My children, back into the Paradise I created for them, in the first instance, is completed.

It will be up to those of you, chosen by Me, to always acknowledge the Truth, so that you can help My Son to save the other souls who will swear an oath to follow the beast.

My Son’s Image, common throughout the world, will soon be replaced by the image of the false prophet. His image will be adored first, instead of that of My Son. Then this will be followed by large images, in every kind of format, of the beast, whose sign 666 will be embedded within every single mark he makes upon an unsuspecting world. You will see this sign hidden in such wicked objects, which will be used just as one would carry holy objects. A form of rosary beads will be created to idolise the new, soon to be declared, union of the world’s churches. The new world religion will be celebrated by the taking of holy prayer books, medals, scapulars, rosary beads, Crosses and desecrating them into becoming good luck charms.

Everyone will love the antichrist, as he will represent the world outside of religion, on the one hand, but because he will be embraced by the false imposter in My Son’s Church on Earth, he will be seen to represent all that is sacred in the world.

My children, do not let news of these events tear at your heart, for when you listen to Me, and follow the Path of My Son, I will spare you much of the persecution of spirit, which is to come. Your adherence to these Messages will be weakened from time to time, by attacks planted by Satan. Some of you will walk away. Some of you will doubt. The vast majority of you will remain true to Me and I will grant you great Favours and Graces for your obedience.

I love you children. I will be merciful and when you ask Me, through My Son, to soothe your hearts and help you to remain at peace and walk with confidence towards the Gates of My New Paradise, I will answer your call. Your loving Father

God the Most High

The plans have been drawn up by the unholy trinity where all that is True will be banished

Tuesday, October 15th, 2013 @ 15:45  

My dearly beloved daughter, it is My desire that all of My priests, in every Christian denomination, begin to preserve the

 Most Holy Sacraments. Those in the Catholic Church will be the first to witness the destruction and desecration of the

 Sacraments. Those who are loyal to Me, Jesus Christ, will prepare diligently for this terrible wilderness into which My Church will be plunged. You must prepare now, because it will be through your allegiance that all of God’s children will be able to receive the Sacraments in their holy state.

To all other Christian churches I say this. Remind yourselves of My Promise to come again on the Great and Glorious Day of My Second Coming. Know too, that in the years leading up to this, that all those who follow Me will face terrible trials. Those who will succeed to new positions of power, within all your denominations, will be led by the false prophet and all will mouth his words and copy his actions.

Woe to those who side with the false prophet for he is the antithesis of John the Baptist and will be the precursor of the antichrist who will rule over all of you.

You will be protected by Me, for soon I will be all you have to guide you. Only I can be trusted to tell you the Truth when you will be swayed by the heresies, which will be presented to you as the new form of modern Christian theology. How cunning is Satan, for he will never shock – instead he will, through those who serve him – draw you towards a new twisted, back-to-front interpretation of My Most Holy Word.

The plans have been drawn up, by the unholy trinity, where all that is True will be banished. All that appeals to the secular world, when human greed and desire to ignore sin, will be presented, through all Christian Churches, to the faithful. This day has been written in stone and will be the final insult, allowed by God, before He sends Me, His only Son, to gather all those who remain true to the Word of God. When the lies are presented to you, they will appear to be a good thing. The badge of humility will be common in all of your churches, as it will be adopted by those among them who will deceive you.

Every trait, associated with Me – My Love for the impoverished; My Love for the weak and humble; My disapproval of greed, avarice and lust, will be used as part of the arguments used to force you to accept this new doctrine – this new one world religion, to prepare the world for the rule of the antichrist.

As a loving God, you are being given these warnings in order to save you. Heed Me now. All I ask is one thing. Remain true to My Holy Word. My Holy Word was given to you, in the Holy Bible. It can never change. But the enemies of God will twist its meanings. When this happens, reject those who tell you that God would approve of such changes. Nothing could be further from the Truth. Your Jesus

The serpent gives the antichrist special messages, which he documents carefully

Wednesday, October 16th, 2013 @ 23:27  

My dearly beloved daughter, the most unholy trinity, consisting of My three enemies, the false prophet, the antichrist and the dragon, that is Satan, will rise now in defiance against the Most Holy Trinity. Know that they have many thousands and thousands of devout disciples and as the time draws near, many secret and vile ceremonies will take place to honour the serpent.

So careful is the serpent not to reveal his true self, his real wicked intentions against any child of God are disguised, and he presents himself to his elect chosen few as a charming, beautiful prince, where he manifests before them in the most seductive manner. Just as My Own chosen prophets are communicated with, the serpent gives the antichrist special messages, which he documents carefully and then shares with his hierarchy on Earth. These messages contain instructions to desecrate My Church, in preparation for the antichrist to take up his throne and fool the world into believing he is the Christ, the Saviour of the World.

Heed now, all of you who dismiss this warning. Soon, many of My disciples, who love Me, but who do not believe in these Messages, will face great danger. The plan to take you away from Me has begun, and unless you remain cautious and alert, you will be enticed into the den of darkness. He, the antichrist, will emulate every aspect of My Divinity, made known to him by the serpent. He, the serpent, watched My Crucifixion and only he has the knowledge of the details, which surrounded this terrible event. He will mock Me by instructing his devoted servants into re-constructing rituals, back to front, in My Church. My Word will be taken and new obscene parts will be added to It, in order to honour the beast, and many will not understand the significance.

Dabble with the devil and place yourself at his disposal and this will lead to great trials. Repeat the vile words he will plant amongst you and you will open your soul to him. Adore him, by loving the antichrist when he struts arrogantly before you and you will place him in your hearts, instead of Me. All I have taught you will be back to front, upside down and inside out. Because so many do not truly understand My Teachings and because so few of you have listened carefully to the Gospels, with regard to the events leading up to My Second Coming, you will be none the wiser.

Oh how My Heart breaks to have to reveal this news. How I wish you did not have to suffer like this. But, I promise, I will ease your pain and his reign ,when it takes place, will be swift.

The souls who are innocently caught up in this travesty of My Divinity will be shown My Mercy. Sadly, those who believe they will reign in a paradise, promised to them by the deceiver, will find themselves thrown into the lake of fire where they will suffer for eternity. There will be no one to help them, for they will have swallowed the lies, designed to gain their trust, which will result in loss of many souls who will follow their false doctrine blindly. Pray for Mercy for those who will be deceived by the king of darkness.

Your Jesus

Every new law, soon to be introduced by enemies within My Church, will mock the Truth laid down by My Father

Thursday, October 17th, 2013 @ 20:38  

My dearly beloved daughter, if only more people would believe truly in Me, their Jesus, then they would find peace in their hearts.

 Where there is no trust, there is fear. Fear prevents the Love of God from penetrating your soul and then you become a prisoner. Nothing, only My Light, will lift the burden.

When I tell you the Truth, I do this only because I love you and yearn for the day when we will be united, finally. Do not fear the Truth. My Love will fill you with the courage and the strength to stand firm and remain true to Me in all things. I protect all of those of you who ask Me, but it is only the souls who abandon themselves fully to Me, who will have no fear.

The wickedness of the beast will be disguised as charming and modern and it will be revealed to all behind the veneer of humanitarianism, charity and ‘care for the poor’. Do not believe, for one minute, that Satan’s disciples will ever show you their true colours. Every lie presented, to replace the Truth, will appear to be logical and for the common good of all. Every new law, soon to be introduced by enemies within My Church, will mock the Truth laid down by My Father in the Ten Commandments, given to Moses. Every gesture, subtle though it may be, will be designed to insult Me, Jesus Christ, the Son of Man. The deceiver, through his servants, cannot resist mocking Me, for he hates Me. He will insult every vessel in My Church through actions, words and the addition of Satanic symbols. Only those who know the Truth will see these abominations and understand exactly what such gestures really mean.

The power of Satan can confuse, distract and torment My disciples. He, Satan, will never leave you alone, especially when you bear witness to the Truth. But know this – he can be overcome when you trust in Me completely. When you abandon yourselves before Me, he will not be given the power to influence your faith in Me. He, Satan, is finished. His reign, painful though it was for humanity, is at an end. His final insult before Me will be carried out through the antichrist, who will imitate Me and fool the world into believing that he is Me, Jesus Christ, and that he has come to save the world.

When you know the Truth, you will be able to withstand this temptation. When you remain firm to the Truth, contained in the Most Holy Bible, you will be saved.

The final attack will be swift and then I will show the world the Truth and only those who are full of hatred for Me will deny it. Do not fear, for I Am the only Saviour of humanity. Only My Love will sustain you. Fear only for those poor souls who will spit at Me as I reach out, finally, to take them into the New Paradise.

Your Jesus

The antichrist will create grants to entice companies, organisations, as well as charities, to work for his new one  world trade centre

Saturday, October 19th, 2013 @ 20:00  

My dearly beloved daughter, I call on all of My disciples who have heard Me and who recognise Me, in these Messages, to listen to Me now.

This Work, which has been bestowed upon you, is Sacred. Whatever torment, abuse, suffering and ridicule you may endure, because of this Mission, remember that this Work is Mine. My final Mission, given to the world, through God’s prophet, is a great Gift to humanity. Rise above the mockery, which you will witness and know that it is created by the evil one in an effort to stop the Truth. The Truth, My Holy Word, will be trampled on and every demon, released from the depths of Hell, will do everything possible to silence My Voice.

Working through those souls, who leave themselves open to infestation, the evil works of Satan will soon be camouflaged and presented to the world as Holy Scripture. The new doctrine, they will say, was divinely inspired by Me, Jesus Christ. The whole world will be brought to attention, as it is unveiled layer by layer and applauded, especially, by a secular world. Those who you would never expect to give honour to God will be the first in the queue to embrace the series of heresies – lies against Me – as they are revealed.

