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Locutions to the World

All messages listed on the pages below are from the Irish visionary Maria Divine Mercy and were initially listed on  As controversial as these messages are, they still shed a bright light on the world today.  Perhaps they are worth another look.

Every message below contains the phrase “abortion”

Table of Contents

A Jolted America

October 14, 2013


Although wielding my sword of division, I encourage all those who stand with me in the truth that an unborn child is a person.  Never, never compromise that truth.  Never sacrifice any child for political expediency.

I speak now to all who know that the unborn is a human person.  America needs to be jolted back to the path of truth.  It will not be led by the hand.  It will not accept words of direction.  It must be jolted.  It must wake up some day and discover that abortion in America is illegal, against the law.  It will not accept this easily.  Voices will speak out and protests will be staged but those who follow my voice must not compromise.  Every unborn child must be protected by the law, as was the case decades ago.

By these words, you will know that I want not only the life of the unborn but also the life of America itself.  I will be with you in this great enterprise.  Your abortion foes are weak.  They have much money and great political power but they do not possess the truth that an unborn child is a person.  By this truth their cause can be mortally wounded, and they know this.

The 2016 Elections

October 18, 2013


By ending the debt limit crisis America does not embark on a new road.  The path is the same, so much the same.  More spending, more borrowing, more debt.  America is robbing its children, stealing all of their money from their little pockets.  Who cannot see the injustice? Why does this happen?

America steals from its young children and kills its unborn children.  The two actions go together.  America has no remorse over the stealing because it has no remorse over the killing.  The highest levels of government sanction and approve both.

I must help America.  Those leaders who are so fervent to reduce the debt must also become dedicated to eliminate abortions.  I hold this against them.  They have failed to reduce the debt because they have forgotten to protect the unborn.

Go back and rearrange your priorities.  Place both issues at the front of your agenda.  If you do this, I will fully support you.  I will bring your opponents into darkness.  They will suffer from great scandals.  What you thought was impossible, you will easily gain.  Plan now for the 2016 elections.  Do what should be done and I will be with you.

The Decline of America

October 25, 2013


What has happened to America which began as the great enterprise of God? How many came to your shores, the victims of religious persecutions.  They sought this new world so they could freely practice their religious beliefs.  Such were the beginnings of America, a seedbed for religious hopes that soon produced a devout nation which I blessed time and time again.

America is now a nation filled with bigotry against religion.  A hatred fills its secular soul.  Its hands are cupped to its ears, not wanting to hear a single religious message.  Religious signs and displays are deliberately removed.  Teachings that violate God’s commandments are propagated in the schools.  I will not go on with this sordid list.  America proclaims, “We will not be under God.” So, the great enterprise of heaven comes to a halt.  The President, Congress and the Supreme Court all turn their backs.

You had a call, America, to lead the world to God and to be a model nation of religious belief.  Now, you export your abortion pill, your pornography and your weapons.  Still, you wonder why you have declined.  You have declined, America, because you have rejected the heavenly enterprise for which I exalted you in the first place.  Your fortunes will continue to decline until you say, “Let us return to our religious beginnings and become, once again, a nation under God.”

Comment: This locution perfectly describes America’s historical path and invites us to go back to the road we used to walk.

The Terrorism of Abortion

July 10, 2014


I take you quickly into the very center of the darkness which has come over America, the great darkness of abortion.   O foolish America, you build walls against terrorism while your own terrorists kill the unborn.

A darkness has been forced upon America, a darkness accepted and even canonized by your Supreme Court.   A darkness that says a mother can kill her unborn son or daughter.   I will say this clearly, “As long as you do not protect the unborn from your own terrorism, I will not protect you”.   You have brought this evil upon yourself.   You have opened the heart of America to the greatest darkness.

There is a path to peace but you have no desire to walk it.   Even so, I will raise up a new stream of life.   I want political leaders to protect all the unborn without any compromise (as if some unborn are less worthy of life than others).   I make this truth so clear.   Protect all of your unborn and I will protect you.   Abandon the unborn and I will abandon you.   Why should I protect you from terrorism when you allow terrorism to go unchecked in your abortion clinics?  I outline the path to peace but who wants to walk that path?

