European Union
Messages in the Book of Truth

All messages involving the EU in the Book of Truth listed on the pages below are from the Irish visionary Maria Divine Mercy and were initially listed on website. We believe these messages to be coming to pass, and we have been following them since 2012. If you disagree, don’t read them; it’s that simple.
We do not list these messages to scare people or predict the end of the age; we list them because we believe them worthy to give us a pulse on what is happening in the Church at the present time and what is to come to the Church and the world. Be aware that man’s free will affects the outcome of what is going on in the world today.
Every message found in the Book of Truth referencing the phrase “European Union” are listed below. The actual message can be accessed if you click on the diamond icon next to the message title. The title is not the actual title of the message; the title is a sentence excerpt taken from the message. Some time will have to be invested to read them.
There is one Message, “There Are Only Three Ways To Protect Yourself From The Evil One”, that is highly recommended to be read from the Book of Truth. Three ways of spiritual protection are listed in this message.
All messages in red are must read.
To access all Book of Truth Messages in pdf format, take this link.
Book of Truth Messages
Containing the phrase "European Union"

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