Never before will the Catholic Church receive such public honour with the world’s media and political elite. Never before will atheists and all religions, including those who do not honour Me, open their arms and drop to their knees in honour of those who say that they are of God.

When My Image disappears and is no longer seen and when My Crosses, Holy Bibles, misselettes for the Holy Mass, rosary beads, medals, scapulars and Benedictine Crosses are no longer to be found, you will know then that the reign of the beast has commenced.

The world will sing the praises of the antichrist. No sooner will he have created peace – a false peace – created because of wars he helped to start – than he will make startling statements. He, the antichrist, will declare that he has received messages from God the Father and they will seem to be authentic. Then, using the power of the occult, he will be seen to heal many and appear to have great spiritual gifts. Many will be astonished by the ‘so-called’ miracles he will seem to perform and the world will adore him and lay prostrate at his feet. Then he, the antichrist, will declare himself to be Jesus Christ, the Son of man, and say that the time has come for him to reclaim the world and salvage the whole of

 humanity. Anyone who dares to challenge the filth and obscenities, which will pour from the mouth of the beast, will be punished severely.

At this time, because of the infestation of Satan in the world, sin will be so widespread that human dignity will reach its lowest levels, where impurity, lust, greed and every other vile sin, in the Eyes of God, will be witnessed in every public place. Because sin will be declared to be a natural human fault, and because you will be told that God will not judge you on a weak human trait, many will embrace sin and have no shame in their souls.

The world’s celebrities, entertainers, media, movie stars will all clamour to be seen with the antichrist and his image will be more visible than anyone who came before him. He will be fluent in many languages; he will be handsome; have a great sense of humour and extraordinary communications skills. He will be very careful as to what he says about God and he will never refer to the Mother of God, for she will be seen to have no further role to play.

The antichrist’s interviews on television will be common and people will hang onto every word, which comes out of his mouth. He will influence politicians in every nation and those with whom he is seen will be treated like royalty. It will not end there. His quotes will be preached upon the pulpits of all churches. He will be given great honour and position in all churches, until eventually he will sit on the new throne in the new temple of Babylon. His influence will extend to all the banks, trading laws and the world’s economy. The antichrist will create grants to entice companies, organisations, as well as charities, to work for his new one world trade centre. Great wealth will be created by those who want to be part of the antichrist’s empire. Everyone who swears allegiance to him, either through religious ceremonies, business or trade agreements, will have to take a mark. Those who accept the mark, which will be in the form of a bank card and special chip, which will be embedded into their hand, will lose their souls to him. All those who wear the Seal of the Living God will escape the clutches of the antichrist and become immune to the horror. Do not ignore this warning. Do not fear it, for if you follow My instructions, you will be protected.

I spilt many Tears giving you this Message and this is why My Pain in you, My daughter, at this time is so great. Comfort Me by calling on My Mercy and for My Protection.

Your Jesus

You must remain calm, at peace, but with a firm resolve to continue to proclaim the Holy Word contained in the Gospels

Sunday, October 20th, 2013 @ 12:07  

My dearly beloved daughter, I desire to reveal to all of you, My beloved apostles – those who walk the Earth and who proclaim My Holy Word – that you must cling to Me, your Jesus, like never before. These times, which lie ahead of you will be difficult and to all those who remain in Me, with Me and for Me, you will be responsible for keeping the Flame of My Light aglow in the dark days ahead.

My precious children, you must remain calm, at peace, but with a firm resolve to continue to proclaim the Holy Word contained in the Gospels in every corner of the world. You, My Remnant Army, will bring all of God’s children to Me and help to save them from the vapor of evil, which will envelop millions of souls. You are Mine and you walk within the Light of God, paving the way for the world to be saved.

My Graces are being poured down upon you, My beloved apostles, and once you know that you are being guided by Me and trust in Me completely, no harm will come to you. But should you allow yourselves to become willing servants of deceit, then My Protection will not cover you. Those of you who side with the false prophet and the antichrist will be ensnared by Satan and he will not let you go free. Those of you who walk alongside My enemies and swallow the chalice of the serpent will be destroyed by him should you dare to challenge him.

Heed now, My warning – side with the beast and swear an unholy oath to honour heresy and you will find it very difficult to prise yourselves away from his vile grip. Pray that you will have the wisdom to see the Truth.

Your Jesus

They will follow like lambs to the slaughter, the road to destruction

Monday, October 21st, 2013 @ 10:56  

My dearly beloved daughter, the greatest betrayal of My beloved, loyal disciples – those who will always hold firm to the Truth – will be by those followers in My Church who will fall prey to the great deceit.

So many people, because of their misguided loyalty, will be deceived by the imposter who will seize the reins in My Churches everywhere. Though they may feel uneasy at times, when they hear strange renditions of My Holy Word, which will not be taken in the correct context, they will follow like lambs to the slaughter, the road to destruction. They will lavish praise upon the false prophet and salute him like a great dictator and they will become as one to create a large army. This army will cause the greatest persecution upon their fellow Christians. Brother will fight brother in this terrible battle for the Truth. The number of those who will follow the unholy trinity, comprised of the false prophet, the antichrist and Satan, will be much greater than those who remain true to the Holy Word of God as it was laid down from the beginning.

You, My chosen people, who do not deviate from the Truth, will find this journey difficult. Never, for one moment in your lives, would you have imagined the terrible deceit, which you are about to witness. My enemies are well-prepared, have much influence and are well funded. They have many advantages, but they have not got, on their side, the Power of God. Not only do they not possess the Power of God, My Father, the Almighty One, but they can be struck down at any time by His Will. Sadly, they will draw many souls away from Me and I will allow this as part of the final purification of mankind. This period on Earth will be to separate the good from the wicked.

What do I mean by this? Surely, you will say, the good will be fooled and that this is not their fault. This is true. But, when those who say they are true Christians, accept heresy, instead of My Holy Word, they blaspheme against Me. They are well-aware of the Truth and they must be alert to My Word every second. So many of you are asleep. So many do not truly know Me, because you have no humility in your soul, so proud are you of your knowledge of Holy Scripture. Many of you have failed to read the Gospels or understand what will happen before My Second Coming. You still do not know, yet, that the Truth was given to you, in the Most Holy Bible. Why do you continue to defy the Word of God, argue, reject and fight against the Hand which created you? You are no more informed than those who crucified Me. You have no more knowledge than the Pharisees who believed that their

 interpretation of the Holy Word of God was superior to that of the Son of man. Because of your refusal to accept the final prophecies, you will deny Me. All your services to Me will mean nothing, for you will follow the one sent by Satan to deny you your rightful inheritance in My Paradise.

How you make Me weep. How you will betray Me will be reflected in the persecution which you will bring to bear on those you call your brothers and sisters, in My Name. You will become indoctrinated with lies, as others before you were, by wicked leaders and dictators of the past. Because of your lack of real love for Me, which requires great sacrifice, you will bring Me much grief and suffering. While the enemies of My Church will draw you into a web of deceit, you will sing their praises, adore and love those who hate Me and I will be forgotten.

Remember these Words. When you place false gods before Me, you will incur the Wrath of God.

Your Jesus

All those who wear the triangle, the sign of the most unholy trinity, will be involved in endorsing such charities

Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013 @ 00:20  

My dearly beloved daughter, every corner of My Church is being prepared for the new rituals. Public declarations of the need to be humble and caring will set the precedence for the secular philanthropy, which will be introduced by the antichrist. All these servants of Satan are joining in celebrations in private and their worldwide network will create global charities, set up to convince you that they are divinely inspired.

All those who wear the triangle, the sign of the most unholy trinity, will be involved in endorsing such charities, so that it will elevate them in the eyes of the world. Suddenly, a new, powerful and so-called evangelical movement will be talked about and people will hand over their money to help grow their efforts to help the world’s poor. Everyone will believe that the greater good is being done and certain leaders in My Churches will be admired in all corners of the Earth. Very few will argue about their intentions, but when you see the world’s largest banks join them in their efforts, you will know then that this is an act designed to deceive you. How cunning is the beast. How clever his actions seem to be, because they will be sugar coated with a form of deceit, which only those blessed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit will be able to discern. And during all the talk about the common good of man, the desire to bring all religions together to form one large communion of people – not one word will be uttered about My Teaching that God’s children must remain firm to My Holy Word.

The times are moving quickly and amidst this, seemingly well ordered and carefully orchestrated propaganda, the cracks will begin to appear. When Satan is at work, confusion spreads; division is created; contradictions become rampant and nothing is ever orderly. Certain honours, accorded to Me before My Tabernacles, will disappear. Perpetual Adoration hours will be stopped and soon they will strip the Churches of the statues of the saints. All their actions will be condoned in the name of uprooting the Church of old and making it more relevant, more attractive and more appealing to non-believers.

Those who know Me must do all they can, through the spread of the Gospels, because, be assured, you will hear no talk of the Holy Bible. The only quotes you will hear will be those, which are twisted to support lies. As they strip the Church of its dignity, the punishments will begin to pour down upon them from the Heavens. They will, in time, be stopped, but these trials must take place first, as foretold.

Your Jesus

Very few people in the world today have any faith or belief in God

Friday, October 25th, 2013 @ 23:55  

My dearly beloved daughter, when people accuse you of spreading fear, through these Messages, then they must understand My true intention. Fear comes from the wickedness of those who are infused with darkness of the soul, who walk amongst you. Your enemies are My enemies. They will create such false spirituality in every nation and it will not come from Me. So charming will they be, they will be infiltrated amongst those with high profiles in order to spread the false doctrine of new age, satanic origins. Many will consider these terrible actions to be harmless fun, but behind the seemingly innocent façade lies a cunning plan to rid the world of its belief in the Holy Trinity.