Comment:  Almost no one sees the connection between abortion and God taking away his protection over America.

New Powers Flooding Forth

December 26, 2014


Some powers that shake the existing order have already been released.   These prepare the way.  They occupy and distract mankind who then cannot see the greater difficulties which lie ahead.

Currently, the world focuses upon the external threats of terrorism and Russia, while totally ignoring the internal problems of morality, abortion (which kills far more than all the terrorists) and spending.

2015 will see not just the continuation and expansion of the 2014 problems, but new powers that break forth.   These are more internal to economic systems and the daily life, new leaks and new breakdowns in society, new divisions among people.   Governments will be exhausted, unable to adequately respond.   The 2014 strains upon their resources will have weakened their ability.

All will stretch and stretch until the resources cannot stretch any more.   At that moment, comes the breakthrough, the flooding where no one suspected, for who can foresee the path of a flood?

What voices will be raised to give light.   Who will be able to guide the world on these dark hours?  In this very darkness, my light will shine.   Do not wait.   Time spent in devotion prepares the soil.   The effects in coming together in my name are indispensable.

Comment:  Our Lady does not speak of external causes but internal difficulties built into our systems.

The Fires of Abortions

July 24, 2015


The doors of hell are opening and fires of hell go forth to every part of the world.  Mankind has welcomed hell and gratefully accepted its fires.  Now, the fires link up and become new conflagrations.  Such is the result of man’s sinful choices.

O mankind, you cannot welcome the fire into one part of your house and not have it extend everywhere.  You cannot say, “The fire will just remain in the basement.” You have tolerated the great fire of abortion.  You have sacrificed so many of your children to its flames.  This is just one of many fires of inequity.  The whole world is ablaze because you accept those demonic fires that please you.  Then, you complain about the demonic fires that terrorists use against you.

O America, how many of your children have terrorists killed and how many have you killed? All want to stamp out the terrorist fire while your own Supreme Court protects the abortion fire!

I say to you, “This cannot continue.” With every abortion, new demons are released.  With every abortion, the demonic fire spreads.  The woman leaves the clinic without the child in her womb but with a demon in her heart.  (Thank God, many have sought forgiveness and freedom in the Church!)

First, I speak to everyone who has been involved in an abortion.  Seek forgiveness.  Let the Church cast out the demonic fire.  Be set free and give yourself to life.  No sin is unpardonable.  Every demonic fire can be put out.

Second, I speak to America.  Your eyes are upon the Middle East as the source of hell’s fires while hell’s fires in your abortion clinics are burning fiercely.  You are looking in the wrong direction.

Comment: Abortion is a demonic fire that has killed 55 million Americans since the Supreme Court ruling.  We cannot choose our fires.  They will all burn our house down.

Casting Out Hell’s Fires

August 3, 2015


All know that hell is filled with fire but I have been speaking of hell’s fires here upon earth.  Satan’s fires are different from all others, because natural solutions cannot extinguish them.  They feed upon human responses.  This confuses the world.

The fires broke out in the events of terrorism, highlighted by September 11, 2001.  Ever since then, the world has been on guard, in constant fear of terrorist attacks.  Yet, hell’s fires are not limited to these groups.  They spread everywhere and touch every fabric of human life.

They feed upon suffering and death, especially at abortion clinics.

They feed upon greed in the economy and upon daily selfishness.  They feed upon false treaties, government deficits, drug trafficking, alcoholic addictions, adultery, and pornography.  They feed upon social injustices.  They multiply when suffering and poverty reign.  These fires find breeding grounds everywhere, hidden pockets of deceit, lies which open doors to riches.  How much food these fires find everywhere.

O reader, come away from these fires.  I will create in you a pure heart and a pure soul.  I will put out the demonic fires in your life.  If you would allow me, I will extinguish them all.  Do not compromise.  Do not say, “This is just one small fire.” All the fires of hell must be cast out.

I am the Woman and my great task is to cast out hell’s fires from the earth so that they burn no more and peace can begin.  There can be no peace when hell is welcomed and when the fires of hell are tolerated.  Cleanse your lives.  Seek out the powers of confession and use them regularly.  That is a good beginning.

Comment: The best preparation for the future is to refuse to tolerate any satanic fire in our personal lives.

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