Very few people in the world today have any faith or belief in God and so when the servants of Satan present them with false values, false spirituality and paganism, many will be seduced. They will be attracted to the false, charitable appeals for the rights of those who seek acceptance for their own lives, which defy the Laws laid down by My Father. Because their faith in God is weak, they will be open to lies. They will adore a false god, the antichrist, instead.

I tell you these things, for they are the Truth. Why would I not warn you of these things? I Am your Saviour and I Am preparing to salvage you all, finally, after this prolonged and painful time. Man has suffered untold hardship because of Satan. So many people do not understand how much he destroys lives. He wrecks your relationships with other people, attracts you to vices, which destroy you, changes you and entraps you. No matter what he gives you, you will always feel empty. You will keep falling and falling until you become involved with depraved and unnatural acts and you will find no satisfaction. Only, I Jesus Christ, can bring you true peace, love and salvation. As your life on Earth will be changed beyond your comprehension, by the antichrist, I have to warn you.I do this, not to bring you fear, but to prepare you for the Truth. Only the Truth will free you from the wickedness of those who live, breathe and who will die because of their allegiance to Satan and his demons.

Only I, Jesus, Am your Way to seek relief from the persecution, which these wicked, cunning and deceitful people will bring to bear on the world.

Your Jesus

Mother of Salvation: My Son’s Church will become the seat of the antichrist

Tuesday, October 29th, 2013 @ 19:30  

My sweet child, the Heavens all join, in union with my Son, to come to the aid of those holy priests, who will find themselves in the middle of a great battle. So many of these precious souls will have to endure terrible pain and suffering when they will have to witness the heresies, which will spring from within the Church. They will be confused, frightened and many will feel that they have nowhere to turn. This is when they must turn to me, ask me to Consecrate them to my Son, so that He can pour over them every drop of His Precious Blood. When covered with this Gift, they will know what to do. They must know that I have warned my children, all down through the centuries, of this wicked apostasy, which is being planned by the evil one.

My Son’s Church will become the seat of the antichrist and now that the Truth has been revealed, many will feel frightened and will suffer the pain of my Son’s Scourging. My Son’s Church will be persecuted, destroyed, desecrated – until eventually, it will house the throne upon which will sit the antichrist. It will be from here that he, the antichrist, will declare that he is the Christ and that the world will be saved through him.

By accepting lies, you deny the Truth. By ignoring the Truth, you will believe in a fabricated web of deceit, spun by the evil one and this will entrap you. Once entrapped, you will be tempted to follow the crowds, in every nation, who will pay great respect to the antichrist. Please, children, recite this Crusade Prayer to fight the heresy, which will cover my Son’s Church on Earth.

Crusade Prayer (125) To defend the Most Holy Word of God

O Mother of Salvation, help me, a humble servant of God, to defend His Most Holy Word in times of torment. Consecrate me, dear

 Mother, to your Son, so that He can cover me with His Precious Blood. Grant me, through the Intercession of your Son, Jesus Christ, the grace, the strength and the will to remain true to the Teachings of Christ in the times of Tribulation, which will devour His Most Holy Church on Earth. Amen.

Go to my Son, dear servants of Christ. You belong to Him. He will help you during the persecution. He will never desert you in your time of need.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation

My loyal disciples, including priests and the sacred servants of all Christian faiths, will remain close by My Side

Friday, November 1st, 2013 @ 23:17  

My dearly beloved daughter, the spirit of evil is spreading and it is affecting all those who viciously oppose these Messages. This will lead to more wickedness, lies and elaborate schemes designed to stop this Mission. You must ignore those with evil tongues and those who are eaten up with spiritual jealousy, who would do anything to try and destroy this, My Mission, to bring salvation to all.

I say to you, all who follow Me, these Messages are too important for you to pay any attention to those who hate you in My Name. For it is I, Jesus Christ, they are targeting. Remember that. However, their pride would have them believe that they are acting like this because they love Me. They must know that I would never permit anyone to speak such lies or spread vile rumours about another soul, in My Name.

I, Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, only have the Authority to reveal to you the Truth in these times. The Truth will upset many and the Truth will be bitter to swallow, for it is of such magnitude that only those who are strong in their love for Me will be able to accept it. The Truth will, no matter how difficult it is for you to digest, set you free. It will open your eyes to evil, when it masquerades as good, to wicked men who spread blasphemy when they say they speak My Word and to My enemies who want to destroy God’s children.

Many false prophets, spread in every nation, will rise to proclaim that the lies poured out from the mouth of the antichrist, are the truth. They will also say that the antichrist is Me. They will say everything about the Gospels, which will seem to be accurate and will use extracts from the Holy Bible, including quotes from Me, to justify their vile missions. But to those who know Me, you will always find the lie and the heresy buried within their so-called prophetic words. They will contradict these Messages and declare My Word to be heresy. Now is the time to shut out all those voices, which urge you to listen to them, instead of Me. You must continue to remind yourselves of the Truth contained in the Holy Gospels. You must listen to Me, as I instruct you.

Soon, all those who have led My Church in the past, all those who provide God’s children with the True Word of God, within My Church, and all those who will remain loyal to the Truth, will be shoved to one side. The Catholic Church will make a number of alarming statements, as to why it has to change and amend every part of its structure. It will use the sins of those in My Church and those who betrayed Me, as the justification to turn My Church inside out. Many of My sacred servants will be weeded out and made scapegoats. Many will be sought out and falsehoods, as well as other claims, will be made against their good name before they are dismissed. This is how many sacred servants will be turned away from My Church in order to allow the enemies of God to take full control from within it. Every calumny committed by the enemies of God against My sacred servants will be publicly applauded and presented as a good thing, so that the good name of the Church remains intact.

Oh how you will all be deceived and how the Truth will be covered up, hidden and then ignored. All these changes will come about quickly, in the future, and the spread of these things will astonish many. Amidst it all, there will be confusion, fear, sadness and great distress. My Church will become so fragmented that all trust within its walls will be broken. This will create a great fear and then, in a manner which will not seem clear at first, the Catholic Church will become a leading force in the new one world religion. This new abomination will declare a great love for the world’s poor and hungry. But it will not preach My Word, nor will it remain true to My Church. My Church, however, will continue to live.

My loyal disciples, including priests and the sacred servants of all Christian faiths, will remain close by My Side. My Remnant will stand the test of time and it can never die, for I Am the Church. I can never be destroyed.

Your Jesus

The first sign will be that the Earth will spin faster. The second sign concerns the sun, which will loom larger,  brighter and begin to spin

Tuesday, November 12th, 2013 @ 20:30  

My dearly beloved daughter, as My Time approaches, many will be asleep, but those who are blessed with their eyes open to My Light, will know the signs. They will also be given the blessings to prepare and only those who cling to Me will be able to endure the changes.

The closer the Day of My Great Coming draws, the more people, who say they love God, will withdraw from Me. Even those who say they are holy and exalt themselves within the hierarchy of My Church on Earth, won’t be able to see the Truth. They will not see the Truth because they will be so busy attending to matters and ceremonies, which will be insulting to Me.

The first sign will be that the Earth will spin faster. The second sign concerns the sun, which will loom larger, brighter and begin to spin. Beside it you will see a second sun. Then the weather will cause the world to shake and the changes will mean that many parts of the Earth will be destroyed. These punishments – and there will be many – will strip humanity of its arrogance, so that souls will beg for the Mercy of God. Nothing else will stir the hearts of stone of those who have shut the Love of God out of their lives.

The sin of humanity will escalate quickly and the sin of idolatry will wrap itself threefold around the Earth. Paganism, dressed like royal monarchy, will infiltrate My Church on Earth. When the heathens embrace My Church, it will not be to adore God. When pagans, atheists and other non-believers, who outwardly reject the Existence of God, embrace My Church, it will not be to Me, Jesus Christ, they will bend their knee. When My Church declares that it welcomes all, do not be fooled. It will not mean they are welcoming pagans into My Church, so that they can bow before My Tabernacle. No, it will be to parade idolatry, caused by the sin of pride, before Me, to desecrate the Holy and Sacred Tabernacles. They will place pagan symbols on My Altars and demand that unsuspecting congregations bow and accept their fellow brothers and sisters, with grace and generosity. All will be asked to deny the Truth, so as to welcome false worshippers, who will trample on My Altars. Then, the Hand of God will fall.

Wars will spread; earthquakes will shake the four corners of the Earth and famine will grip mankind and every wicked gesture and insult made before God will result in a terrible chastisement. When those who accept My Mercy lead My Church – every demon will curse these children of God. To protect them, God will intervene and woe to those who spit in the Face of their Creator.

The time has come. Those who curse Me will suffer. Those who follow Me will live through this persecution, until the Day when I come to sweep them into My Merciful Arms. And then, only those who remain, because they refused My Hand of Mercy, will be given over to the beast they idolized and to whom they sought pleasure from.

So many people will reject Me, right up to the end. Two-thirds will spit at Me, fight My Intervention and scream every kind of obscenity at Me. As the Day draws closer and closer, the hatred against Me, will be witnessed for all to see. Even those who give the world the impression that they honour God will curse Me quietly.

The day when the deceit of the beast will be exposed for all to see will be a day no one will forget. For that day, as the world will see the imposter, the antichrist, rise with My Crown on his head – dressed in the robes of red – will be the day when fire will pour from his mouth. As the horror finally sinks in, fire will envelop him and he and all those who pledged allegiance to him will be cast into the abyss. And then I will come as I have told you. I will raise up My Church and bring the world together in union with the Holy Will of My Father and peace, at last, will reign.

All I have told you is true. All that will happen will happen as I have told you. It will happen quickly, for despite My Anger, which is caused by the hypocrisy and ungratefulness of man, I come only to bring this suffering, finally, to an end. I come to save all sinners, but many will not want to be saved.

Be strong, My beloved followers, for I will protect all sinners, who accept My Hand of Mercy during The Warning. So every child of God, believers and non-believers, will be included in this Great Intervention from Heaven. But after this time, the angel of God will divide the good from the wicked. The time is short.

Your Jesus

Mother of Salvation: The enemies of God will commit terrible sacrileges until they have desecrated the Tabernacles

Monday, November 25th, 2013 @ 17:25  

My child, when my Son’s Church is seized, the series of events, which will unfold will be exactly the same as that which occurred during His Crucifixion.

The noise will be deafening as enemies of God take over His Body and desecrate It. They will rejoice and shout great

 proclamations amid great applause for the imposters, who will be heard everywhere, for this will be an occasion that will win over many stubborn foes and former enemies of my Son’s Church. Every new type of declaration as to the meaning of my Son’s Holy Word will pour forth from its mouth. Every lie, cunningly camouflaged, so that it appears to make sense, will be used to entice God’s children into this new renovated church. Every sin justified, so that more outsiders will be welcomed into the temples of God, until eventually complete confusion will be witnessed within its walls.

While they are tearing my Son’s Church down, brick by brick, my Son’s remnant will be forced to flee it. Every argument, every gesture and every defense, which those who remain loyal to my Son’s Church present, will be dismissed. This will be a silent Crucifixion, just like that which my Son endured when He suffered with little more than a whimper. The voices of those who will continue to proclaim the Truth will receive no media coverage. No attention. Even if they do manage to make their voices heard, they will be demonized for doing so.

I urge all of those who love my Son and who understand that these signs were foretold, that they must continue to serve my Son. Many priests, instead of fighting for their faith, and remaining true to my Son, will walk away. Others will not give in and they will provide the Food of Life to all those who seek out my Son’s True Presence.

The enemies of God will commit terrible sacrileges, until they have desecrated the Tabernacles. When they have achieved this, they will then prepare the throne upon which will sit the antichrist.

Pray, pray, pray that those of you who know the Truth will be able to offer comfort to those who will suffer greatly because of the greatest apostasy ever to devour the Church of my Son, Jesus Christ, unfolds before you.

My sorrow is great and my Heart is heavy, because of the wicked deceit, which will befall even those who love my Son dearly. Their suffering will be the greatest of all.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation

I will never walk in the flesh again

Tuesday, December 3rd, 2013 @ 19:45  

My dearly beloved daughter, all those who say they come in My Name and claim that they are preparing the way for the Lord will make themselves be heard in every part of the world – many voices, many prophets, many liars – all of them, without the Authority of God.

Be alert when you hear, especially, the prophet who tells you that he has a duty to prepare you for My Second Coming. When you hear of these things and when you are told that I will appear in the world, in both body and soul, know that this is not the Truth. I repeat again, My Warning to the world. I will never walk in the flesh again. I came, the first time, in the flesh, but when I come again I will come in exactly the same way in which I left the Earth – in the clouds.

Soon you will be shown great acts, which will be deemed to be great works in the preparation for My Second Coming. A number of carefully staged miraculous cures will be presented to the world by those enemies of God who will say that they are of Me. Many will be so taken aback that they will fall for this wicked deceit. So many wonders, great acts – all deemed to be by the Hand of God – will convince even the skeptics that divine miracles have occurred. Great accolades will be showered down on those false representatives, who say they lead My people. Soon the world will openly declare that these imposters are living saints and it won’t be long before they introduce the antichrist.

All of this preparation has been planned for seven years and the speed in which such radical changes are being introduced is no coincidence. My Second Coming will become a regular discussion point. All will be asked to prepare for this Great Event, but errors in Christian doctrine will be abundant. Only those with eyes opened, who can see the Truth and those who are not afraid of facing the Truth, will see through these falsities. And for them, this will present a very heavy burden. Amid all the shouting, the lavish praises, which will be heaped on those who have stolen the Seats of Wisdom, there will be little talk of My Holy Word. All that will be talked about will be the importance of good deeds. Not one word about the work required to seek salvation, according to the Word of God.

When the secular world, finally relents and joins forces with the false imposters, who will take over the Temple of God, the time will be soon for the greatest abomination to be witnessed. That will be when the temple has been created to become the seat of the antichrist. By then, those who will adore the antichrist will be numbered in their billions. Those who know the Truth won’t have much time to wait, however, for the reign of the beast will be very short. And then the trumpet will be heard. On that day these enemies of God will be thrown into the lake of fire, exactly as prophesied.

Remember the prophecies. They will happen just as they were foretold – those imposters, who say they come in My Name, will be loved, applauded and idolised. Those who do come in My Name will be despised and hated. But from their mouths will come the Fire of the Spirit of Truth and by their suffering many others will be saved who would otherwise not have been.

Your Jesus

Mother of Salvation: My Son died to save your souls, not to free you from the ills of this world

Thursday, December 5th, 2013 @ 14:00  

My child, the world will witness the prophecies of La Salette as the enemies of God, dressed as wolves in sheeps clothing, will now stand up proudly within my Son’s Church on Earth and begin to declare the heresies which I warned the world about. That time has arrived.

As foretold, the darkness has already descended upon the Church and this plan to devour the souls of the faithful will continue until the Body of my Son is desecrated in accordance with the plan of the antichrist. What many people do not know is that the enemies of God, led by the antichrist – still to make himself known – believe in God. Not only do they believe in God, but because they detest everything to do with God, they will plot against His Plans to prepare the world for the Second Coming of my Son, Jesus Christ.

For every Word my Son declares, through these Messages, they will contradict Him by imitating what He says. If my Son says, prepare now through the Sacraments and prayer, they, His enemies, will make similar statements, but they will be different. The call to help humanity – the poor – the persecuted – will be their main focus, not the proclamation of the Word. They will not urge you to pray for your souls or for the salvation of other souls. No, instead, you will be asked to help these souls from a humanitarian perspective.

When you do not hear the call to save your souls, from those who claim to represent the Church of my Son, then you will know, within your hearts, that something is terribly wrong.

My Son died to save your souls, not to free you from the ills of this world, which will always exist until my Son reclaims His Rightful Throne, promised to Him by God the Most High. You must never forget the Word of God. All that matters now is to plead for the salvation of all souls – irrespective as to whether they are kings or paupers. Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation

He, the antichrist, will speak many languages, but not one word of Latin will come from his lips

Monday, December 9th, 2013 @ 19:46  

My dearly beloved daughter, My Time is close. The closer the Great Day draws, the more signs will be witnessed in the world.

The man they will reveal to the world as the ‘man of peace’ is preparing to imitate Me in every conceivable way. He knows the Holy Scriptures inside out and, because of his parentage, will utter the Words back to front, so that their meaning is inverted. Out of his mouth will pour the blasphemies, the heresies, the lies and the desecration of My Word. He will impress everyone with his knowledge of all things Sacred. He will recite extracts from My Teachings, which he will passionately proclaim from every secular stage in the world, until people sit up and take notice of him.

Many will say: “Who is this man who speaks with such wisdom? Who is he who calls out to the world with love in his heart for the masses? Is he the Lord God, Jesus Christ?” they will ask, when many miracles will be attributed to him. And when he walks upon the altars with My other enemies, who will be dressed as holy servants of God, he will be fully accepted by both divisions in the world – the true believers and the heathen.

He, the antichrist, will twist the Truth and declare the lie that he is Me and that he comes to bring you salvation. The lie will be declared that he comes in the flesh. He will never allude to Jesus Christ – Who came in the flesh – by His death on the Cross, for this is impossible. No, he will declare the fact in reverse. He will say that he has come, finally, at this time, in the flesh. Many will believe him to be the Christ. He, the antichrist, will speak many languages, but not one word of Latin will come from his lips.

The beast will be idolized, while I, the True Saviour of the world, will be forgotten and My Word trampled upon. You must never believe the lies, which will be uttered by the beast, when he sits proudly in the temple set up to honour him.

Your Jesus

Mother of Salvation: They will be granted honorary doctorates in the false prophet’s newly renovated church

Wednesday, December 11th, 2013 @ 22:05  

My child, the world will be deceived by many acts deemed to be works of great charity. Charity towards others will be declared to be the greatest and most desired trait in the Eyes of God.

When those who control governments, churches and states join together they will gain much control over God’s children. Control over the more unfortunate in your society can mean two things. Either it is used for good measure or for the wrong reason.

I must ask all of you to remain focused, with all your attention, on the desire of my Son on this difficult road to salvation. Many of God’s loyal servants, although well-intentioned, will be too weak to remain on the road to salvation. So strong will the pressure be upon them, by those enemies of God, to denounce my Son, that they will fall away from the Truth.

The false prophet will introduce a powerful ecumenical faith and this will satisfy every heretic. The majority of those in my Son’s Church will be deceived, but almost one-half of my Son’s sacred servants will refuse to swear to the final oath, which will be falsely declared as one to the Holy Eucharist. The Holy Eucharist and its desecration will be at the heart of all discontent and dissidence. Then as the false miracles will be accorded to him, many of the world’s celebrities will surround the false prophet seeking favour in his court. It will be then that he will set up an honours list and they will be granted honorary doctorates in the false prophet’s newly renovated church, which will be but a shell of the former. All will accept their prizes for the great works of charity, which they presided over, under the direction of the imposter. Each will sing the praises of the other, until they will publicly declare the false prophet to be a living saint, because of the so-called miracles they will say he created as God’s servant. And then, he and the antichrist will control much of the world, but Russia and Asia will not be involved, for these two empires will rise up against the New Babylon until Rome is destroyed.

All these events will take place and when you see them use the churches as places where they will proudly declare their greatness, their works of charity; then you will see clearly how pride dictates their intent. When Rome has fallen, there will be more tribulations, but they will be short-lived. Then the time will be ripe for the return of my Son, Jesus Christ.

You must not ignore these prophecies. Once you side with the new false faith, which will soon be declared, you will be discarding my Son, Jesus Christ and you will drift away from His Mercy. Never give up your right to Eternal Life for anyone who attempts to mislead you into heresy.

Your loving Mother

Mother of Salvation

This new and rapidly created hierarchy will take over My Church

Thursday, January 16th, 2014 @ 19:41  

My dearly beloved daughter, the Truth divides. It always has done. When one man says that he knows the truth, another will deny it. But when the Truth comes from the Word of God, it will cause the greatest division. Many fear the Truth, because it is not always pleasant, and yet without the Truth, you would live in denial. When you live in denial of the Word of God, you will never find true peace in your hearts.

When you know the Truth, which is contained in My Father’s Book, then you know the Way of the Lord and you must follow this path, up to your last breath. Do not deviate from this. But if My Word is tampered with, rewritten and demolished, surely you would never accept this. That is good. But if new doctrines, which differ from My Holy Word, are introduced to you, from within the roofs of My churches, what then will you do?

Will you accept a lie, instead of the Truth? Will you accept a doctrine, which will be unholy in My Eyes?

The answer must be no. You must never deny My Word – for anyone. No one, even if they are dressed in the linens of the elite within the hierarchy of My Church, a pauper, a king or a prince – anyone who demands that you accept a new doctrine pertaining to My Word does not come from Me.

My Church is being demolished discreetly from within and each part is being dismantled. As the tiers are pulled down and loyal servants discarded – and then deemed to be no longer useful – the way will be cleared for the doctrines from Hell to be pronounced.

Woe to priests, bishops and cardinals, who dare to defend the Word of God, for they will suffer the most. While some will be excommunicated and accused of heresy – though they will only speak up for the True Word of God – others will be too weak. Many poor sacred servants will give into the pressure to denounce the Laws of God. If they do not agree to embrace the doctrine of lies, they will be thrown to the wolves. Those, whose faith will have already weakened and who love worldly things and who have a fierce ambition in their souls, will be the first in the queue to swear allegiance to the new ‘pledge’.

This new and rapidly created hierarchy will take over My Church. They will declare falsities in the Name of God and take with them many innocent souls of the faithful. The congregations will unwittingly be offered a poison chalice filled with nothing – only bread. The Holy Eucharist will no longer fill their souls. They will soon be fed homilies, which will ridicule the Word of God when they will declare human rights to be the most important doctrine. And then they will declare the greatest heresy, that man will be given Eternal Life, whether or not he repents for his sins. This is how they will destroy the souls of millions.

As they continue to pull My Church apart from the inside out, My loyal priests and faithful followers will rebuild My Church, brick by brick. My Church, you see, can never die for I will not let it.

All priests, all bishops and all cardinals who will be dethroned and who remain faithful to Me, will never desert the just or those followers of Mine who have been blessed with the Gift of Wisdom. Then, while the false knowledge will fill the hearts of weak servants in My Church, the Gift of the Holy Spirit will not only Light the souls of My Remnant Church, but will provide the Light, for all those whose names are in the Book of the Living, to My door.

Never before will My disciples be tested in the way in which they will be in the future. They will be given Divine Assistance to enable them to keep the Light of God shining in a world, which will be plunged, slowly and painfully, into darkness, caused by the arrival of the enemy, the antichrist.

Your Jesus

Mother of Salvation: Many will believe the antichrist to be a very holy man

Friday, February 7th, 2014 @ 15:50  

My child, were my Son, Jesus Christ, to walk the Earth at this time, He would be assassinated. No official in His Church would accept Him. He would become a laughing stock, then feared and so despised that they would have Him crucified, just as before.

This time my Son comes in Spirit only and by the Command of my Father, He will not appear on Earth as a man, in the flesh. I urge that this Message is made clear to all, for many will come in His Name, but one of them will rise to prominence and say that he is my Son, but this will be a lie.

The antichrist will rise and become so powerful that his image will be seen everywhere. Statues will be erected in his image and his face will appear constantly on news and television screens around the world. He will be applauded by the most powerful leaders, but it won’t be until he is openly welcomed and then endorsed by the false prophet that he will truly exert his influence over humanity.

Were my Son to make Himself known in the flesh again and command attention, they would destroy Him. The antichrist will, however, be welcomed into the world and be mistaken for Jesus Christ.

Every Word contained in the Bible, regarding the Second Coming of my Son, will be adapted and twisted, in order to convince the world that they are witnessing the return of Jesus Christ. The enemies of my Son, who mingle with those innocent servants of His in my Son’s Churches everywhere, will be led into grave error. Their leaders will embrace the antichrist and encourage souls to idolize him. His influence will shock many who remain faithful to God and it is important that you safeguard your souls against his hypnotic appeal.

The Medal of Salvation, when carried upon your person, will, along with the other Graces it promises, safeguard you against the power of the antichrist. Make no mistake, the antichrist will enthrall many and he will be seen as the most powerful, popular, charismatic and influential leader of all time. Many will believe the antichrist to be a very holy man and, because of his links to my Son’s Church, people in their millions will convert to what they will believe to be the Truth. This false exterior of holiness will bring tears of joy to all those who have had no faith in their lives up to then, nor belief in God. They will lavish praise upon this man and give him the credit for saving their souls.

At first, the antichrist will be seen as a great leader with an appealing, charming and lovable allure. Then in time, he will start to exhibit healing powers and many people will come forward and claim to be healed by him. Many will also claim to witness miracles in his presence. Then a series of false apparitions, in which the image of the sign of the Holy Spirit will be seen, will appear everywhere.

The media will create a godlike image of him and very few will dare to publicly rebuke him. Because of his command of many languages, he will fool millions in a very short period of time. Then, the rumours that Jesus Christ has come back a second time, will begin. These will be fuelled by those who will work tirelessly for the antichrist by spreading lies, until eventually he will be mistaken for my Son. All of these events sound far-fetched now, but when they all unravel before you, it will seem like a natural series of events, which will be seen by many as uplifting.

Then, just as every evil falsity is presented to the world back to front by Satan – the antichrist, through satanic rituals, will be seen to ascend into Heaven. My Son, on His return, will be seen descending upon the clouds – the reverse of when He ascended into Heaven – just as He promised.

Then, the antichrist and all those who slavishly adored him will be thrown into the lake of fire and peace will be yours, dear children. For all those who remain loyal to the Truth, they will, in the blink of an eye, be raised into the New Paradise, when Heaven and Earth become one.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation: The antichrist will use his so-called stigmata as a means to convince the world he is Jesus  Christ

Saturday, February 15th, 2014 @ 17:14  

My child, when the deception engulfs souls under the influence of the antichrist, people will be fooled by many acts, deeds and words which will come from him. Sweet and soothing and with a calm demeanor, he will confidently justify every sin against God. Even the most vile sin against humanity will be gently explained away as if it is of no consequence. He will convince many that the taking of life is for the good of others and an important part of human rights. Blasphemies, which will pour from his mouth, will be seen as just and proper. He will justify everything by quoting Holy Scripture, backwards. Those who will hang on to his every word will not know enough about the Word of God to be able to contradict him. Then he will give the impression that he prays constantly and will declare that he is spiritually gifted.

The antichrist will seek out the company of those who are seen to do great works of charity and he will court those who are seen to be holy in God’s Eyes.

In time, people will convert to what they will believe to be a truly enlightened one-world religion, in which the antichrist will play a large part. Then he will use every demonic power, given to him by Satan, to convince the world that he has the stigmata, associated with the saints. The antichrist will use his so-called stigmata as a means to convince the world he is Jesus Christ and that he has come to salvage the world. Then he will say that he is announcing the Second Coming and those who fall at his feet, in adoration, will be swept away with him by the Angel of the Lord, who will throw them into the lake of fire. Your Mother

Mother of Salvation

Earthquakes will be of such magnitude that they will be felt across multiple countries, at the same time

Thursday, February 20th, 2014 @ 18:39

My dearly beloved daughter, when the time comes for Me to make Myself known, at My Second Coming, you will not recognise the world, for it will have changed so much.

The speed at which humanity will fall into the depths of sin will shock you. Every ugly sin of the flesh will be visible and many will have to watch these sins committed in public places. Very little shame will be shown by the culprits who, like lions in a feeding frenzy, will sink to the lowest depths of depravity, not seen since the days of Sodom and Gomorrah. Such will the infestation of humanity be, brought about by the evil one, that murders will be committed everywhere and suicide will be rampant. As Satan devours souls, he will ensure that every Law laid down by My Father will be broken. Cold hearts, barren souls and obsession with false gods and evil spirits, will replace the love, which still exists at this time in the world.

My Name will be used to mouth obscenities and they will curse one another in their hearts. My daughter, the Truth can be unbearable at times, but justice will be handed down, by My Father, upon those lands which desecrate His Word. All the punishments handed down by My Father will take place before My Second Coming. Cities will disappear, countries will be awash with the tides of My Father’s Anger and earthquakes will be of such magnitude, that they will be felt across multiple countries, at the same time.

My daughter, you have already been given the information about those cities, which will suffer greatly. You must offer Me your tears, in atonements for the sins of those whose fate lies in darkness. Without your suffering, I cannot do what is needed to save these souls. So please, be generous with your pain and I will show Mercy, for those whom you place before Me.

Mountains will sink, lakes will merge with the seas and lands will be reduced by one third. Rainfall, which matches My Tears of Sorrow, because of the hatred in men’s hearts, will be constant, until My Tears are wiped away, through the reconciliation of sinners, who will be converted.

Know now, that Gifts given to the world by My Mother, over the centuries, must be used to protect yourselves. Know also, that the Medal of Salvation – more powerful than any other – will be your defense against the lure of the antichrist. Every attempt will be made to stop the Medal of Salvation, but nothing will stop the Powers associated with this Gift.

My beloved followers, you must focus on prayer in these days and place all your trust in Me, for those who are Mine will be protected and you will be My reason for showing Mercy to the afflicted and the heathen. You must never weaken or give up, because if you do, you will find this path towards Me impossible to navigate without My Light, which will be needed every step of the way, if you are to complete this journey.

Your Jesus

The world will bow, kneel on both knees and idolise the beast

Friday, February 28th, 2014 @ 21:42  

My dearly beloved daughter, I give to My Remnant Army and all those who never deviate from My Holy Word, authority over nations, when the apostasy blinds all in the name of unification.

You will be given great Favours, great Graces and the power to lead the faithful, the weak and those who become lost in a barren desert. You will become the True Spirit, the only remaining Remnant of the Spirit of the Lord in a church, which will be bereft of My Holy Presence. My Presence will reside only in those who will be given the authority to dictate the Word of God and lead thirsty souls to the Fountain of Life.

When the false messengers, who say they are receiving words and direction from Heaven, arise soon, they will become like princes on the throne, which will soon be unveiled in the new temple of abomination. This new ruling centre will be adorned with its own devoted servants, fortune-tellers and those who are filled with the spirit of darkness – all of whom will fawn over the antichrist.

The world will bow, kneel on both knees and idolise the beast. Not one ounce of pure love will remain in their hearts – but know this. When you cut your right arm off from God, you will, with your left hand, shake hands with the beast, who will pull you and engulf you into his wicked grip. When you open your soul to the evil one, he will enter it and he will never give you a moment of peace. Because of your free will, you will try to fight him, but you will not be strong enough.

On will forge My Remnant, fearless and marked with the Light of My Face, as they gather millions from the four corners of the Earth, to bring them the Truth. They will preach the Gospels, proclaim My Word and never deviate from the Truth. They will be scorned, mocked, persecuted, betrayed – even by those closest to them – and, yet, they will never take their eyes off Me.

The world will not welcome the Truth, when it has been indoctrinated with false piety and the gratification it will feel, because, by that stage, sin will be denied in all its forms.

In any war there can only be one victor. When man fights against God, he will always fail. When he sides with the deceiver, he will be cast out and never see the Light of My Face.

Pray, My beloved Remnant, for those who will be fooled by the antichrist. I desire that these souls are brought under My

 Protection. They will not seek Me out, but through your prayers, My Father will intercede, so that they can come under My Great Mercy.

Your Jesus

To demand the rights of Christians will be tantamount to breaking the law

Monday, March 10th, 2014 @ 15:30  

My dearly beloved daughter, very soon you will hear a number of announcements by impostors, who have infiltrated My House on Earth. The heresies which will come tumbling out of their mouths and by their acts will result in new laws, which defile the Word of God and which will be forced upon all those who are faithful to the Word.

The Sacraments will become fewer and the number of Masses will slowly be withdrawn until they are rarely held. Every excuse will be made, but all of this will hide the real reason behind their motives. You, My beloved followers, are witnessing everything which My beloved Mother foretold at La Salette and Fatima. You must understand that the plan is to desecrate every Church of God, before the antichrist sits on the throne in My Temple, in all his vile glory. Those who demand answers will be ignored and later ridiculed for daring to question those who claim to lead My Church on Earth.

Every sin in the Eyes of God will eventually be dismissed. Not only will sin be rejected, but will be presented in every vile form upon My Altar. The abolition of sin will be seen in the indoctrination of children’s education. Children, especially, will be force-fed heresies. They will be told that if they do not accept these teachings that they will be guilty of judging harshly those, who declare sin to be a good thing. Children will be instructed to never openly proclaim the Word of God in the presence of others for fear of being accused of being anti-human rights.

Any attempt to promote morality, in any way, amongst the young, will be violently opposed and condemned. Christians, and those who publicly declare their right to implement Christian Teachings will be beaten down and silenced. Their words will become whispers and people will be ashamed to admit they are Christians. And while the rights of non-Christians will be upheld, it will be the rights of atheists, which will be declared to be of paramount importance. As I have told you, hatred against Christians will mount on the outside of My Church. Then, on the inside, it will be taken apart piece-by-piece until nothing is left but a shell. The bricks and mortar will still be in place, but My Church on Earth, as you know it, will have changed beyond your understanding.

My people are My people – those who will uphold the Holy Word of God and who continue to avail of the Holy

 Sacraments, which will be made available to you by My brave and courageous sacred servants, who will never desert Me.

When you hear My Word – contained in the written Word and passed down for centuries in My Father’s Book – being questioned and analysed, with a desire to rewrite It, then you must know this. I do not authorize such heresy. I condemn these traitors because of the souls they will lead astray. You, too, must never listen to anyone who tells you to deny My Word.

Soon, you will see every law in your countries and churches change, to welcome every kind of sin and legislate for this. Both sets of laws will blend together as one until, eventually, the Word of God will not be discussed or adhered to. To demand the rights of Christians will be tantamount to breaking the law and will be punishable in many ways. For those of you who do not believe that these things are possible, then, you will, sadly, witness these things in your own lifetime and as foretold.

How many of you will remain true to My Word? My Teachings? Not many. Yet, it is those who say that they honour Me now and who are dedicated to My Church, who will be the first ones to turn their backs on the Truth.

Your Jesus

It will only be when the Holy Eucharist is abolished completely that the antichrist will enter My Church

Saturday, March 15th, 2014 @ 20:10  

My dearly beloved daughter, as the apostasy ripples through My Church, the greatest test of all, will be placed before all those who serve Me, from within it. The crises within My Church on Earth will mean that many priests will suffer from a terrible dilemma. The faith of many of them has already been shaken and they will have to choose whether or not they want to accept a new substitute doctrine, which will replace the Word, or remain loyal to the True Faith.Even the most devout amongst them will be overwhelmed by the loud voices of the imposters and they will begin to question the relevance of My Teachings in the world today, where sin will no longer be declared to be of any significance.

The way is being prepared for the seeds to be sown and the son of Satan will soon be ready to embrace the new false church. My

 Church will suffer a period of terrible darkness and My Crucifixion will be endured by every soul who remains loyal to

 Me. My enemies will make sweeping and radical statements, demanding that everything, which is insulting to My Holy Name, be declared acceptable in the eyes of My Church. Very few of the clergy will fight against the desecration because of the sin of cowardice, but know this. If they partake in false sacrifices, false sacraments and false teachings, which they will then try to foist upon My loyal followers, I will declare them to be no longer fit to stand before Me.

Much of the damage, which will be inflicted on the ordinary people, will be by the hands of those who have entered My Church by false means. When they tell you that My Body means something other than My physical Body, know then that the holy communion, which you will receive, will not be of Me. You must never allow them to change the meaning of the Holy Eucharist. It will only be when the Holy Eucharist is abolished completely that the antichrist will enter My Church and take over it. This is the day when you will know that the world of politics will merge with Christian churches everywhere and that I will no longer be Present within them. My Church, however, can never die and so it will be My Remnant who will keep My Light shining and My Presence alive and many will have to seek out hidden Churches and those sacred servants of Mine who, by the Grace of God, manage to keep My Church intact.

Never assume that the son of Satan, the antichrist, will appear aggressively or as an evil dictator, for that will not be his style. Instead, he will have many friends. He will be loved by many governments, as well as the enemies within My Church, who will applaud his every move, vocally, until he is given an honorary position within My Church. Cardinals, bishops and other members of My Church will speak of him constantly and praise him in their homilies. His power of seduction will be so great that it will be hypnotic. He will, through the supernatural power of Satan, attract all those who make decisions within My Church, until in time, they will bow before him as if he is Me.

It will be through ambitious members of the clergy, who will have fallen in their faith, but who still, nevertheless, have been blessed with the Gift of Holy Orders, that the antichrist will gain extra power. He will draw from these poor misguided traitors of Mine, the last segment of power from within My Church, until it is ready for him to enter it as its new leader. All during this period of darkness, My enemies will, with a soothing and charming manner, have an extraordinary ability to present lies as being the Truth. Only those who continue to pray for protection and who denounce Satan in every way they have been taught will be able to slip away from the clutches of the antichrist.

Your Jesus

Those who curse Me will be cursed

Wednesday, March 19th, 2014 @ 16:05  

My dearly beloved daughter, when I refer to My enemies, I always mean those who, through devious means, try to steal souls from Me. I refer, in particular, to those who use the façade of holiness to deliberately mislead souls into sin. When someone tries to seduce another soul into believing falsities about My Holy Word, given to the world through My Father’s Book, then he is an enemy of Mine.

The most pain I endure is by the hands of those who profess to be devout followers of Mine and who boast of their knowledge of Me. When these people try to hurt others and think nothing of admonishing them in My Name, then this is most painful for Me. I find souls who are closed to Me and I draw them in many ways toward Me and I do not include only those who are already part of My Church on Earth. I pursue, always, those who have scattered, who are lost and who cannot see, first. They are the first souls I seek out and they are the ones who, in the wrong hands, can and will be misguided.

I ask you to always remember those nations, those religions, those without any belief in Me – always – in your prayers. Please welcome them, just as I would. Never try to force your opinions upon them or bully them in My Name. Always reach out to them with love and generosity, for they are just as important to Me as the most devout amongst you. No matter who you reach out to, know that not one amongst you is more deserving than the other, because you are all sinners.

All God’s children will, in time, witness the final Truth of His Plan to fulfill His Covenant. Everyone will know the Truth and then they will find it easier to accept My Hand of Mercy. On that Day people of all religions, creeds, colour and nationalities will see the evidence of My Existence. Those who shed the barriers, which they placed between themselves and their Creator, will weep with gratitude, because at last they will witness the Love of God. And, as you plan and prepare for the times ahead, know that no matter what obstacles are placed before you in this march towards Eternal Salvation, that My enemies will be dealt with most severely.

Those who curse Me will be cursed. Those who fight My Father’s Plan to save souls will be defeated. And those who persecute God’s children and stand in the way of the Lord will, themselves, be persecuted by the servant to whom they paid their allegiance. Nothing will stand in My Way, for it is impossible. By the Power of God, every enemy will be destroyed and all those who proclaim the words, deeds and actions of the antichrist, will be cast away and God’s Kingdom will then be complete.

Your Jesus

They will lead millions of Catholics into grave error and My Churches will lose their Sanctity

Friday, April 4th, 2014 @ 23:20  

My dearly beloved daughter, prophecies are not revealed to man, by God, to create sensation. They are given to prepare humanity for their future in My Kingdom, so that they can be forewarned of potential dangers to their souls. Every Intervention by the Command of My Father, in your lives, is for your own good and that of other souls.

My Prophecies, given to you, My daughter, have well and truly commenced. The imposters have taken control, from within, and they will continue to fool the world into believing that a new doctrine – one where changes to the existing Holy Doctrine, laid down by God, have been made – can be amended, to suit the lives of all men and all religions. Beware of the word “ecumenical” or any attempt to take My Church on Earth and strip it of its Divinity.

He who tampers with the Liturgy is not an authentic servant of Mine and yet, that is exactly what will happen. And what will My sacred servants do? They will bow their heads, raise their arms in glorious praise for the new false doctrine and deny All that I gave the world. Their love of worldly matters; their desire to be admired and their lofty ambitions will strip them of their vows. They will become traitors and turn their backs on Me. They will lead millions of Catholics into grave error and My Churches will lose their Sanctity. Soon after, as the kernel of My Church is desecrated, they will gather all other Christian faiths and devise new ecumenical sects, which will lead to the public declaration, which will deny the existence of Hell. Then, working backwards, in exactly the opposite direction to the Truth, all the faithful will be told that sin is in the eye of the beholder and that, because of original sin, it is impossible to avoid it. Therefore, you will be told, it is not something to worry about. Sin itself will be redefined. Once that happens, all sense of morality will die. When morals are no longer deemed to be important, then sin will become rampant. Sin will spread, escalate, until society will break down and for those who will remain true to My Church – the True Church – it will be a sight of horror to witness.

People will boast of sin, openly flaunt their lack of morality and the new world religion will dictate that sin will never block you or damage you, in the Eyes of God. The god they will refer to is Satan, but they will never tell you this. To mock Me, they will present you with the antichrist, who will be enthusiastically received, because he will be applauded by the false prophet and idolized by him. The antichrist will do everything that contradicts My Teachings, but he will do it with charisma and charm. Millions will adore him. He will be all that I Am not. He will fool so many, that it will be easy for him to lead God’s children into heresy and terrible desolation.

I Am preparing you all for this day. It is very difficult for many of you to hear this news, but it is the Truth. The Truth will free your souls from death. Fight the Truth and nothing good will come from this – only despair. Prevent others from remaining loyal to My Church, by encouraging them to follow the heresy, which is about to be inflicted upon the world by My Church, from within, and you will be thrown to the lions. Those who destroy the souls of others, by force, face the greatest punishment by My Hand.

Accept the Truth and prepare yourselves. Follow Me and I will lead you safely to My Kingdom. Follow the beast and he will lead you and those you bring with you into the fires of Hell for eternity.

Your Jesus

My final Plan to gather My Church into My Refuge is about to be revealed

Saturday, April 5th, 2014 @ 18:15  

My dearly beloved daughter, I desire to give courage and fortitude to each of you, who have been given the Gift of discernment to recognise My Voice, as I speak to the world through these Messages.

As you, My Remnant, march forward, in union with My Church on Earth, you will soon see many people withdraw from the Holy Sacraments. This will be upsetting for you and will then become a torment, because soon they will be desecrated and will no longer be the same Sacraments, which I gave the world. You must never waste time, if you truly believe that I Am speaking with you. Go – gather My priests and those who respond to My Call. Then prepare for the years ahead, so they can feed My flock with the Food of Life, when there will be no trace of My Presence left.

When all that is of Me and of Who I Am is taken out of My Churches, all that will be left will come from all that I Am not. The devil incarnate will enter My Church and he will infest everyone who bows before him and worships him. He will devour souls for eternity and you must remain alert at all times, for those times which lie ahead. Do not leave yourselves open to heresy, which will invade My Church from both within and from outside of it. You are being prepared now, so you must follow all that I will tell you, so you can save My Church, in so much as you can, from My enemies.

My final Plan to gather My Church into My Refuge is about to be revealed. When I instruct you, you will need great strength and perseverance, for your foe will be the antichrist – and his army, sadly, will be bigger than Mine in size. And so, this will be daunting for you – but know this. It will not have the Power of God behind it and it will never overcome you, once you remain faithful to My Word.

Go in peace and await My instructions.

Your Jesus

Those who try to uphold the Word, within My Churches, will be silenced by expulsion

Monday, April 7th, 2014 @ 19:15  

My dearly beloved daughter, the seeds have been sown and every detail of the plan, to prepare the world for the antichrist, has been completed. Every change, which you will witness in the world of politics and My Church on Earth are linked – as is every gesture made between nations – as is every law that defies God’s Laws. It is no coincidence that such laws are being introduced, around the world, at such speed as they are now, for they have been orchestrated carefully.

New, sudden announcements, regarding the forging of links between State and Church, where their laws become entwined, will be sprung upon you. Those who try to uphold the Word, within My Churches, will be silenced by expulsion. No mercy will be shown to those who try to defend My Church, because My enemies will declare the opposite to be true. You, My followers, will be declared heretics for disobeying the new rules, which will soon be laid down by My Church. You will be told that My Church cannot err and so, even when you uphold the Truth, you will be isolated. My Church will never err. My chosen leaders will never err, but when an imposter seizes power, you must not follow him, when he declares the Truth to be a lie.

You will know, through the Power of the Holy Spirit, when that day dawns. And, on that day, you must follow Me, your Jesus. Pray for My Courage, so that I can sustain you, because you will need nerves of steel to remain true to Me, when the world will be coerced into falling flat, in complete surrender of free will, before the antichrist.

Your Jesus

You will know these traitors by their symbolic gestures, which insult My Divinity

Tuesday, April 8th, 2014 @ 20:20  

My dearly beloved daughter, those who are My enemies are not those who do not believe in Me. No, they are the ones who know well Who I Am, but who hate Me. Not all of them understand why they hate Me, but they can be divided into two camps.

The first group dislikes the Truth. They enjoy participating in sinful pursuits, justify every wicked deed and act, and satisfy only their own lusts, at the expense of others’ needs. They care only for themselves and imitate every trait of the devil. Then, there are those who know Who I Am and What I Am, but who completely reject Me, in favour of Satan, under whose spell they have become entrapped. These are the people who will do, not only everything which is the opposite to what I taught them, but who will always insult Me, at every opportunity.

Just as satanic worship involves symbols, these traitors of Mine will taunt Me, by placing such wicked symbols of the devil before Me. For every ritual they participate in, in order to worship Satan, they will desecrate My Cross and everything to do with My Passion. You will know these traitors by their symbolic gestures, which insult My Divinity. Soon, those of you with eyes that can see the Truth will be able to distinguish between those who truly serve Me and those who do not.

Those sacred servants who are loyal to Me, will honour Me during Holy Week, by their humble gestures, including lying prostrate before My Holy Cross and placing their lips with a sealed kiss upon My Feet. Their focus will be all about Me, Jesus Christ, My death on the Cross and My Promise to redeem man from sin. But know this. From Holy Week, this year, the cracks will appear and the meaning of My Crucifixion will be twisted. New interpretations will be presented before the faithful and lies will pour forth from the mouths of My enemies. My Passion will be mocked in subtle ways and will not be immediately apparent. But when the focus moves from My death on the Cross and when strange gestures take place in My Churches, you will know that this is the beginning of the dismantling of My Church on Earth.

When Satan attacks humanity, his first focus will always be on the family, because the family represents all that is of My Father. He will destroy marriages, change the meaning of what marriage is, encourage abortion, seduce people into committing suicide and he will divide and break up families. Then he will destroy and break up My Family – My Church on Earth, for that is what he swore he would do to Me at the final hour. He has already begun to dismantle My Church and he will not stop, until it has collapsed in a heap at My Feet. My Father has permitted a destroyer, in the form of the antichrist, to do this, but only so far can he go. My Church is My Family and, while a large proportion of God’s children will leave to follow a restructured false church, many will still cling to Me and so My Church – My Body – cannot die.

Please do not desert Me, My beloved followers. You must not succumb to this deviousness. If you love Me, you must remind yourselves of everything that I taught you. Accept nothing new, when it comes to My Holy Word. I will never condone one word that did not come from My Sacred Lips. Nor should you. You are either for Me or against Me. Accept any new interpretation of My Word, which is contained in Holy Scriptures, and you will betray Me. Once you do this, you will swallow a whole new doctrine, which will destroy your soul. I love you and if you truly love Me you will always remain loyal to My Word, which will never change.

Anyone who says that he comes in My Name – be he a sacred servant, a leader in My Church or a prophet – and declares My Word to be a lie, is not of Me.

Your Jesus

My most esteemed Bishop will be the subject of a terrible miscarriage of justice

Thursday, April 10th, 2014 @ 17:22  

My dearly beloved daughter, how My Heart is breaking because of the plight of My sacred servants and the difficult trials which they will have to face because of My enemies. My most esteemed Bishop will be the subject of a terrible miscarriage of Justice. Then, when he has been demonized, many of My sacred servants will be taken to task, should they dare to utter grievances against the new laws, which are not of Me and which they will have to witness being introduced into My Churches.

Many sacred servants will disappear and be imprisoned against their will. Others, who will have fled the enemy, will be hunted down and so they will need to plan for those days ahead, very carefully. It will not be long afterwards that the portrait of the antichrist will hang on every altar, while every trace of My Face, My Cross, the saints and the Sacraments will disappear without a trace. This dictatorship will be like those, which you have witnessed before, in nations where people are trampled upon. The worshipers in this, the new world religion, will be expected to bow before the image of the antichrist. These worshipers will bless themselves in front of this abomination, but it will not be the Sign of the Cross they will make – it will be by way of a hand signal. All those who bow to the beast will become his slave and they will turn on those who refuse to idolize him. They will betray even members in their own families and hand them over for punishment, such will be the power the beast will exert over them.

I will bequeath to each of you, and especially My sacred servants, a form of protection against the power of the beast and I will instruct you every step of the way, along this harrowing path. I will send you brave servants of Mine, loyal bishops, priests and other sacred servants – all of Me – who will continue to serve Me. They will be blessed with Gifts, which will help you to remain in Me and for Me, so that you will be able to endure this oppression, until the day I come to salvage My people and take them into My Kingdom. Do not fear these times, as they will not be difficult if you accept My Hand of Mercy and learn to trust in Me, completely. I Bless you today, in the Name of My Father and I bequeath to each of you My Strength, Courage and Resilience, for you will need these, if you are to remain true Christians, loyal to My Holy Word.

Your Jesus

My Love and your faith, combined, will become the Sword of Salvation

Saturday, April 12th, 2014 @ 15:42  

My dearly beloved daughter, when God intervenes in the world, through His chosen prophets, the Word is like a Sword. It cuts straight to the heart and causes a dual reaction within the soul. On the one hand, it provides great insight and understanding, but on the other, it can be difficult to accept. This is because the Truth is never easy when it is received, as it can be painful.

In a world in which Satan reigns as king, the Truth will always show the ugly side. It will cause anguish in the hearts of many. Wickedness nearly always comes dressed in a veneer of colour, but when it is stripped of all its attractive layers, what is left is a very ugly core.

Many people find it difficult to accept that certain acts or deeds are wicked, because of the deception of the devil. Every form of wickedness, created by the hand of Satan, is carefully camouflaged, so that it is easily justified in the minds of the innocent, who will accept such vile deceit without compunction. They will be none the wiser. What hope, you may ask then, does man have when he is seduced by the antichrist, who will be loved and idolized for his great acts of charity? The answer is prayer. Your hope lies in your prayers for when you pray for deliverance from evil, I will respond to your call.

My Love and your faith, combined, will become the Sword of Salvation, by which those innocent souls, who will be easily deceived by the beast, can be saved and then the Kingdom will be Mine. I Am coming soon to reclaim My Rightful Throne and so you must never lose hope.

Your Jesus

There is only one path to God and that is through Me, Jesus Christ. There is no other route

Friday, April 18th, 2014 @ 23:24  

My dearly beloved daughter, the world will arise again, out of the ashes, out of the carnage. I will, I promise, wipe the plague of the antichrist off the face of the Earth. I will destroy the enemies of God and those responsible for bringing misery, injustice and suffering to God’s children.

The evil, which grips the hearts of man today, in every part of the world, takes different forms. In its brutal form, people are tortured, murdered and punished harshly. Then in other ways, people have to endure great hardships, including lack of food, lack of housing and terrible poverty, while their leaders devour every right that is theirs. Then there are the unfair laws, which favour the powerful, make wealthy men richer and poor men poorer, where little mercy or love is shown to those in great need. Finally, there is the persecution of Christians – My followers – all over the world. They are despised, more than any others, and suffer terribly in My Name.Christians are hated by followers of the evil one, who uses his agents to silence them in various ways. Many of their plans involve censorship or the right to declare, openly, their allegiance to Me. And while

 governments, today, will staunchly defend the rights of every other creed or civil right, they will not bend to the rights of Christians.

Christians will soon be banned from practicing their faith in public places, in schools, in colleges, until eventually in the Temples of God. You may say – surely this is impossible – to prevent Christians from practicing their faith, in their own churches? This will come about in the most cunning way, where millions will be deceived, with little notice paid, as every single detail of the Word, as it is now, will change, but this will pass quietly. Only those who pay attention will see the changes and, after a while, it will become acceptable to open all Christian churches to welcome all faiths, including those who do not believe in Me. However, not all those who follow faiths, which do not idolize the Triune God, will be forced into the new one world church. No. It will be the Christians, who will be made to idolize paganism, which will be carefully presented as a new church and which will embrace a new form of ‘communion’ – a church for everyone – where I, Jesus Christ, will not feature.

As and from this year, My Crosses will begin to disappear and while My Churches, and those who say they serve Me, talk about the importance of humanism, you will not hear talk of the importance of surrendering to Me, Jesus Christ, your Saviour. You, therefore, will not be prepared for Eternal Salvation. The importance of following My path to My Father will not be mentioned, nor will the importance of the Holy Sacraments be discussed. Instead, you will be told of the importance of looking after the needs and welfare of others, which will be used as a substitute for adoring Me. I Am the Church. My Body is My Church, but in time, I will be brushed completely to one side. Your heads will be filled with untruths. You will be told of every type of path, which is needed to bring you closer to God. But every path you will be told to walk down will be in the opposite direction.

Know now, that there is only one Truth. There is only one path to God and that is through Me, Jesus Christ. There is no other route. Your Jesus

Mother of Salvation: The days leading up to the arrival of the antichrist will be days of great celebrations

Sunday, April 27th, 2014 @ 23:20  

My dear children, allow the Light of God to descend over you, as the plans to prepare the world for the Second Coming of my Son, Jesus Christ, have been completed. All things will now be according to the Holy Will of God and I ask that you use prayer as your greatest armour, as the battle for God’s children will intensify. Unlike previous wars, the battle for souls will be very confusing, because the enemy will be perceived as the friend, while the true Church of Christ will be declared to be the enemy.

How strong you will need to be, if you are to become a true Christian soldier. You must never bow to pressure to utter the profanities, which you will be asked to participate in, in public and before the altars of my Son. When you see men elevated to positions of power, in my Son’s Temples, and who demand that you bow in reverence before them, but where there is no sign of the Cross, then run, for you will be drawn into error. You will know that the time for the antichrist to enter my Son’s Church has arrived, when the tabernacles have been adjusted and, in many cases, replaced with wooden versions.

Children, please be aware that many of you will turn your backs on the Truth, because you will find the Truth almost impossible to accept. The days leading up to the arrival of the antichrist will be days of great celebrations, in many churches, of all Christian and other denominations. All the rules will have been changed; the Liturgy recreated; the Sacraments tampered with; until, finally, the Mass will no longer be celebrated according to Holy Doctrine. By then and on the day the antichrist sits proudly on his throne, the Presence of my Son will be no more. Then, from that day onwards, it will become difficult for those who love my Son to remain loyal to Him, as they should, because every abomination will be presented before you. When enough distractions surround you and when it will become an offense to question the new hierarchy, you will be tempted to give up and accept the one world religion, for fear of losing friends and family.

God’s Army – the Remnant – will grow and spread and the Crusade Prayers will provide great strength to all. My Son will intervene and carry you through the challenges, which lie ahead and you will know that it will be His Power that will give you courage and perseverance. For only the strong amongst you will remain true to the Holy Word of God, but even if the Remnant Army is but a fraction of the size of the army of the beast, God will fill it with the power of a lion. He will strengthen the weak and give them great Graces. He will weaken the power of those who will become devotees of the antichrist. All of these events will seem frightening, but, in truth, these events will seem to many as a new era of unity and peace in the world. People will applaud the new one world church and say: “what a great miracle has been created by God.” They will be in great awe of the men, both from within the church and from outside of it, who have brought about such unity. Great praise and honour will be lavished upon these men and then they will be greeted by loud chanting, as well as a special sign of recognition, in every public gathering.

There will be rejoicing, celebrations and honorary ceremonies, where heretics will be awarded great accolades. You will see great wealth, unity among different creeds and men of honour being treated like living saints – all except one. The one I refer to is the antichrist and they will believe that he is Jesus Christ.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation

Mother of Salvation: This Gift of Protection for children has been commanded by my beloved Father

Saturday, May 31st, 2014 @ 16:20  

My dear child, I wish to call upon parents of children and young people, all over the world, to consecrate them to my Immaculate Heart.

My Precious Son, Jesus Christ, desires that I do this, as He will cover them with His Precious Blood and so keep them safe. He wants you, dear children, to do this because He will grant great Graces upon them. This Gift of Protection for children has been commanded by my beloved Father. Through His Son, Jesus Christ, He promises great Graces and those children who are presented to me will be protected from the influence of the spirit of evil.

My Son will do all that is required to unite all families in His New Paradise and by consecrating your children to me, the Mother of Salvation, great Protection will be given to every family whose children’s names are offered to me.

My love for God’s children is very special, for I am the Mother of all God’s children. It will be through me, the Mother of

 Salvation, that souls consecrated to me, will be saved through the Mercy of my Son. These souls will not be tempted by the deceit, which will be presented to the world by the antichrist.

You must recite this Prayer once a week, before an image of me, your beloved Mother, and bless yourself with Holy Water before you recite it.

Crusade Prayer (153) The Gift of Protection for children:

O Mother of God, Mother of Salvation,

I ask that you consecrate the souls of these children (List them here…) and present them to your beloved Son.

Pray that Jesus will, through the Power of His Precious Blood, cover and protect these little souls with every kind of protection from evil.

I ask you, dear Mother, to protect my family in times of great difficulties and that your Son will look favourably upon my request to unite my family in one with Christ and grant us Eternal Salvation. Amen.

Go and be thankful for the Love that God has for His children. Great Mercy and Blessings will be accorded to every child and young person whose name you present to me for consecration to my Son.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation



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